Почта Китая (China Post) занимается доставкой посылок и почтовых отправлений в Китае и за его пределами. Этот почтовый оператор осуществляет коллосальный объем отправлений товаров с Алиэкспресс и других аналогичных торговых площадок, ставших безумно популярными за последние несколько лет. При регистрации почтового отправления на Почте Китая всем посылкам присваивается уникальный трек-номер, соответствующий стандарту S10 Всемирного почтового союза (состоит из 13 символов).

China Post отслеживание посылок

Например: ZA871946730HK

Наш специальный трекер посылок позволит вам отследить Чина Пост Регистеред Аир Майл или China Post Registered Air Mail за несколько секунд, соберет информацию по всем известным сайтам отслеживания, с корректным переводом на русский язык, и примерными сроками доставки.

Чина Пост Регистеред Аир Майл что за доставка

Чуть более дорогой метод доставки чем China Post Ordinary Small Packet, зато более надежный и быстрый. Отслеживание отправления доступно на всем пути следования, от отправителя до вашего почтового отделения. Отправлению присваивается международный трек код, по которому вы сможете отследить посылку на нашем сайте и потом получить ее на почте.

Статусы отслеживания посылок Чина Пост с переводом

已收寄Поступило на почту
电子信息已收到Электронная информация получена
已封发Было отправлено
已出口开拆Экспорт в страну назначения
离开,下一站Покинуло промежуточный пункт
离开交航Вылетело из аэропорта.
离开Покинуло промежуточный пункт
Выпущено таможней
到达Прибыло в промежуточный пункт
移交海关Таможенное оформление
计划交航Запланирован авиаперелет
计划交航,计划航班号TRUCK-KE604-0529,计划起飞时间Запланирован вылет рейсом TRUCK-KE604-0529
到达互换局Доставлено в Бюро обмена
到达投递局Прибыло на станцию доставки
已出口互封(国内经转)Экспорт (внутренний транзит).
计划交航,计划航班号RU120,计划起飞时间Запланирован вылет
计划交航,计划航班号CZ355,计划起飞时间Запланировано выслать посылку рейсом CZ355
邮政局试投Прибыло на почту
邮政局已妥投Принято в почтовом отделении
计划交航,计划航班号CA839,计划起飞时间Запланирован вылет рейсом CA839
Departure from outward office of exchangeПокинуло промежуточный пункт
Поступление на участок сортировки
计划交航,计划航班号OZ350-OZ793,计划起飞时间Запланировано время вылета на рейсах OZ350-OZ793
Processed Through Sort FacilityОбработка в сортировочном центре
Отправка из участка сортировки
Export of international mailЭкспорт международной почты
安检退回Проверка безопасности
已退回Отправление было возвращено
已进口开拆Готов к импорту
计划交航,计划航班号TK027,计划起飞时间Запланировано время вылета рейсом TK027
已进口开拆,备注(退回)Готово к импорту
Arrival at inward office of exchangeПрибытие в бюро обмена
Processed Through FacilityОбработка
Прием отправления
Arrived at USPS FacilityПрибыл в Учреждение УСПС
计划交航,计划航班号SHIP-CX463-207,计划起飞时间Plan flight plan flight number, SHIP-CX463-207, planned flight time.
退回,备注(改寄)Return,notes: (modified register)
Отрпавление покинуло промежуточный сортцентр
Import of international mailИмпорт международной почты.
Reception at custom houseПрием на таможню.
Departed USPS FacilityПокинул объект УСПС
计划交航,计划航班号LH8411-LH1492,计划起飞时间Plan flight plan flight LH8411-LH1492, with a planned flight time.
已妥投Been properly invested
正在投递Being delivered
计划交航,计划航班号LH8411-LH1488,计划起飞时间Plan flight plan flight LH8411-LH1488, with a planned flight time.
The item sent from the office of exchange of origin country to the destination countryТовар отправлен из офиса обмена страны происхождения в страну назначения
计划交航,计划航班号TK27-283,计划起飞时间Plan flight plan flight TK27-283, with a planned flight time.
The item accepted from the senderТовар принят от отправителя
计划交航,计划航班号LH727-2544,计划起飞时间Plan flight plan flight LH727-2544, with a planned flight time.
Send item to domestic locationОтправить товар на внутреннем месте
退回,备注(D)Back,of notes. (D)
计划交航,计划航班号EK307-171,计划起飞时间Plan flight plan flight EK307-171, the planned flight time.
Dispatch from the point of origin international officeОтправка от пункта управления международного происхождения
计划交航,计划航班号KE0828-0957,计划起飞时间Plan flight plan flight KE0828-0957, with a planned flight time.
计划交航,计划航班号CA721,计划起飞时间Plan flight plan flight number, CA721, with a planned flight time.
试投Try to cast
计划交航,计划航班号LH729-686,计划起飞时间Plan flight plan flight number LH729-686, with a planned flight time.
Возврат с хранения
已出口开拆,备注(安检退回)Проверка безопасности
Arrival at delivery officeПрибытие в офисе доставки
计划交航,计划航班号LH8411-LH686,计划起飞时间Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number LH8411-LH686, the scheduled departure time
计划交航,计划航班号J2068-683,计划起飞时间Plan flight plan flight J2068-683, with a planned flight time.
Departure from inward office of exchangeВылет из внутренней учреждение обмена
计划交航,计划航班号CZ347,计划起飞时间Plan to cross waypoints, plan flight CZ347, the scheduled departure time
Arrived at UnitПрибыли на единицу
The consignment was postedГруз был размещен
Departure from outward OEОтъезд от внешних оригинального
Передано таможне
计划交航,计划航班号TK021-792,计划起飞时间Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number TK021-792, the scheduled departure time
Receive item at office of exchange (Inb)Получить товар в офисе биржи (Инб)
离开,下一站【乌市中心】Leave, next stop [the Ukrainian city centre
Handed over to CustomsПередано таможне
已转Has been transferred
Departed USPS Destination FacilityОтошел назначения объекта УСПС
Deliver item (Inb)Доставить товар (Инб)
已进口开拆,备注(小包)Have been imported to open,the notes(packet)
计划交航,计划航班号LH733-860,计划起飞时间Plan to cross waypoints, plan flight LH733-860, scheduled departure time
计划交航,计划航班号KE0828,计划起飞时间Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number KE0828, the scheduled departure time
计划交航,计划航班号KA627-CX289,计划起飞时间Plan flight plan flight KA627-CX289, with a planned flight time.
计划交航,计划航班号TK27,计划起飞时间Plan to cross waypoints, plan flight TK27, the scheduled departure time
计划交航,计划航班号KA863-CX233,计划起飞时间Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number KA863-CX233, the scheduled departure time
计划交航,计划航班号TRUCK-QR815-149,计划起飞时间Plan flight plan flight TRUCK-QR815-149, with a planned flight time.
计划交航,计划航班号KE0828-0071,计划起飞时间Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number KE0828-0071, plans to take time off
已开拆Has been open
离开,下一站【广州航站】Leave, next stop【Guangzhou terminal
Send item to domestic location (Inb)Отправить вопрос внутреннего расположения (Инб)
计划交航,计划航班号LH8411,计划起飞时间Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number LH8411, the scheduled departure time
Final deliveryОкончательной доставки
Insert item into bag (Otb)Вставка элемента в мешке (Отб)
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Cherneckoe 142327
Import of international mail, Omsk 70 644070
Acceptance, Lyubercy` 14 140014
Reception, Samara 69 443069
Acceptance, Apraksino 431712
Import of international mail, Cheboksary` 14 428014
Acceptance, Yar 427500
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Nar`yan-Mar 166000
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg 48 620048
Reception, Beloyarskij 624030
Reception, Kazan` 81 420081
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Nizhnij Novgorod 603000Обработка, прибыло на территорию РФ, Нижний Новгород 603000
Acceptance, Xabarovsk 23 680023
Acceptance, Perm` 30 614030
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sochi 354340
Reception, 188308 188308
Acceptance, 142400 142400
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Serov 1 624981
Handed over to customs, Borovsk 249010
Acceptance, 111675 111675
Import of international mail, E`lektrostal` 7 144007
Reception, 194355 194355
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Ufa 1 450001
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Essentukskaya 357350
Handed over to customs, Sankt-Peterburg 332 198332
Redispatching, Redirect, Krasnoyarsk 122 660122
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Chelyabinsk 454001
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Moskva 530 119530
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Novaya Chara 674159
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Central`noj Usad`by` Sovxoza «Vostok» 352925
Import of international mail, Bogorodsk 5 607605
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Stavropol` 29 355029
Processing, Handed to a mail carrier
Reception, 629307 629307
Reception at custom house, Moskva 502 125502
Reception, Sy`zran` 10 446010Прием, сы\’zran` 10 446010
Acceptance, 127576 127576
到达 江西省邮政速递物流集散中心 处理中心To reach Jiangxi Province postal courier logistics Distribution Center processing center
Acceptance, Sankt-Peterburg 371 197371
Reception, Leninskoe 612020
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kislovodsk 36 357736
Reception at custom house, Tyumen` 7 625007
Acceptance, Moskva 638 117638
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Balakovo Pochtamt 413840
Import of international mail, Moskva 465 117465
Acceptance, 302011 302011
Reception, Voroncovka 353664
Import of international mail, Palkino 181270
Import of international mail, Dinskaya 4 353204
Acceptance, Kurax 368180
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ryazan` 5 390005
Import of international mail, Novomichurinsk 391160
Reception, 125362 125362
Reception, Dolgorukovo 238430
Acceptance, Komsomol`sk-Na-Amure 14 681014
Import of international mail, Kandalaksha 6 184046
Acceptance, 140251 140251
Acceptance, Sankt-Peterburg 119 191119
Reception, 117574 117574
Import of international mail, Klincy` 6 243146
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ozerny`j 171090
Reception, 301600 301600
Acceptance, 195299 195299
Acceptance, Kirov 4 249444
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sankt-Peterburg 206 198206
离开,下一站【上饶中心】Leave, next stop【shangrao center]
Reception, AL 117472
Reception, Ekaterinburg 78 620078Прием, Екатеринбург 620078 78
Acceptance, Nizhnekamsk 8 423578Приемка, Нижнекамск 423578 8
Import of international mail, Gvardejsk 238210
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Trudovoe 2 690912
Import of international mail, Ozerki 309543
Reception, Verx-Chik 633275
Reception, Prirechenskij 353281
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 481 125481
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Trubnikov Bor 187070
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Spassk-Dal`nij 13 692243
Acceptance, Voronezh 43 394043
Acceptance, Obninsk 9 249039
Import of international mail, Uxta 19 169319
Acceptance, Rostov 152150
Acceptance, Moskva 141 111141
Acceptance, 672045 672045
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Domodedovo 1 142001
Reception, 140304 140304
Reception, Velikij Novgorod 14 173014
Reception, 424037 424037
Novosibirsk 90 630090
Acceptance, 420095 420095
Acceptance, Shaxty` 6 346506
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Zaokskij 301000
Import of international mail, Moskva 487 115487
Reception, 182180 182180
Ulan-Ude` 47 670047
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Pechora 1 169601
Import of international mail, Avdon 450580
Acceptance, Saratov 22 410022
Import of international mail, Nizhnij Novgorod 123 603123
Reception, 141100 141100
Import of international mail, Abatskij 627540
Acceptance, 109462 109462
Solnechny`j 1 682711
Acceptance, E`ngel`s 7 413107
Reception, 630087 630087
Reception, Volzhskij 30 404130
Import of international mail, Romodanovo 2 431602
Reception, Chernogolovka 142432
Acceptance, 432072 432072
Acceptance, Kazan` 110 420110
Acceptance, Strojkeramika 443528
Acceptance, Stavropol` 11 355011
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Velikie Luki 1 182101
Acceptance, Gorno-Altajsk 2 649002
Acceptance, Dzerzhinskoe 663700
Handed over to customs, Kaluga 21 248021
Acceptance, Ekaterinburg 75 620075
Acceptance, 399777 399777
Reception, Volgograd 74 400074
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 253 127253
Reception, Svirsk 665420
Acceptance, Boloxovo 301280
Kry`msk 353380Кры\’msk 353380
Reception, Ul`yanovsk 42 432042
Import of international mail, Seversk 19 636019
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ul`yanovsk 72 432072
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Chelyabinsk 84 454084
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Pavlovskij Posad 142500
Import of international mail, Astraxan` 414000
Import of international mail, Ufa 33 450033Импорт международной почты, Уфа 450033 33
计划交航,计划航班号TRUCK-QR815-149,计划起飞时间23:30Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number TRUCK-QR815-1 4 9, plan to take time off 2 3:3 0
Import of international mail, Izhevsk 33 426033
Reception, Moskva 167 125167
Reception, 446173 446173
Acceptance, 182180 182180
Acceptance, 127566 127566
Import of international mail, Moskva 5 105005
Reception, 445042 445042
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Adlerskij Pochtamt 354399
Reception, AL 692826
Acceptance, Samara 106 443106
Acceptance, Kaliningrad 22 236022
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Nizhnij Novgorod 138 603138
Import of international mail, Degtyanoe 391975
Reception at custom house, Sankt-Peterburg 46 197046
Acceptance, AL 681030
计划交航,计划航班号TK027,计划起飞时间07:00Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number TK027, plan to take time off 0 7:0 0
Acceptance, 143981 143981
Acceptance, Kursk 40 305040
Import of international mail, Novosibirsk 110 630110
Acceptance, 396422 396422
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Troickoe 359180
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Dudinka 5 647005
Import of international mail, Balashov 16 412316
Acceptance, 630108 630108
Import of international mail, Pristen` 306200
Reception, Cheboksary` 428000
Reception, Brusovo 171870
Acceptance, Batajsk 4 346884
Import of international mail, Kadnikovskij 162150
Import of international mail, Il`inskij 617020
Acceptance, 125212 125212
Reception, 143301 143301
Reception, 601351 601351
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Snezhinsk 456770
Reception, Nizhnevartovsk Pochtamt 628600
Acceptance, Beregovoj 644901
Acceptance, Voloshovo 188282
Acceptance, Kirgiz-Miyaki 452080
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Volzhskij 21 404121
Reception, Sy`zran` 15 446015
Import of international mail, Tomsk 49 634049
Handed over to customs, Baklashi 666021
Acceptance, Serpuxov 142200Прием, Serpuxov 142200
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sankt-Peterburg 260 198260
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Akkermanovka 462371
Reception, 156007 156007
Handed over to customs, Ekaterinburg 137 620137
Reception, 620131 620131
Acceptance, 352345 352345
Acceptance, 214039 214039
Petrovka 297012
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Bijsk 5 659305
Acceptance, Ozerki 309543
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kaluga 12 248012
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Bel`mesevo 656901
Acceptance, Dzerzhinskij 1 140091
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Zarechny`j 5 442965
Import of international mail, Yaroslavl` 19 150019
Acceptance, Orsk 19 462419
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kirov 35 610035Обработка, прибыло на территорию РФ, 610035 Кировская 35
Acceptance, E`nergetik 462803
Reception, Annovka 309233
Reception, 628100 628100
Import of international mail, Tamala 442900
Reception at custom house, Shebekino 6 309296
Acceptance, Rostov-Na-Donu 90 344090
Import of international mail, Kirov 2 249442
Import of international mail, Naberezhny`e Chelny` 14 423814
Reception, Kurgan 6 640006
Handed over to customs, Voronezh 10 394010
Acceptance, 360022 360022
Import of international mail, Berezniki 22 618422
Acceptance, Tyumen` 35 625035
计划交航,计划航班号LH781-988,计划起飞时间12:50Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number LH781-988, the planned take-off time is 12:50
Acceptance, Voskresensk 140200
Reception, Bryansk 22 241022
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Shebekino 309290
Reception at custom house, My`tishhi 9 141009
Acceptance, 460026 460026
Acceptance, 397907 397907
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Stepanshhino 140222
Reception, Nizhnij Novgorod 138 603138
Reception, Ufa 6 450006
Reception, Ovsyanka 676201
Import of international mail, Suzun 3 633623
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 183 125183
Acceptance, 350001 350001
已进口开拆,备注(RET,退因:39)Have been imported to open,the notes(RET,back due:3 9)
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sevastopol` 46 299046
Reception, Ry`binsk 31 152931
Reception, Tver` 28 170028
Acceptance, Krasnodar 47 350047
Import of international mail, Gurzuf 298640
Acceptance, Balashixa 47 143987
Acceptance, Krasny`j Yar 636320
Reception, 140406 140406
Import of international mail, Moskva 469 109469
Acceptance, 628506 628506
Acceptance, Samara 91 443091
Reception, Moskva 351 121351
Import of international mail, Moskva 192 119192Импорт международной почты, Москва 119192 192
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Reutov 9 143969
Acceptance, Kaliningrad 5 236005
Import of international mail, Sy`kty`vkar 23 167023
Acceptance, 629307 629307
Acceptance, Abakan 17 655017
Reception, Ivanovo 153000
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Baksan 5 361535Обработка, прибыло на территорию Российской Федерации, Баксан 361535 5
Reception, Temryuk 353500
Acceptance, 460009 460009
Acceptance, Novorossijsk 6 353906
Import of international mail, Tambov 34 392034
Acceptance, Slavgorod 6 658826
Reception, 410049 410049
Acceptance, 123423 123423
Acceptance, 629420 629420
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kormilovka 646970
Acceptance, 125367 125367
Acceptance, 109559 109559
Reception, 142070 142070
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Liski 10 397910
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Saransk 24 430024
Acceptance, Moskva 403 117403
Acceptance, Kamensk-Ural`skij 26 623426
Import of international mail, Kovrov 3 601903
Import of international mail, Borovichi 11 174411
Reception, Spirovo 171170
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Vladivostok 13 690013
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Joshkar-Ola 6 424006
Acceptance, 143350 143350
Acceptance, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskij 24 683024
Acceptance, 171983 171983
Customs clearance Released by custom houseТаможенное оформление,выпущено таможней.
Reception at custom house, Moskva 122 105122
Import of international mail, Kalachinsk 646900
Acceptance, Rastunovo 142062
Acceptance, Saratov 10 410010
Acceptance, 164512 164512
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Glazunovka 303340
Acceptance, Chelyabinsk 77 454077
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 106 127106
Acceptance, Petrozavodsk 2 185002
Import of international mail, Vishnyakovskie Dachi 142461
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Budennovsk 9 356809
Reception, Nefteyugansk 6 628306
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Tomsk 33 634033
Reception at custom house, Magnitogorsk 455000
Transmission for customs control
Acceptance, Zlatoust 28 456228
Acceptance, 423042 423042
Redispatching, Redirect, Voronezh 87 394087
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Tambov 392000
Reception at custom house, Moskva 195 125195Прием на таможню, Москва 125195 195
Reception, Volgograd 29 400029
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Saratov 48 410048
Import of international mail, Ryazan` 15 390015
Acceptance, 392009 392009
Import of international mail, Bol`shoe Afanasovo 423551
Acceptance, 170001 170001
Sankt-Peterburg 352 194352
Import of international mail, Xanty`-Mansijsk 7 628007
Import of international mail, Gavrilov Yam 152240
Acceptance, 454071 454071
Reception, 353451 353451
Acceptance, Stavropol` 44 355044
Import of international mail, Ipatovo 356630
Item received at Delivery point: Majori PNP, PP-2015Деталь полученный в точке доставки: Майори ПНП, ПП-2015
Acceptance, Manturovo 157300
Import of international mail, Tol`yatti 42 445042
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kachkanar 624350
Reception, AL 141600
Acceptance, E`ngel`s 21 413121
Import of international mail, Orenburg 48 460048
Acceptance, Nikolaevka 658878
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Batajsk 346885
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Prokop`evsk 47 653047
China — Sūtījums ievietots maisāChina — Post placed in the bag
Import of international mail, Sankt-Peterburg 375 197375
Reception, Pushkin 3 196603
Import of international mail, Doneck 346330
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 559 109559
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sosnovskoe 606170
Acceptance, AL 142770
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Nizhnij Novgorod 74 603074
Acceptance, 656019 656019
Acceptance, 115304 115304
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Korolev 1 141071
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Tula 28 300028
Acceptance, 603159 603159
Handed over to customs, Brusovo 171870
Reception, Moskva 486 127486
Import of international mail, Sanatorij Im. Gercena 143088
Reception, Sankt-Peterburg 297 195297
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Lipeck 58 398058
Acceptance, 393250 393250
Acceptance, 187406 187406
Import of international mail, Tomarovka 309085
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Berdsk 3 633003
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Topki 652300
离开济南市 发往北京市(经转)Leave Jinan city, sent to Beijing by the transfer)
Acceptance, Moskva 1 123001
Acceptance, 450081 450081
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Vladivostok 88 690088
Acceptance, 347045 347045
Moskva 535 117535
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Krasnogorsk 3 143403
Acceptance, Kotovsk 4 393194
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Shhekino 301240
Import of international mail, Mogojtuj 687420
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Omsk 10 644010
Acceptance, Bely`j Yar 636500
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ulan-Ude` 45 670045
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Vologda 10 160010
Acceptance, 664020 664020
计划交航,计划航班号LH8415-1282,计划起飞时间03:25Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number LH8415-1282, and the scheduled departure time 03:25
Acceptance, Moskva 592 123592Прием, 123592 Москва 592
Import of international mail, Atyashevo 431800
移交质检,备注(16,21)The transfer of inspection,remarks(16,21)
Import of international mail, Kasumkent 368760
Acceptance, Nizhnij Novgorod 87 603087
Acceptance, Zavolzh`e 2 606522Прием, Заволжье 2 606522
Import of international mail, Buguruslan 7 461637
Import of international mail, Sankt-Peterburg 68 190068
Import of international mail, Kalininskij 346266
Acceptance, 624800 624800
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Zheleznogorsk 307170
Acceptance, 353745 353745
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Omsk 73 644073
计划交航,计划航班号KE2852-0955,计划起飞时间11:50Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number KE2852-0955, the scheduled departure time is 11:50
Acceptance, Dimitrovgrad 15 433515
Acceptance, 601554 601554
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Novorossijsk 6 353906
Import of international mail, Penza 5 440005
Acceptance, 117042 117042
Storage, Fixed storage timeХранения, фиксированное время хранения
Import of international mail, Dzhankoj 296100Импорт международной почты, Джанкое 296100
Acceptance, 299014 299014
Acceptance, Vizinga 168100
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Evpatoriya 7 297407
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Cheremnoe 659020
Acceptance, 655120 655120
Acceptance, Moskva 421 119421
Import of international mail, Voskresensk 140200
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Korolev 5 141075
Acceptance, Moskva 338 129338
Import of international mail, Surgut 14 628414
Acceptance, 167904 167904
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Tula 12 300012
Reception, Lezhnevo 155120
Acceptance, Shary`povo 3 662313
Acceptance, 440013 440013
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Yaroslavl` 30 150030
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Armavir 24 352924
Reception, 143430 143430
Reception, 300004 300004
Acceptance, Simferopol` 21 295021
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Saratov 9 410009
Acceptance, 630083 630083
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Rossosh` 396650
Reception, Achinsk 3 662153
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 569 115569Обработка, прибыло на территорию РФ, 115569 Москва 569
Acceptance, Nikel` 1 184421
Acceptance, Tol`yatti 7 445007
Import of international mail, Kaliningrad 23 236023
离开,下一站【南宁南站】Leave, next stop【Nanning Nan Station】
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ejsk 11 353691
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kemerovo 68 650068
Import of international mail, Krasnoarmejskij 347500
Import of international mail, Rostov-Na-Donu 344000
Reception, Moskva 444 109444
Reception, Tula 39 300039
Acceptance, 633454 633454
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Sovxoz Rossoshanskij 396606
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Novosibirsk 45 630045
Acceptance, Novosibirsk 32 630032
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Murmansk 635 184635
Acceptance, Bol`shoe Kozino 606420Прием, бол 606420 большое Козино
Reception, Xvorostyanka 445590
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Miloslavskoe 391770Обработка, прибыло на территорию РФ, 391770 Милославское
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ocher 617140
Handed over to customs, Krasnotur`insk 3 624443
Reception, Majkop 8 385008
Reception, 198510 198510
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Verxnyaya Xava 396110
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kaspijsk 5 368305
计划交航,计划航班号LH8411-LH1492,计划起飞时间06:20Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number LH8411-LH1492, the scheduled departure time 0 6:2 0
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Borisoglebsk 11 397171
Acceptance, Samara 4 443004
Acceptance, Kuzneck 3 442533
Kovrov 601900
Acceptance, 142100 142100
Handed over to customs, Moskva 462 109462
Reception, Palatka 686110
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kostomuksha 186930
Import of international mail, Votkinsk 9 427439
Import of international mail, Verxoshizhem`e 613310
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Reutov 2 143962
Import of international mail, Chuguevka 3 692623
Import of international mail, Chelyabinsk 128 454128
计划交航,计划航班号KL0898-1697,计划起飞时间Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number KL0898-1697, plan to take time off
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Petrozavodsk 2 185002
Acceptance, Kirov 35 610035Акцепт, Киров 610035 35
Import of international mail, Molodezhnoe 694419
Tashkent Pochtamt (100000)
Acceptance, Vologda 34 160034
Reception, Balaxna 7 606407
Acceptance, 670042 670042
计划交航,计划航班号B7125-BR28,计划起飞时间20:20Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number B7125-BR28, scheduled departure time 20:20
Reception, 344010 344010
Import of international mail, Volgograd 2 400002
Import of international mail, Moskva 482 124482Импорт международной почты, Москва 124482 482
Acceptance, 353307 353307
Handed over to customs, Spas-Demensk 249610
Import of international mail, Nevinnomy`ssk 8 357108
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Nyagan` 1 628181
Acceptance, 659840 659840
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Pushhino 142290
Acceptance, 440046 440046
Acceptance, 672000 672000
Import of international mail, Ryazan` 26 390026Импорт международной почты, Рязань 390026 26
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Novaya Lyada 392515
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 281 129281
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Novosibirsk 133 630133
Acceptance, 606015 606015
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Otradny`j 2 446302
Reception, Tula 5 300005
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kovdor 2 184142
Reception, Moskva 630 117630
Import of international mail, Maxachkala 10 367010
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Pskov 21 180021
Acceptance, Abakan 4 655004
Reception, Vladivostok 21 690021
Acceptance, 670040 670040
Acceptance, Bely`e Berega 241902
Import of international mail, Sankt-Peterburg 82 197082
Receive item from customer (Otb)Прием товара от клиента (Отб)
Reception, E`konomicheskoe 353340
Acceptance, Anapa 353440
Import of international mail, Kochubeevskoe 1 357001
Xarlovo 658346
Acceptance, Odincovo 6 143006
Import of international mail, Vladimir 14 600014
Import of international mail, Troickoe 659840
Novoural`sk 624130
Sankt-Peterburg 373 197373
Handed over to customs, Rostov-Na-Donu 68 344068
计划交航,计划航班号KA627-CX289,计划起飞时间11:15Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number KA627-CX289, the planned departure time of 1 1:1 5
Reception, Vologda 33 160033
Import of international mail, Balakirevo 601630
Reception, Ust`-Byur 655120
Acceptance, 125195 125195
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Orenburg 35 460035
Reception, 400010 400010
Import of international mail, Mcensk 1 303031
Acceptance, 152303 152303
Acceptance, 400119 400119
Pskov 14 180014
Reception, Mamontovo 658560
Import of international mail, My`tishhi 6 141006
Ry`binsk 16 152916
Acceptance, Omsk Pochtamt 644000
Import of international mail, Moskva 8 125008Импорт международной почты, Москва 125008 8
Klin 6 141606
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sy`lva 614503
Acceptance, 632080 632080
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Novosibirsk 32 630032
Acceptance, 198188 198188
Reception, Prokop`evsk 36 653036
Import of international mail, Parfen`evo 157270
Import of international mail, Irkutsk 82 664082
Acceptance, Bryansk 4 241004
Import of international mail, Shhapovo 108825
Acceptance, Pavlovo 7 606107
Acceptance, 173003 173003
Acceptance, Kovrov 2 601902Прием, Ковров 601902 2
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, My`tishhi 21 141021
离开,下一站【太原中心】Leave, next stop【Taiyuan center]
Reception, 141707 141707
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ryazan` 29 390029
Import of international mail, Petrozavodsk 7 185007
Acceptance, 440044 440044
Acceptance, 140700 140700
Reception, Karasuk 5 632865
Import of international mail, Aprelevka 2 143362
Reception, Chelyabinsk 92 454092
Handed over to customs, Koly`chevo 142821
Import of international mail, Bryansk 7 241007
Import of international mail, Komsomol`sk-Na-Amure 14 681014
Reception at custom house, Sankt-Peterburg 128 196128
Handed over to customs, Moskva 675 111675
Acceptance, Moskva 559 109559
Acceptance, Belgorod 34 308034
Import of international mail, Gukovo 4 347874
Acceptance, Novodugino 215240
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Omsk 109 644109
Reception, Sokur 1 633121
Import of international mail, Kostroma 25 156025
Acceptance, 173016 173016
Import of international mail, Bol`shoe Kozino 606420Импорт международной почты, бол 606420 большое Козино
Acceptance, Arxangel`sk 163000
Acceptance, Moskva 418 117418
Handed over to customs, Petrovka 297012
Bijsk 5 659305
Reception, Yuzhno-Saxalinsk 22 693022
Reception, Kaluga 12 248012
Acceptance, Bel`mesevo 656901
Import of international mail, Samara 443124
Acceptance, 142327 142327
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Omsk 70 644070
Reception, Moskva 323 129323
Reception, 641624 641624
Acceptance, Gubaxa 618250
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Cheboksary` 14 428014
Acceptance, Taganrog 347900
Acceptance, Nar`yan-Mar 166000
Acceptance, 620048 620048
Reception, Magadan 685000
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Stavropol` 40 355040
Acceptance, Nizhnij Novgorod 603000Приемка, Нижний Новгород 603000
Acceptance, 658390 658390
Acceptance, 614503 614503
Reception, Sochi 354340
Acceptance, Sovetsk 238750
Import of international mail, Vy`sokovsk 141650
Acceptance, 624981 624981
Import of international mail, Borovsk 249010
Acceptance, Moskva 675 111675
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, E`lektrostal` 7 144007
Import of international mail, Kemerovo 24 650024
Ufa 1 450001
Essentukskaya 357350
Import of international mail, Sankt-Peterburg 332 198332
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Krasnoyarsk 122 660122
Chelyabinsk 454001
Moskva 530 119530
Import of international mail, Novaya Chara 674159
Acceptance, Central`noj Usad`by` Sovxoza «Vostok» 352925
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Bogorodsk 5 607605
Acceptance, Stavropol` 29 355029
Import of international mail, Ekaterinburg 17 620017
Import of international mail, Serpuxov 5 142205
Import of international mail, Moskva 502 125502
Reception, Novosibirsk 60 630060
Import of international mail, Vladivostok 17 690017
离开南昌市 发往上海市Leave Nanchang sent to the Shanghai
Import of international mail, Terbuny` 399540
Reception, Novosibirsk 99 630099
Import of international mail, Im. Vorovskogo 142460
Reception, 625007 625007
Import of international mail, Lipeck 1 398001
Acceptance, Balakovo Pochtamt 413840
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 465 117465
Acceptance, 628520 628520
Reception, 603028 603028
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Palkino 181270
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Dinskaya 4 353204
Acceptance, 603035 603035
Acceptance, Ryazan` 5 390005
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Novomichurinsk 391160
Acceptance, Sankt-Peterburg 66 196066
Acceptance, Kalach-Na-Donu 7 404507
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Novosibirsk 33 630033
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kandalaksha 6 184046
Acceptance, Reutov 4 143964
Acceptance, Moskva 387 109387
Reception, Vladikavkaz 17 362017
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Klincy` 6 243146
Acceptance, 171090 171090
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Sankt-Peterburg 256 195256
Acceptance, Kirov 610000
Acceptance, Rameshki 171400
Acceptance, Sankt-Peterburg 206 198206
Import of international mail, Krasnogorsk 6 143406
Import of international mail, Seliyarovo 628506
Reception, 620078 620078
Import of international mail, Kovrov 14 601914
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Gvardejsk 238210
Trudovoe 2 690912
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ozerki 309543
Acceptance, Klincy` 6 243146
Import of international mail, Novotroick 6 462356
Acceptance, Moskva 481 125481
Acceptance, Trubnikov Bor 187070
Acceptance, 692243 692243
Reception, Moskva 374 121374
Reception, Kislovodsk 36 357736Прием, Кисловодск 357736 36
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Uxta 19 169319
Acceptance, Vladikavkaz 3 362003
Acceptance, Nizhnevartovsk 15 628615
Acceptance, Novorossijsk 12 353912
Acceptance, Domodedovo 1 142001
Acceptance, Rostov-Na-Donu 72 344072Акцепт, Ростов-На-Дону 344072 72
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Kochubeevskoe 357000
Reception, Serdobsk 4 442894
Handed over to customs, Novosibirsk 90 630090
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Moskva 525 117525
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Cheboksary` 28 428028
Acceptance, 301000 301000
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 487 115487
Reception, Gagarin 215010
Handed over to customs, Ulan-Ude` 47 670047
Pechora 1 169601
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Avdon 450580
Acceptance, Kursk 26 305026
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Nizhnij Novgorod 123 603123
Acceptance, Nizhnij Novgorod 6 603006
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Abatskij 627540
Acceptance, 600026 600026
Handed over to customs, Solnechny`j 1 682711
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Ximki 8 141408
Import of international mail, Simferopol` 48 295048
Import of international mail, Smolensk 4 214004
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Romodanovo 2 431602
Acceptance, Moskva 513 117513
Acceptance, 628600 628600
Acceptance, Lipeck 36 398036
Acceptance, 601651 601651
Import of international mail, Samara 33 443033
Acceptance, Velikie Luki 1 182101
Import of international mail, Lobnya 4 141734
Import of international mail, Ximki 1 141401
Acceptance, Kaluga 21 248021
Acceptance, Prokazna 442750
Import of international mail, Petrozavodsk 13 185013
Import of international mail, Ufa 96 450096
Reception, 127253 127253
Reception, Voronezh 394011
Import of international mail, Moskva 594 129594
Handed over to customs, Kry`msk 353380Передано таможне, Кры\’msk 353380
Acceptance, 391550 391550
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Seversk 19 636019
Acceptance, Ul`yanovsk 72 432072
Chelyabinsk 84 454084
Acceptance, AL 1
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Astraxan` 414000
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ufa 33 450033Обработка, прибыло на территорию РФ, Уфа 450033 33
计划交航,计划航班号KE0828-0907,计划起飞时间12:45Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number KE0828-0 9 0 7, the scheduled departure time 1 2:4 5
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Izhevsk 33 426033
Acceptance, Chelyabinsk 454003
Import of international mail, Oktyabr`skoe 361101
Import of international mail, Samara 87 443087
Import of international mail, Velikij Novgorod 21 173021
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 5 105005
Processing, Left the sorting center, Sankt-Peterburg 374 197374
Reception, Adlerskij Pochtamt 354399
Import of international mail, Voronezh 51 394051
Acceptance, 117630 117630
Import of international mail, Vladivostok 65 690065
Acceptance, Nizhnij Novgorod 138 603138
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Degtyanoe 391975
Import of international mail, Kudrovo 188691
Acceptance, Kry`lovskaya 1 352081
计划交航,计划航班号CA839,计划起飞时间16:40Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number CA839, the planned departure time 1 6:4 0
Acceptance, 197341 197341
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kursk 40 305040
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Novosibirsk 110 630110
Acceptance, Razvilka 142717
Reception, Troickoe 359180
Reception, Verxneizhemskij 169533
Acceptance, Dudinka 5 647005
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Balashov 16 412316
离开,下一站【湖州中心】Leave, next stop【Huzhou center]
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Pristen` 306200
Acceptance, Moskva 341 109341
Acceptance, Kazan` 87 420087
Import of international mail, Turinsk 3 623903
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kadnikovskij 162150
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Il`inskij 617020
Acceptance, Mineral`ny`e Vody` 4 357204
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Naro-Fominsk 1 143301
Acceptance, Shaxtersk 694910
Acceptance, 456770 456770
Acceptance, 446452 446452
Import of international mail, Privolzh`e 445560
Import of international mail, Volgograd 81 400081
Acceptance, 150052 150052
Import of international mail, Volzhskij 21 404121
Acceptance, 141021 141021
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Tomsk 49 634049
Import of international mail, Baklashi 666021
Acceptance, Al`met`evsk 423450
Reception, Sankt-Peterburg 260 198260
Acceptance, Akkermanovka 462371
Acceptance, Ivanovo 25 153025
Acceptance, Irkutsk 2 664002
Reception, Naberezhny`e Chelny` 26 423826
Import of international mail, Tyumen` 46 625046
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Dzhankoj 296100Обработка, прибыло на территорию Российской Федерации, Джанкое 296100
Reception, Krasnogvardejskoe 356030
Import of international mail, Vologda 4 160004
Reception, RU
Acceptance, Cheremnoe 659020
Acceptance, 633004 633004
Acceptance, Chelyabinsk 108 454108
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Voskresensk 140200
Zarechny`j 5 442965
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Yaroslavl` 19 150019
Acceptance, 117525 117525
Acceptance, 129281 129281
Import of international mail, Sergiev Posad 5 141305
Acceptance, My`tishhi 6 141006
Reception, Moskva 596 121596
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Tamala 442900
Import of international mail, Shebekino 6 309296
Acceptance, 397171 397171
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kirov 2 249442
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Naberezhny`e Chelny` 14 423814
Acceptance, 652780 652780
Import of international mail, Voronezh 10 394010
Reception, Bratsk 14 665714
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Berezniki 22 618422
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, E`lektrostal` 3 144003
Acceptance, 353715 353715
Acceptance, 156012 156012
Acceptance, Shebekino 309290
Import of international mail, My`tishhi 9 141009
Acceptance, 307207 307207
Acceptance, 625512 625512
Acceptance, Stepanshhino 140222
Acceptance, Novosin`kovo 141830
Reception, 446378 446378
Reception, Iglino 1 452411
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Suzun 3 633623
Acceptance, Moskva 183 125183
Import of international mail, Sovxoz Smena 391748
已进口开拆,备注(安检退回)Have been imported to open,note(security return)
Acceptance, 456300 456300
Reception, Kaliningrad 236044
Import of international mail, Sankt-Peterburg 177 192177
Acceptance, 171261 171261
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Gurzuf 298640
Import of international mail, Yaroslavl` 62 150062Импорт международной почты, Ярославль 150062 62
Acceptance, 410035 410035
Acceptance, Metallostroj 196641
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 469 109469
Acceptance, Otradnoe 396335
Import of international mail, Moskva 449 117449
Reception, Anapa 353440
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 192 119192Обработка, прибыло на территорию РФ, 119192 Москва 192
Reception, 143969 143969
Acceptance, Cherepovec 26 162626
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sy`kty`vkar 23 167023
Acceptance, 192029 192029
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Bezenchuk 446250
Import of international mail, Velizh 216290
Acceptance, Baksan 5 361535Прием, Баксан 361535 5
Reception, Gostagaevskaya 353400
Acceptance, Xolmskaya 353307
Acceptance, Krasnoshhekovo 658340
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Tambov 34 392034
Reception, 347905 347905
Reception, Kamy`shin 7 403877
Import of international mail, Volzhskij 30 404130
Acceptance, Izhevsk 34 426034
Acceptance, 646970 646970
Acceptance, 396660 396660
Import of international mail, Ekaterinburg 72 620072
Import of international mail, Petrozavodsk 14 185014
Import of international mail, Novy`j Gorodok 652645
Reception, Saransk 24 430024
Acceptance, Kursk 14 305014
Acceptance, Novocherkasskij 303210
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kovrov 3 601903
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Borovichi 11 174411
Reception, 603087 603087
Vladivostok 13 690013
Acceptance, Joshkar-Ola 6 424006
Acceptance, Neryungri 7 678967Прием, Нерюнгри 678967 7
Acceptance, Perovo 297560
离开,下一站【温州速递】Leave, next stop【Wenzhou Express】
Reception, 105122 105122
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kalachinsk 646900
Acceptance, Saransk Pochtamt 430000
Acceptance, Dzerzhinsk 606000
Acceptance, 385637 385637
Acceptance, 303340 303340
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Nizhnekamsk 423570
Reception, 127106 127106
Acceptance, 195220 195220
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Vishnyakovskie Dachi 142461
Acceptance, Budennovsk 9 356809
Reception, Semenovka 412230
Reception, 634033 634033
Import of international mail, Magnitogorsk 455000
Redispatching, Redirect, Verxneyarkeevo 452260
Import of international mail, Uxta 169300
Acceptance, Pervoural`sk 19 623119
Import of international mail, Voronezh 87 394087
Reception, Tambov 392000
Import of international mail, Tyumen` 6 625006
Acceptance, Saratov 48 410048
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ryazan` 15 390015
Acceptance, Verxov`e 303720
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Bol`shoe Afanasovo 423551
Acceptance, Tver` 28 170028
Reception at custom house, Sankt-Peterburg 352 194352
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Xanty`-Mansijsk 7 628007
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Gavrilov Yam 152240
Acceptance, Ufa 39 450039
Reception, Sevastopol` 38 299038
Import of international mail, Svetogorsk 188990
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ipatovo 356630
Item sent to Delivery point: PP-2015Товар отправлен в пункт поставки: ПП-2015
Acceptance, Tol`yatti 46 445046
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Tol`yatti 42 445042
Acceptance, 624350 624350
Import of international mail, Shira 655200
Reception, 687420 687420
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Orenburg 48 460048
Import of international mail, Xabarovsk 20 680020
Acceptance, 346885 346885
Acceptance, 188691 188691
China — Sūtījums saņemts no klientaChina — Post received from the client
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sankt-Peterburg 375 197375
Reception, 610042 610042
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Doneck 346330
Import of international mail, Ramenskoe 4 140104
Acceptance, 606170 606170
Acceptance, 142770 142770
Acceptance, 603074 603074
Reception, Uspenskoe 352450
Reception, 646250 646250
Acceptance, 141071 141071
Acceptance, Tula 28 300028
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Voronezh 30 394030
Import of international mail, Brusovo 171870
Import of international mail, Nizhnij Novgorod 40 603040
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sanatorij Im. Gercena 143088
Reception, 453100 453100
Acceptance, Lipeck 58 398058
Import of international mail, Kazan` 88 420088
Import of international mail, Sankt-Peterburg 427 195427
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Tomarovka 309085
Reception, Berdsk 3 633003
Acceptance, Topki 652300
到达济南航站处理中心(经转)To reach the Jinan terminal processing center via the transfer)
Acceptance, Beloozerskij 1 140251
Acceptance, Magas 1 386001
Reception, Vladivostok 88 690088
Import of international mail, Chapaevsk 4 446104
Reception at custom house, Moskva 535 117535
Reception, Krasnogorsk 3 143403
Import of international mail, Moskva 634 119634
Acceptance, Shhekino 301240
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Mogojtuj 687420
Acceptance, Samara 105 443105
Acceptance, Tver` 41 170041
Reception, 109129 109129
Acceptance, 670045 670045
Acceptance, Vologda 10 160010
Acceptance, AL 651000
计划交航,计划航班号CZ307,计划起飞时间23:55Plan to cross waypoints, plan flight CZ307, the scheduled departure time of 23:55
Reception, Sochi 54 354054
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Atyashevo 431800
已进口开拆,备注(16,21)Have been imported to open,note(16,21)
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kasumkent 368760
Acceptance, 142060 142060
Acceptance, Ramenskoe 9 140109
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Buguruslan 7 461637
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sankt-Peterburg 68 190068
Reception, Kalininskij 346266
离开,下一站【南京中心】Leave, next stop【Nanjing center]
Reception, 307170 307170
Import of international mail, Simferopol` Pochtamt Uch. Krasnaya Zor`ka 297516
Acceptance, 644073 644073
计划交航,计划航班号CZ385,计划起飞时间09:30Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number CZ385, the scheduled departure time 09:30
Import of international mail, Kondratovo 614506
Acceptance, Tambov 392000
Reception, Novorossijsk 6 353906
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Penza 5 440005
Import of international mail, Pechora 169600
Acceptance, Sankt-Peterburg 231 193231
Reception, Omsk 109 644109
Acceptance, Moskva 474 127474
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kostroma 25 156025
Import of international mail, Ekaterinburg 90 620090
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Bol`shoe Kozino 606420Обработка, прибыло на территорию Российской Федерации, бол 606420 большое Козино
Acceptance, Korolev 5 141075
Acceptance, Sankt-Peterburg 284 192284
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Surgut 14 628414
Acceptance, 199155 199155
Acceptance, Tula 12 300012
Import of international mail, Sankt-Peterburg 289 192289
Reception at custom house, Moskva 462 109462
Acceptance, Saratov 19 410019
Import of international mail, Kemerovo 1 650001
Acceptance, 352924 352924
Acceptance, 344065 344065
Acceptance, Kizner 1 427711
Acceptance, Saratov 9 410009
Distribué TARASCON PDC1 (13)Distributed TARASCON PDC1 (13)
Import of international mail, Penza 3 440003
Acceptance, 396650 396650
Import of international mail, Voronezh 65 394065
Reception, Moskva 569 115569Прием, 115569 Москва 569
Acceptance, 141421 141421
Import of international mail, Chegdomy`n 682030
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kaliningrad 23 236023
Import of international mail, Syamzha 162220
Reception, 353691 353691
Acceptance, 650068 650068
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Krasnoarmejskij 347500
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Rostov-Na-Donu 344000
Acceptance, Bagan 632770
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Omsk 82 644082
Import of international mail, Svetlograd 7 356537
Import of international mail, Sovxoz Rossoshanskij 396606
Acceptance, 630045 630045
Acceptance, Peresvet 141320Прием, Пересвет 141320
Reception, Murmansk 635 184635
Acceptance, Sankt-Peterburg 207 198207
Reception, Nikol`skoe 684500
Acceptance, 391770 391770Прием, 391770 391770
Acceptance, Ocher 617140
Acceptance, Krasnotur`insk 3 624443
Reception, 344103 344103
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Sankt-Peterburg 195 190195
Acceptance, Verxnyaya Xava 396110Acceptance, Air Verxnya 396110
Acceptance, Kaspijsk 5 368305
计划交航,计划航班号CA721,计划起飞时间01:30Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number CA721, the scheduled departure time 0 1:3 0
Reception, Borisoglebsk 11 397171
Xalkaro pochtamt (UZTASA)International pochtamt (UZTASA)
Acceptance, Tyumen` 28 625028
Handed over to customs, Kovrov 601900
Import of international mail, Ly`xma 628173
Import of international mail, Moskva 462 109462
Redispatching, Redirect, Shelabolixa 659050
Acceptance, Kostomuksha 186930
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Votkinsk 9 427439
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Verxoshizhem`e 613310
Acceptance, Reutov 2 143962
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Chuguevka 3 692623
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk 128 454128
计划交航,计划航班号TRUCK-KE0308-901,计划起飞时间Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number TRUCK-KE0308-901, plan to take time off
Acceptance, 185002 185002
Acceptance, Tomsk 11 634011
Reception, Tula 45 300045
Acceptance, Bikin 682970
Acceptance, Gubkin 3 309183
Import of international mail, Essentuki 37 357637
Acceptance, Kemerovo 33 650033
计划交航,计划航班号TK027-1775,计划起飞时间07:00Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number TK027-1775, the scheduled departure time 07:00
Reception, Kemerovo 55 650055
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Volgograd 2 400002
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 482 124482Обработка, прибыло на территорию РФ, 124482 Москва 482
Acceptance, Medvedevo 425200
Import of international mail, Spas-Demensk 249610
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Nevinnomy`ssk 8 357108
Reception, 628181 628181
Import of international mail, Tujmazy` 2 452752
Acceptance, 142290 142290
Import of international mail, Kusa 456940
Acceptance, Pskov 16 180016
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ryazan` 26 390026Обработка, прибыло на территорию РФ, Рязань 390026 26
Reception, Novaya Lyada 392515Reception, Lada Nova 392515
Acceptance, Moskva 281 129281
Acceptance, Novosibirsk 133 630133
Acceptance, 656053 656053
Reception, Otradny`j 2 446302
Reception, Novorossijsk 9 353909
Reception, Ky`zy`l 4 667004
Reception, Cherepovec 25 162625
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Maxachkala 10 367010
Processing, Arrived at the place of delivery, Испания
Import of international mail, Krasny`j Yar 416150
Import of international mail, Tyumen` 7 625007
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Nikol`skoe 156519
Import of international mail, Ekaterinburg 100 620100
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sankt-Peterburg 82 197082
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Reutov 143960
Reception, AL 6899120
Reception, Xlebodarnoe 347777
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kochubeevskoe 1 357001
Handed over to customs, Xarlovo 658346
Import of international mail, Kry`msk 7 353387
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Vladimir 14 600014
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Troickoe 659840
Reception at custom house, Novoural`sk 624130
Handed over to customs, Sankt-Peterburg 373 197373
Import of international mail, Rostov-Na-Donu 68 344068
计划交航,计划航班号LH727-1856,计划起飞时间23:35Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number LH727-1 8 5 6 planned time of departure 2 3:3 5
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Voronezh 2 394002
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Balakirevo 601630
Reception, Chernomorskoe 296400
Acceptance, 614090 614090
Acceptance, Orenburg 35 460035
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Kaluga 21 248021
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Mcensk 1 303031
Acceptance, 629601 629601
Acceptance, 125464 125464
Handed over to customs, Pskov 14 180014
Reception, Tomsk 34 634034Прием, Томск 634034 34
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, My`tishhi 6 141006
Handed over to customs, Ry`binsk 16 152916
Acceptance, 676856 676856
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 8 125008Обработка, прибыло на территорию РФ, Москва 125008 8
Reception at custom house, Klin 6 141606
Reception, Murmansk 53 183053
Acceptance, Bor 6 606446Прием, Бор 606446 6
Acceptance, Yuzhno-Saxalinsk 23 693023
Acceptance, 624440 624440
Import of international mail, Moskva 361 119361
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Parfen`evo 157270
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Irkutsk 82 664082
Acceptance, Simferopol` 15 295015
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Shhapovo 108825
Import of international mail, Samara 29 443029
Reception, Sankt-Peterburg 426 195426
Import of international mail, Rogachevo 141880
Acceptance, My`tishhi 21 141021
Acceptance, Moskva 103 123103
Import of international mail, Neman 238710
Reception, Ryazan` 29 390029
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Petrozavodsk 7 185007
Import of international mail, Poselok Iskatelej 166700
Acceptance, 603128 603128
Reception, 410052 410052
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Aprelevka 2 143362
Acceptance, Moskva 535 117535
Import of international mail, Koly`chevo 142821
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Bryansk 7 241007
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Komsomol`sk-Na-Amure 14 681014
Import of international mail, Sankt-Peterburg 128 196128
Acceptance, Ekaterinburg 131 620131
Acceptance, 198255 198255
Import of international mail, Moskva 180 119180
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Gukovo 4 347874
Reception, 634049 634049
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Baklashi 666021
Acceptance, Dinskaya Pochtamt 353200
Acceptance, Birsk 1 452451
Acceptance, Vorkuta 169900
Import of international mail, Orenburg 9 460009Импорт международной почты, Оренбург 460009 9
Reception, Pavlovskij Posad 7 142507
Reception, 399778 399778
Acceptance, Arti 623340
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Moskva 623 117623
Import of international mail, Petrovka 297012
Reception at custom house, Bijsk 5 659305
Reception, 620144 620144
Acceptance, Vladivostok 14 690014Приемка, Владивосток 690014 14
Import of international mail, Pavlovskaya 352040
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Samara 443124
Acceptance, 344019 344019
Acceptance, Omsk 70 644070
Import of international mail, Samara 69 443069
Acceptance, Verx-Chik 633275
Reception, Ivanovo 9 153009
Acceptance, 428014 428014
Acceptance, Seversk 636000
Acceptance, 183050 183050
Reception, Chelyabinsk 10 454010
Reception, 396650 396650
Import of international mail, Stavropol` 40 355040
Acceptance, 000000 000000
Acceptance, Strezhevoj 636780
Import of international mail, Sankt-Peterburg 121 190121
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Sazan`e 442882
Acceptance, AL 123456Прием, Аль 123456
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Vy`sokovsk 141650
Acceptance, Volgograd 98 400098
Import of international mail, Zvenigorod 143180
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Borovsk 249010
Reception, 157170 157170
Acceptance, E`lektrostal` 7 144007
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kemerovo 24 650024
Handed over to customs, Ufa 1 450001
Handed over to customs, Essentukskaya 357350
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sankt-Peterburg 332 198332
Krasnoyarsk 122 660122
Reception at custom house, Chelyabinsk 454001
Handed over to customs, Moskva 530 119530
Acceptance, Novaya Chara 674159
Import of international mail, Gorki 10 143032
Acceptance, 607605 607605
Acceptance, Gricovskij 301318
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg 17 620017
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Serpuxov 5 142205
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 502 125502
Reception, Moskva 513 117513
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Vladivostok 17 690017
南昌分公司国际营销中心已收件(揽投员姓名:舒雨奇,联系电话:)Nanchang branch of the international marketing center has received pieces embrace cast member name: Shu rain beach,contact phone:)
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Terbuny` 399540
Acceptance, 344091 344091
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Im. Vorovskogo 142460
Reception, 634041 634041
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Lipeck 1 398001
Acceptance, 142134 142134
Acceptance, 117465 117465
Acceptance, 625049 625049
Acceptance, Mirny`j 172430
Acceptance, Palkino 181270
Acceptance, 353204 353204
Acceptance, 355026 355026
Acceptance, 353982 353982
Acceptance, 391160 391160
Acceptance, 625001 625001
Import of international mail, Arxangel`sk 163000
Novosibirsk 33 630033
Acceptance, Kandalaksha 6 184046Acceptance, 6 184046 Kandalaksha
Acceptance, 119331 119331
Import of international mail, Volgograd 48 400048
Acceptance, Nikol`skij 187741
Reception, Klincy` 6 243146
Reception, Bilimbaj 623150
Sankt-Peterburg 256 195256
Import of international mail, Surgut 10 628410Импорт международной почты, Сургут 628410 10
Acceptance, AL 685783
Import of international mail, Surgut 18 628418
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Krasnogorsk 6 143406
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Seliyarovo 628506
Reception, 238210 238210
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kovrov 14 601914
Import of international mail, Slobodskoj 2 613152
Handed over to customs, Trudovoe 2 690912
Acceptance, 309543 309543
Acceptance, Nizhnij Novgorod 137 603137
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Novotroick 6 462356
Acceptance, Sankt-Peterburg 197 195197
Import of international mail, Kazan` 97 420097
Acceptance, Gur`evsk 5 652785
Reception, Solnechnogorsk 7 141507
Acceptance, 198323 198323
Acceptance, Uxta 19 169319
Import of international mail, Nizhnij Novgorod 603162
Acceptance, 414000 414000
Acceptance, 141090 141090
Import of international mail, Arxangel`skoe 356835
Reception, Al`met`evsk 423450
Kochubeevskoe 357000
Acceptance, Moskva 128 129128
Import of international mail, Novosibirsk 90 630090
Moskva 525 117525
Cheboksary` 28 428028
Reception, Pushkino Pochtamt 141200
Acceptance, AL 199999999
Acceptance, AL 140052
Import of international mail, Ulan-Ude` 47 670047
Handed over to customs, Pechora 1 169601
Acceptance, Avdon 450580
Reception, 195220 195220
Acceptance, 603123 603123
Import of international mail, Suleevo 423447
Acceptance, Abatskij 627540
Acceptance, AL 366100
Import of international mail, Solnechny`j 1 682711
Ximki 8 141408
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Simferopol` 48 295048
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Smolensk 4 214004
Reception, Romodanovo 2 431602
Acceptance, Stavropol` 37 355037
Acceptance, 656065 656065
Acceptance, Tambov 20 392020
Acceptance, Preobrazhenie 692998
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Samara 33 443033
Acceptance, Samara 56 443056
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Lobnya 4 141734
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ximki 1 141401
Import of international mail, Verx-Suetka 658690
Acceptance, 394077 394077
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Petrozavodsk 13 185013
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ufa 96 450096
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Orsk 30 462430
Acceptance, 174750 174750
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 594 129594
Import of international mail, Kry`msk 353380Импорт международной почты, Кры\’msk 353380
Import of international mail, Malaya Purga 427820
Acceptance, Seversk 19 636019
Reception, 658690 658690
Reception at custom house, Chelyabinsk 84 454084
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Stary`j Oskol 1 309501
Import of international mail, Kaspijsk 368300
Acceptance, 450033 450033Прием, 450033 450033
计划交航,计划航班号LH721-1348,计划起飞时间10:30Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number LH721-1 3 4 8, scheduled departure time of 1 0:3 0
Reception, Izhevsk 33 426033
Kaluga 10 248010
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Oktyabr`skoe 361101
Acceptance, Samara 87 443087
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Velikij Novgorod 21 173021
Acceptance, 105005 105005
Sankt-Peterburg 374 197374
Import of international mail, Berdsk 9 633009
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Voronezh 51 394051
Acceptance, Belogorsk 3 676853
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Vladivostok 65 690065
Import of international mail, Tver` 39 170039
Reception, Degtyanoe 391975
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kudrovo 188691
Import of international mail, Meget 665854
计划交航,计划航班号RU120,计划起飞时间02:00Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number RU120, the scheduled departure time 0 2:0 0
Acceptance, Borovichi 11 174411
Acceptance, Zernograd 347740
Acceptance, 630110 630110
Acceptance, Nizhnij Tagil 16 622016
Reception, Ozimaya 659710
Reception, Maxachkala 26 367026
Reception, Olenegorsk 184530
Acceptance, Balashov 16 412316
Acceptance, 652870 652870
Acceptance, Pristen` 306200
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Ishnya 152120Таможенное оформление, Выпущено таможней, Ишня 152120
Import of international mail, Kuzneck 7 442537
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Turinsk 3 623903
Acceptance, Kadnikovskij 162150
Acceptance, Il`inskij 617020Assumption, Il inskij 617020
Acceptance, Vsevolozhsk 1 188641
Naro-Fominsk 1 143301
Reception, Shhyolkino 298213
Reception, Lipeck 58 398058
Import of international mail, Ekaterinburg 16 620016
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Privolzh`e 445560
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Volgograd 81 400081
Acceptance, 243257 243257
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Volzhskij 21 404121
Reception, 127591 127591
Acceptance, Rzhev 11 172391
计划交航,计划航班号LH8401,计划起飞时间08:20Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number LH8401, the scheduled departure time of 08:20
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kondratovo 614506
Import of international mail, Serpuxov 142200
Acceptance, Berezniki 17 618417
Acceptance, Penza 5 440005
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Pechora 169600
Import of international mail, Moskva 683 124683
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Vologda 4 160004
Import of international mail, Volgograd 65 400065
Import of international mail, Axty`rskij 2 353302
Acceptance, Kostomuksha 1 186931
Import of international mail, Shhelkovo 4 141104
Reception, Voskresensk 140200
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Zarechny`j 5 442965
Import of international mail, Smolensk 12 214012
Acceptance, My`tishhi 9 141009
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sergiev Posad 5 141305
离开,下一站【南海】Leave, next stop【South】
Send item to customs (Inb)Отправить вопрос по таможне (Инб)
Acceptance, Tamala 442900
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Shebekino 6 309296
Acceptance, Kirov 2 249442
Acceptance, 423814 423814
Import of international mail, Volzhskij 27 404127
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Voronezh 10 394010
Acceptance, 655150 655150
Acceptance, Berezniki 22 618422
Acceptance, E`lektrostal` 3 144003
Reception, 396073 396073
Reception, 162480 162480
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, My`tishhi 9 141009
Import of international mail, Nizhnij Novgorod 142 603142
Acceptance, Moskva 405 117405
Import of international mail, Novorossijsk 23 353923
Reception, 420000 420000
Reception, Saransk Pochtamt 430000
Import of international mail, Bobrov 4 397704
Import of international mail, Penza 440000
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sovxoz Smena 391748
已进口开拆,备注(邮政公事)Have been imported to open,note(postal business)
Import of international mail, Omsk 41 644041Импорт международной почты, Омск 644041 41
Reception, Belgorod 31 308031
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sankt-Peterburg 177 192177
Acceptance, Gurzuf 298640
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Yaroslavl` 62 150062Обработка, прибыло на территорию РФ, Ярославль 150062 62
Acceptance, Blagoveshhensk Pochtamt 675000
Reception, Arti 623340
Acceptance, Moskva 469 109469
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Orel 25 302025
Acceptance, Moskva 192 119192Согласие, Москва 119192 192
Acceptance, Rostov-Na-Donu 65 344065Приемка, Ростов-На-Дону 344065 65
Acceptance, Dobryanka 618740
Acceptance, 606636 606636
Acceptance, Vorgashor 169933
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Bezenchuk 446250
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Velizh 216290
Acceptance, 647005 647005
Acceptance, 644058 644058
Acceptance, Barnaul 65 656065
Acceptance, 392000 392000
Reception, 152120 152120Прием, 152120 152120
Reception, Balashov 16 412316
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Volzhskij 30 404130
Acceptance, Belogorskoe 433365
Acceptance, Ul`yanovsk 66 432066
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg 72 620072
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Petrozavodsk 14 185014
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Novy`j Gorodok 652645
Reception, 173003 173003
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Kommunarka 108814
Acceptance, 141605 141605
Reception, 603065 603065
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Vladivostok 13 690013
Acceptance, Yakutsk 27 677027
Import of international mail, Verxnij Uslon 422570
Acceptance, Moskva 473 127473
Reception, Barsovo 601022
Processing Arrived at the territory of the Russian FederationПрибыл переработки на территории Российской Федерации
Reception, 646900 646900
Import of international mail, Surgut 12 628412
Import of international mail, Moskva 461 117461
Import of international mail, Nizhnee Xoroshovo 140480
Reception, Atkarsk 412420
Import of international mail, Nizhnekamsk 423570
Reception, 601204 601204
Acceptance, Vishnyakovskie Dachi 142461
Import of international mail, Belogorsk 3 676853Импорт международной почты, Белогорск 676853 3
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Prigorodny`j 403518
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Magnitogorsk 455000
Import of international mail, Verxneyarkeevo 452260
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Uxta 169300
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Voronezh 87 394087
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Tyumen` 6 625006
Reception, Moskva 543 127543
Acceptance, 105082 105082
Acceptance, 446378 446378
Acceptance, Py`t`-Yax 3 628383
Reception, Bol`shoe Afanasovo 423551
Import of international mail, Sankt-Peterburg 352 194352
Acceptance, Xanty`-Mansijsk 7 628007
Acceptance, 152240 152240
Import of international mail, Novy`j 692491
Reception, 119331 119331
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Svetogorsk 188990
Acceptance, Ipatovo 356630
Acceptance, Tarko-Sale 1 629851Прием, Тарко-Сале 629851 1
Import of international mail, Novokuzneck 34 654034
Acceptance, AL 402135
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Shira 655200
Reception, Kaluga 9 248009
Acceptance, AL 490048
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Xabarovsk 20 680020
Acceptance, Ivanovo 3 153003
Reception, Sankt-Peterburg 375 197375
Reception, Rejdovo 694535
Acceptance, Doneck 346330
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ramenskoe 4 140104
Import of international mail, Voronezh 16 394016
Reception, Uvarovo 393460
Reception, Moskva 304 115304
Import of international mail, Novovoronezh 396070
Import of international mail, Velikij Novgorod 2 173002
Voronezh 30 394030
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Brusovo 171870
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Nizhnij Novgorod 40 603040
Acceptance, Sanatorij Im. Gercena 143088
Acceptance, Bugul`ma 423230
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kazan` 88 420088
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sankt-Peterburg 427 195427
Reception, Tomarovka 309085
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Novocherkassk 13 346413
Acceptance, 665831 665831
离开济宁市 发往济南市Leave Jining sent to the Jinan city
Import of international mail, Ekaterinburg 144 620144
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Chapaevsk 4 446104
Import of international mail, Moskva 535 117535
Acceptance, Velikij Novgorod 8 173008
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 634 119634
Acceptance, 659305 659305
Reception, Mogojtuj 687420
Reception, Voronezh 43 394043
Acceptance, 606500 606500
Acceptance, Sankt-Peterburg 375 197375
Acceptance, Moskva 337 129337Прием, 129337 Москва 337
计划交航,计划航班号LH8415-1340,计划起飞时间03:25Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number LH8415-1340, scheduled departure time 03:25
Reception, 354340 354340Прием, 354340 354340
Reception, Atyashevo 431800
计划交航,计划航班号CZ347-CZ456,计划起飞时间Plan to cross waypoints, plan flight CZ347-CZ456, the scheduled departure time
Import of international mail, Volgograd 105 400105
Acceptance, Fryazino 1 141191
Acceptance, 461637 461637
Acceptance, Sankt-Peterburg 68 190068
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kalininskij 346266
Acceptance, Volgograd 22 400022
Import of international mail, Novorossijsk 13 353913
Acceptance, Bryansk 7 241007
Acceptance, 630087 630087
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sankt-Peterburg 128 196128
Acceptance, Volzhskij 30 404130
Acceptance, Xanty`-Mansijsk 12 628012
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 180 119180
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Simferopol` Pochtamt Uch. Krasnaya Zor`ka 297516
Acceptance, Gukovo 4 347874
Reception, Ekaterinburg 85 620085
Acceptance, 164170 164170
Acceptance, Tver` 43 170043
Acceptance, Kostroma 25 156025
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg 90 620090
Acceptance, Dzhankoj 296100Прием, Джанкое 296100
Reception, Bol`shoe Kozino 606420Прием, бол 606420 большое Козино
Import of international mail, Verxnij Ufalej 456800
Reception, Belgorod 4 308004
Acceptance, Oktyabr`skij 140060
Acceptance, Surgut 14 628414
Acceptance, 412031 412031
Import of international mail, Bajmak 3 453633
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sankt-Peterburg 289 192289
Reception, Moskva 462 109462
Acceptance, 150019 150019
Acceptance, Kirovo-Chepeck 7 613047
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kemerovo 1 650001
Acceptance, 630129 630129
Reception, Moskva 546 117546
Reception, 184653 184653
Reception, Pskov 6 180006
Import of international mail, Py`talovo 181410
Acceptance, Achinsk 3 662153
En cours de traitement à TARASCON PDC1 (13)In the course of treatment, TARASCON PDC1 (13)
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Penza 3 440003
Import of international mail, Sovxoz Im. 50-Letiya Oktyabrya 142435
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Voronezh 65 394065
Import of international mail, Moskva 542 109542
Acceptance, 344018 344018
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Chegdomy`n 682030
Acceptance, 663920 663920
Reception, Kaliningrad 23 236023
Acceptance, Voronezh 68 394068
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Syamzha 162220
Reception, Shebekino 309290
Import of international mail, Koly`van` 1 633161
Acceptance, Krasnoarmejskij 347500
Acceptance, 344000 344000
Import of international mail, E`ngel`s 21 413121
Import of international mail, Omsk 82 644082
Reception, Ufa 105 450105
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Svetlograd 7 356537
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sovxoz Rossoshanskij 396606
Acceptance, Kurgan 6 640006
Ostrolenskij 457663
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Moskva 675 111675
Reception, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskij 24 683024
Import of international mail, Cheboksary` 35 428035
Acceptance, Tol`yatti 47 445047
Acceptance, Bryansk 27 241027
Acceptance, 443023 443023
Acceptance, Beya 655770
Reception, 650068 650068
Sankt-Peterburg 195 190195
Import of international mail, Sankt-Peterburg 299 195299
Delivered, ХОЖАЕВ
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 449 117449
计划交航,计划航班号J2068-683,计划起飞时间23:55Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number J2068-6 8 3, the scheduled departure time 2 3:5 5
Acceptance, 188000 188000
Reception, Achinsk 662150
Import of international mail, Kimovsk 3 301723
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Lyudinovo 5 249405
Import of international mail, Kovrov 601900
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ly`xma 628173
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 462 109462
Import of international mail, Shelabolixa 659050
Import of international mail, Sochi 68 354068
Import of international mail, Dmitrov 141800
Acceptance, Votkinsk 9 427439
Import of international mail, Sergiev Posad 4 141304
Reception, Reutov 2 143962
Acceptance, 692623 692623
Reception, 454128 454128
计划交航,计划航班号KE0828-0925,计划起飞时间Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number KE0828-0925, the scheduled departure time
Acceptance, Aprelevka 2 143362
Acceptance, 356261 356261
Import of international mail, Moskva 445 125445
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Molodezhnoe 694419
Reception at custom house, Moskva 8 125008Прием на таможню, Москва 125008 8
Reception, 653007 653007
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Essentuki 37 357637
Acceptance, 129110 129110
Acceptance, Vladivostok 24 690024
Acceptance, 174411 174411
计划交航,计划航班号TRUCK-CX709,计划起飞时间22:00Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number TRUCK-CX709, the scheduled departure time 22:00
Reception, Nizhnij Novgorod 94 603094
Acceptance, Volgograd 2 400002
Acceptance, Moskva 482 124482Согласие, Москва 124482 482
Acceptance, 601973 601973
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Spas-Demensk 249610
Reception, Nevinnomy`ssk 8 357108
Reception, 440023 440023
Reception, Ximki 6 141406Прием, Ximki 6 141406
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Tujmazy` 2 452752
Acceptance, Gorodishhe 460505
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kusa 456940
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Vladimir 35 600035
Processing, Arrived at the place of international exchangeОбработка, прибыло в место международного обмена
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Ekaterinburg 137 620137
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Lipeck 36 398036
Acceptance, Kingisepp 188480
Acceptance, Kazan` 29 420029
Acceptance, 157510 157510
Acceptance, 660119 660119
Acceptance, 652740 652740
Reception, 394063 394063
Reception, 644074 644074
Acceptance, 367010 367010
Import of international mail, Moskva 474 127474
离开,下一站【东莞中心】Leave, next stop [Dongguan center]
Acceptance, Pskov 21 180021
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Krasny`j Yar 416150
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Tyumen` 7 625007
Import of international mail, Sankt-Peterburg 211 196211
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg 100 620100
Acceptance, L`gov 307750
Reutov 143960
Acceptance, Irkutsk 23 664023
Reception, Tver` 1 170001
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Perm` 17 614017
Acceptance, 357001 357001
Import of international mail, Xarlovo 658346
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kry`msk 7 353387
Reception, 600014 600014
Reception, 659840 659840
Reception, Novoural`sk 624130
Item received at Sorting centre — RigaТовар получен в центре сортировки — Рига
Import of international mail, Sankt-Peterburg 373 197373
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Rostov-Na-Donu 68 344068
计划交航,计划航班号MH389-020,计划起飞时间10:15Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number MH389-0 2 0, the scheduled departure time of 1 0:1 5
Voronezh 2 394002
Reception, 601630 601630
Handed over to customs, Voronezh 2 394002
Import of international mail, Laishevo 422610
Acceptance, 658366 658366
Reception, 299006 299006
Acceptance, Moskva 254 127254
Kaluga 21 248021
Acceptance, Mcensk 1 303031
Acceptance, Kostroma 156000
Import of international mail, Mezhdurechenskij 628200
Acceptance, Kamensk-Ural`skij 28 623428
Import of international mail, Pskov 14 180014
Reception, Blagoveshhensk Pochtamt 675000
Acceptance, 456313 456313
Acceptance, 141006 141006
Import of international mail, Ry`binsk 16 152916
Acceptance, Zajmo-Obry`v 346771Acceptance, Zajmo-Obry v 346771
Acceptance, 125008 125008
Import of international mail, Klin 6 141606
Reception, Shepsi 352815Reception, All 352815
Reception, Aginskoe 687000
离开,下一站【嘉兴】Leave, next stop【Jiaxing】
Import of international mail, Moskva 20 111020
Acceptance, Omsk 99 644099
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 361 119361
Reception, 157270 157270
Reception, Irkutsk 82 664082
Reception, Murmansk 52 183052
Import of international mail, Xabarovsk 29 680029
Processing, Arrived at the place of delivery, Moskva MMPO 104000Обработка, прибыло в место вручения, Москва \»ММПО\» 104000
Acceptance, 108825 108825
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Samara 29 443029
Acceptance, 309990 309990
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Rogachevo 141880
Acceptance, Moskva 563 115563
Import of international mail, Bol`shoe Isakovo 238311
Acceptance, Kursk 16 305016
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Neman 238710
Reception, 427000 427000
Import of international mail, Lyubercy` 13 140013
Acceptance, Petrozavodsk 7 185007
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Poselok Iskatelej 166700
Import of international mail, Bary`bino 142060
Acceptance, 630106 630106
Reception, Aprelevka 2 143362
Not handed over during delivery
Reception, 368760 368760
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Koly`chevo 142821
Reception, Sankt-Peterburg 197 195197
Acceptance, Sankt-Peterburg 82 197082
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg 16 620016
Acceptance, 445560 445560
Acceptance, Volgograd 81 400081
Import of international mail, Salavat 15 453265
Reception, 404121 404121
Acceptance, Moskva 322 127322
Import of international mail, Sankt-Peterburg 168 193168
Acceptance, Baklashi 666021
Import of international mail, Moskva 216 117216
Reception, 125195 125195Прием, 125195 125195
Acceptance, 601903 601903
Acceptance, Orenburg 9 460009Приемка, Оренбург 460009 9
Import of international mail, Perm` 88 614088
Reception, 656052 656052
Import of international mail, Novorossijsk 25 353925
Moskva 623 117623
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Petrovka 297012
Reception, Bijsk 5 659305
Import of international mail, Gubaxa 618250
Acceptance, Novosibirsk 87 630087
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Pavlovskaya 352040
Acceptance, Samara 443124
Import of international mail, Volgodonsk 6 347366Импорт международной почты, Волгодонск 347366 6
Acceptance, 660049 660049
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Samara 69 443069
Reception, Sarapul 1 427961
Reception, 421001 421001
Acceptance, 400121 400121
The consignment has left the border pointПосылка покинуло пограничный пункт
Acceptance, Moskva 47 125047
Reception, Izobil`ny`j 6 356146
Acceptance, 445005 445005
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Stavropol` 40 355040
Acceptance, 172840 172840Прием, 172840 172840
Acceptance, Yuzhno-Saxalinsk Pochtamt 693000
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sankt-Peterburg 121 190121
Import of international mail, Sazan`e 442882
Acceptance, 171870 171870
Acceptance, Vy`sokovsk 141650
Acceptance, Kemerovo 3 650003
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Zvenigorod 143180
Acceptance, 249010 249010
Acceptance, Tosno 1 187001
Import of international mail, Gukovo 9 347879
Reception, 650024 650024
Import of international mail, Ufa 1 450001
Import of international mail, Essentukskaya 357350
Acceptance, Sankt-Peterburg 332 198332
Handed over to customs, Krasnoyarsk 122 660122
Reception, Chelyabinsk 454001
Import of international mail, Moskva 530 119530
Reception, Vidnoe 3 142703
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Gorki 10 143032
Acceptance, Bogorodsk 5 607605
Acceptance, 296102 296102
Reception, Ekaterinburg 17 620017
Reception, Serpuxov 5 142205
Acceptance, Vladikavkaz 47 362047
Acceptance, 358009 358009
Acceptance, 690017 690017
Acceptance, Olekminsk 678100
Acceptance, 399540 399540
Reception, Kurtamy`sh 1 641431
Reception, 142460 142460
Acceptance, 117647 117647
Acceptance, Lipeck 1 398001
Import of international mail, E`lektrostal` 144000
Acceptance, Volgograd 12 400012
Reception, Baranovka 658474
Moskva 323 129323
Reception, Penza 15 440015
Acceptance, 347380 347380
Acceptance, Verxnyaya Py`shma 624090
Acceptance, Skopin 391800
Acceptance, Arxangel`sk 163072
Acceptance, Tver` 3 170003
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Arxangel`sk 163000
Reception at custom house, Novosibirsk 33 630033
Acceptance, Moskva 591 127591
Import of international mail, Desnogorsk 216400
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Volgograd 48 400048
Import of international mail, Kudy`mkar 619000
离开,下一站【中山】Leave, next stop【Zhongshan】
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Novovoronezh 2 396072
Reception at custom house, Sankt-Peterburg 256 195256
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Surgut 10 628410Обработка, прибыло на территорию РФ, Сургут 628410 10
Acceptance, 198260 198260
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Surgut 18 628418
Reception, Krasnogorsk 6 143406
Reception, 628506 628506
Reception, 630063 630063
Reception, Kovrov 14 601914
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Slobodskoj 2 613152
Import of international mail, Trudovoe 2 690912
Reception, Suzun 3 633623Reception, 3 633623 Drain
Acceptance, 353475 353475
Reception, Novotroick 6 462356
Acceptance, Ryazan` 15 390015
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kazan` 97 420097
Acceptance, Makushino 641600
Awaiting presentation to Customs
Import of international mail, Simferopol` 18 295018
Import of international mail, Moskva 224 127224
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Nizhnij Novgorod 603162
Acceptance, 367006 367006
Acceptance, Danilov 152070
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Arxangel`skoe 356835
Acceptance, Ul`yanovsk 35 432035
Reception at custom house, Kochubeevskoe 357000
Acceptance, Oktyabr`skij 456658
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Novosibirsk 90 630090
Handed over to customs, Moskva 525 117525
Handed over to customs, Cheboksary` 28 428028
离开,下一站【金华中心】Leave, next stop【Jinhua center]
Acceptance, 125222 125222
Import of international mail, Vizinga 168100
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ulan-Ude` 47 670047
Import of international mail, Pechora 1 169601
Acceptance, 367031 367031
Reception, Kemerovo 2 650002
Acceptance, Chistopol` 5 422985
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Suleevo 423447
Reception, 454018 454018
Acceptance, Vladimir 22 600022
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Solnechny`j 1 682711
Handed over to customs, Ximki 8 141408
Acceptance, Simferopol` 48 295048
Acceptance, Smolensk 4 214004
Reception, Neklyudovo 606460
Reception, 644110 644110
Acceptance, Chernogorsk 13 655163
Acceptance, Konakovo 2 171252
Acceptance, 446213 446213
Acceptance, 443033 443033
Import of international mail, Klyuchi 658980
Reception, 141734 141734
Acceptance, 141401 141401
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Verx-Suetka 658690
Import of international mail, Voronezh 77 394077
Reception, Petrozavodsk 13 185013
Reception, 450096 450096
Import of international mail, Orsk 30 462430
Acceptance, Altajskoe 659650
Acceptance, Moskva 594 129594
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kry`msk 353380Обработка, прибыло на территорию Российской Федерации, Кры\’msk 353380
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Malaya Purga 427820
Acceptance, Chelyabinsk 10 454010
Reception, Komsomol`sk-Na-Amure 32 681032
Reception, 454084 454084
Acceptance, Stary`j Oskol 1 309501
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kaspijsk 368300
Acceptance, 394029 394029Прием, 394029 394029
计划交航,计划航班号KA863-CX289,计划起飞时间08:25Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number KA863-CX289, the scheduled departure time 0 8:2 5
Reception, 353265 353265
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Kaluga 10 248010
Acceptance, 361101 361101
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Samara 87 443087
Acceptance, 173021 173021
Acceptance, Tula 4 300004
Processing, Sorting, Sankt-Peterburg 374 197374
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Berdsk 9 633009
Reception, Voronezh 51 394051
Acceptance, Zarechny`j 1 624251
Acceptance, 690065 690065
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Tver` 39 170039
Acceptance, Saratov 41 410041
Reception, Kudrovo 188691
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Meget 665854
计划交航,计划航班号OZ350-OZ793,计划起飞时间14:50Рейсы OZ350-OZ793, плановое время вылета 1 4:5 0
Acceptance, Krasny`j Sulin 6 346356
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Ekaterinburg 76 620076
Reception, 344030 344030
Acceptance, Yaroslavl` 64 150064
Import of international mail, Novosibirsk 39 630039
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Mixajlovskoe 108833
Reception, Belaya 307910
Acceptance, 119620 119620
Import of international mail, Balabanovo 249000
Acceptance, Partizan 301634
Ishnya 152120Ишня 152120
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kuzneck 7 442537
Acceptance, AL 623923
Import of international mail, Saratov 5 410005
Acceptance, 692036 692036
Acceptance, 188990 188990
Reception at custom house, Naro-Fominsk 1 143301
计划交航,计划航班号KA863-CX289,计划起飞时间Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number KA863-CX289, the scheduled departure time
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Volgograd 105 400105
Acceptance, Naberezhny`e Chelny` 20 423820Приемка, Набережные Челны е` 20 423820
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Lyubuchany` 142380
Delivered to the post officeДоставлено в почтовое отделение
Reception, Sankt-Peterburg 119 191119Reception, Санкт-Петербург 191119 119
Import of international mail, Samara 74 443074
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Novorossijsk 13 353913
Acceptance, Marfino 141052
计划交航,计划航班号MH389-004,计划起飞时间16:05Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number MH389-004, the planned take off time is 16:05
Acceptance, Kondratovo 614506
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Serpuxov 142200
Import of international mail, Proletarsk 347540
Acceptance, 625028 625028
Acceptance, Pechora 169600
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Tyumen` 46 625046
Reception, 160004 160004
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Volgograd 65 400065
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Axty`rskij 2 353302
Acceptance, Kamensk-Ural`skij 30 623430
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Shhelkovo 4 141104
Acceptance, Miass 456300
Import of international mail, Zarechny`j 5 442965
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Smolensk 12 214012
Acceptance, Xabarovsk 7 680007
Acceptance, 141305 141305
Reception, AL 0Прием, Аль 0
Return item from customs (Inb)Возврат с таможни (Инб)
Import of international mail, Stary`j Oskol 1 309501
Reception, Shebekino 6 309296
Import of international mail, Voronezh 19 394019
Acceptance, Tomsk 12 634012
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Volzhskij 27 404127
Acceptance, Voronezh 10 394010
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Ul`yanovsk 35 432035
Acceptance, Kazan` 73 420073
Redispatching, Redirect, Nikol`skoe 156519
Customs clearance, Released by custom houseТаможенное оформление,выпущено таможней.
Reception, Novosibirsk 132 630132
Reception, My`tishhi 9 141009
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Nizhnij Novgorod 142 603142
Import of international mail, Agidel` 452920
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Novorossijsk 23 353923
Acceptance, 624133 624133
Reception, 193079 193079
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Bobrov 4 397704
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Penza 440000
Acceptance, 391748 391748
已出口开拆,备注(邮政公事)Have the outlet to open,note(postal business)
Reception, Omsk 41 644041Прием, Омск 644041 41
Acceptance, Mglin 243220
Reception, 192177 192177
Origin Post is Preparing ShipmentПроисхождение пост Подготовка отгрузка
Import of international mail, Kostroma 4 156004
Reception, Yaroslavl` 62 150062Прием, Ярославль 150062 62
Import of international mail, Sankt-Peterburg 356 194356
Acceptance, Orenburg 34 460034
Import of international mail, Raduzhny`j 600910
Orel 25 302025
Reception, Kubinka 143070
Acceptance, Kemerovo 36 650036
Acceptance, Ryazan` 26 390026
Import of international mail, Dubrovka 188684
Import of international mail, Tver` 26 170026
Bezenchuk 446250
Acceptance, Velizh 216290
Import of international mail, Bryansk 37 241037
Import of international mail, Zelenogradskij 141253
Acceptance, Orsk 26 462426Приемка, Орск 462426 26
Import of international mail, Balashixa 7 143907
Acceptance, Stary`j Oskol 4 309504
Acceptance, Moskva 404 115404
Acceptance, 676740 676740
Acceptance, Bol`shoe Alekseevskoe 142853
Acceptance, Ekaterinburg 72 620072
Reception, Petrozavodsk 14 185014
Acceptance, 652645 652645
Reception, Chita 38 672038
Kommunarka 108814
Import of international mail, Pirochi 140479
Import of international mail, Nizhnij Novgorod 73 603073
Reception at custom house, Vladivostok 13 690013
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Moskva 413 125413
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Verxnij Uslon 422570
Import of international mail, Arxangel`sk 39 163039
Reception, 143570 143570
离开【哈市航站】交航Leave【Hashi terminal] the cross-voyage
Acceptance, 454084 454084
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Surgut 12 628412
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 461 117461
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Nizhnee Xoroshovo 140480
Reception, 452852 452852
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Nizhnekamsk 423570
Acceptance, Sobinka 4 601204
Acceptance, Samara 16 443016
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Belogorsk 3 676853Обработка, прибыло на территорию Российской Федерации, Белогорск 676853 3
Reception, Magnitogorsk 49 455049
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Prigorodny`j 403518
Acceptance, Sankt-Peterburg 295 194295
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Verxneyarkeevo 452260
Acceptance, 169300 169300
Acceptance, Voronezh 87 394087
Reception, 625006 625006
Acceptance, Volgograd 29 400029
Acceptance, Volzhskij 27 404127
Import of international mail, Suxinichi 5 249275
Acceptance, 462274 462274
Import of international mail, Usinsk 1 169711
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sankt-Peterburg 352 194352
Acceptance, 295022 295022
Acceptance, 393955 393955
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Novy`j 692491
Import of international mail, Yaroslavl` 60 150060
Acceptance, Svetogorsk 188990
Import of international mail, Vologda 19 160019
Acceptance, 680023 680023
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Novokuzneck 34 654034
Acceptance, Pushkino 7 141207
Acceptance, 655200 655200
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Balakovo 25 413865
Reception, Stavropol` 42 355042
Acceptance, Xabarovsk 20 680020
Acceptance, 445031 445031
Reception, Tula 2 300002
Import of international mail, Rudnya 216790
Reception, Shumerlya 2 429122
Acceptance, Ramenskoe 4 140104
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Voronezh 16 394016
Reception, 445044 445044
Acceptance, 646430 646430Прием, 646430 646430
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Novovoronezh 396070
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Velikij Novgorod 2 173002
Handed over to customs, Voronezh 30 394030
Acceptance, Brusovo 171870
Reception, 603040 603040
Reception, Moskva 566 127566
Acceptance, Chita 12 672012
Acceptance, Kazan` 88 420088
Import of international mail, Bor 6 606446Импорт международной почты, Бор 606446 6
Reception, Perm` 10 614010
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Novocherkassk 13 346413
Import of international mail, Angarsk 31 665831
济宁速递兖州营业部已收件(揽投员姓名:王旋,联系电话:15864104233)Jining courier Yanzhou business portion of the received pieces embrace cast member name: the king of spin,contact phone:15864104233)
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg 144 620144
Acceptance, 446104 446104
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 535 117535
Reception, Serov 13 624993
Acceptance, 119634 119634
Import of international mail, Liski 397900
Import of international mail, Omsk 106 644106
Reception, Magas 1 386001
Acceptance, Tol`yatti 17 445017
Acceptance, 628486 628486
Import of international mail, Rostov-Na-Donu 15 344015
计划交航,计划航班号LH8415-1234,计划起飞时间03:25Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number LH8415-1234, the scheduled departure time 03:25
Reception, Ryazan` 30 390030
Acceptance, 196135 196135
Acceptance, Sankt-Peterburg 24 191024
Acceptance, 166700 166700
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Bary`bino 142060
Reception, Mogojto 671633
Reception, Bajkalovo 623870
Import of international mail, Volzhskij 20 404120
Reception, Bely`j Yar 636500
Acceptance, Koly`chevo 142821
Import of international mail, Vy`ksa 2 607062
Acceptance, Vladimir 6 600006
Reception, 196128 196128
Import of international mail, Chelyabinsk 100 454100
Reception, Arxangel`sk 38 163038
Acceptance, 119180 119180
Acceptance, 297518 297518
Acceptance, Magnitogorsk 36 455036
Reception, Kapustin Yar 416510
Acceptance, Georgievsk 1 357821
Import of international mail, Novokuzneck 7 654007
Acceptance, Kolomna 15 140415
Acceptance, 620090 620090
Import of international mail, Sankt-Peterburg 240 196240
Acceptance, Cheboksary` 35 428035
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Verxnij Ufalej 456800
Import of international mail, Moskva 480 125480
Import of international mail, Moskva 186 117186
Acceptance, 127247 127247
Acceptance, Lesosibirsk 3 662543
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Bajmak 3 453633
Acceptance, Sankt-Peterburg 289 192289
Reception, Ufa 78 450078
Reception, Meleuz 453850
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Moskva 164 129164
Acceptance, Kemerovo 1 650001
Acceptance, Moskva 316 109316
Reception, Moskva 142 115142
Import of international mail, Nizhnij Novgorod 6 603006
Reception, Gavrilov Yam 1 152241
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Py`talovo 181410
Acceptance, Voronezh 28 394028
Arrivée en France ROISSY HUB BSCC PIC (93)Arrived in France, ROISSY HUB BSCC PEAK (93)
Acceptance, Penza 3 440003
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sovxoz Im. 50-Letiya Oktyabrya 142435
Reception, Voronezh 65 394065
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 542 109542
Import of international mail, Ny`tva 1 617001
Acceptance, 682030 682030
Dispatched from International Mail ExchangeОтправляется от международного почтового обмена
Processing, SortingОбработка, Сортировка
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Cherepovec 4 162604
Acceptance, Syamzha 162220
Reception, 432072 432072
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Koly`van` 1 633161
Acceptance, Kazan` 81 420081
Import of international mail, Chelyabinsk 80 454080
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, E`ngel`s 21 413121
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Omsk 82 644082
Acceptance, Dzhankoj 2 296102
Acceptance, Svetlograd 7 356537
Acceptance, Sovxoz Rossoshanskij 396606
Acceptance, 432002 432002
Import of international mail, Ostrolenskij 457663
Reception, 422980 422980
Import of international mail, E`nem 385130
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Cheboksary` 35 428035
Acceptance, AL 142784
Import of international mail, Ximki 7 141407
Acceptance, 641730 641730
Import of international mail, E`ngel`s 413100Импорт международной почты, электронной\’ngel это 413100
Import of international mail, Moskva 56 123056
Handed over to customs, Sankt-Peterburg 195 190195
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sankt-Peterburg 299 195299
Tashkent 115 (100115)
Acceptance, 117449 117449
计划交航,计划航班号KE0828-0927,计划起飞时间12:45Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number KE0828-0 9 2 7, the scheduled departure time 1 2:4 5
Reception, Saratov 41 410041
Reception, 450005 450005
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kimovsk 3 301723
Lyudinovo 5 249405
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kovrov 601900
Acceptance, Ly`xma 628173
Import of international mail, Dinskaya Pochtamt 353200
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Shelabolixa 659050
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sochi 68 354068
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Dmitrov 141800
Import of international mail, Novokuzneck 5 654005
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sergiev Posad 4 141304
Acceptance, Staraya Russa 4 175204
Reception, Volgodonsk 26 347386
Import of international mail, Glazov 2 427622
计划交航,计划航班号CZ327,计划起飞时间Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number CZ327, the scheduled departure time
Acceptance, 360051 360051
Acceptance, Ekaterinburg 137 620137
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 445 125445
Acceptance, 694419 694419
Reception, Moskva 8 125008Прием, Москва 125008 8
Reception, Prokop`evsk 7 653007
Reception, 357637 357637
Acceptance, 391851 391851
Acceptance, Noril`sk 18 663318
Acceptance, 398006 398006
计划交航,计划航班号CF209-CI0061,计划起飞时间08:50Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number CF209-CI0061, the scheduled departure time 08:50
Reception, Novomoskovsk 4 301654
Import of international mail, Moskva 423 123423
Import of international mail, Moskva 466 125466
Acceptance, 394028 394028
Acceptance, Spas-Demensk 249610
Acceptance, Penza 66 440066
Import of international mail, Gavrilov Yam 1 152241
Reception, Vladimir 5 600005Прием, 600005 Владимир 5
Reception, Tujmazy` 2 452752
Acceptance, Krasnoisetskoe 641743
Acceptance, Kusa 456940
Vladimir 35 600035
Ekaterinburg 137 620137
Import of international mail, Lipeck 36 398036
Acceptance, 357820 357820
Acceptance, 143430 143430
Acceptance, 171640 171640
Processing, Arrived at the place of delivery, КитайОбработка, прибыло в место вручения, Китай
Reception, Naberezhny`e Chelny` 27 423827
Acceptance, Vologda 33 160033
泉州市速递物流分公司国际业务部已收件(揽投员姓名:陈坤煌,联系电话:13506075135)Quanzhou Express and logistics subsidiary of the International Business Unit has received pieces embrace cast member name: Chen kun Huang,Tel:13506075135)
Acceptance, 353440 353440
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 474 127474
Import of international mail, Bijsk 5 659305
Import of international mail, Ejsk 10 353690
Reception, 416150 416150
Reception, Tyumen` 7 625007
Reception, Moskva 531 111531
Import of international mail, Sterlitamak 4 453104
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Ramon` 396020
Handed over to customs, Reutov 143960
Reception, 125008 125008
Acceptance, Sarapul 1 427961
Perm` 17 614017
Acceptance, 346506 346506
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Xarlovo 658346
Acceptance, Kry`msk 7 353387
Reception, 450105 450105
Acceptance, Yuzhny`j 656906
Reception, Uxta 19 169319
Import of international mail, Samara 66 443066
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sankt-Peterburg 373 197373
Acceptance, 344068 344068
计划交航,计划航班号CZ307,计划起飞时间00:05Plan to cross waypoints, plan flight CZ307, the planned take-off time 0 0:0 5
Reception at custom house, Voronezh 2 394002
Import of international mail, Uxta 11 169311
Reception, 654059 654059
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Laishevo 422610
Acceptance, Gorin 682732
Reception, Moskva 581 125581
Acceptance, 127273 127273
Reception at custom house, Kaluga 21 248021
Acceptance, Moskva 285 119285
Acceptance, 450049 450049
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Mezhdurechenskij 628200
Import of international mail, Samara 77 443077
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Pskov 14 180014
Import of international mail, Elabuga 423600
Acceptance, Sankt-Peterburg 177 192177
Acceptance, Moskva 587 117587
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ry`binsk 16 152916
Acceptance, Gubaxa 5 618255
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Moskva 8 125008Таможенное оформление, Выпущено таможней, Москва 125008 8
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Klin 6 141606
Import of international mail, Leningradskaya 3 353743
Reception, Vladivostok 39 690039
Import of international mail, Usinsk 169710
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 20 111020
Acceptance, Orel 20 302020
Reception, 119361 119361
Reception, Perm` 39 614039
Acceptance, 354037 354037
Acceptance, 368832 368832
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Xabarovsk 29 680029
Import of international mail, Slavyansk-Na-Kubani 353560
Acceptance, Sankt-Peterburg 273 195273
Reception, Samara 29 443029
Import of international mail, Inskoj 652644
Acceptance, Rogachevo 141880
Import of international mail, Moskva 17 119017
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Bol`shoe Isakovo 238311
Import of international mail, Vel`sk 165150
Reception, 238710 238710
Import of international mail, Novoe Timoshkino 423071
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Lyubercy` 13 140013
Acceptance, Xabarovsk 14 680014
Handed over to customs, Ishnya 152120Передано таможне, Ишня 152120
Reception, Kuzneck 7 442537
Acceptance, 143001 143001
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Saratov 5 410005
Import of international mail, Nizhnij Novgorod 24 603024
Acceptance, 195197 195197
Import of international mail, Naro-Fominsk 1 143301
Reception, 195197 195197
Import of international mail, Samara 30 443030
Reception, Ekaterinburg 16 620016
Acceptance, 185032 185032
Acceptance, 455021 455021
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Salavat 15 453265
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Volzhskij 21 404121
Import of international mail, Temnikov 431220
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sankt-Peterburg 168 193168
Import of international mail, Moskva 344 129344
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 216 117216
Import of international mail, Serafimovich 1 403441
Acceptance, Roshhinskij 443539
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Orenburg 9 460009Обработка, прибыло на территорию РФ, 460009 Оренбургская 9
Acceptance, Perm` 88 614088
Reception, Orenburg 60 460060
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Novorossijsk 25 353925
Handed over to customs, Moskva 623 117623
Acceptance, Petrovka 297012
Import of international mail, Oboyan` 306230
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Gubaxa 618250
Reception, AL 350097
Import of international mail, Monino-Privokzal`noe 141171
Acceptance, Simferopol` 53 295053
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Volgodonsk 6 347366Обработка, прибыло на территорию РФ, Волгодонск 347366 6
Acceptance, Ural`sk 453742
Acceptance, Samara 69 443069
Reception, 440068 440068
Import of international mail, Kamen`-Na-Obi 7 658707
Import of international mail, Zemlyansk 396920
Acceptance, 236003 236003
Import of international mail, Tuapse 352800
Reception, Novosibirsk 112 630112
Reception, Stavropol` 40 355040
Acceptance, Ufa 68 450068
Acceptance, 127560 127560
Acceptance, 190121 190121
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sazan`e 442882
Acceptance, Mezhdurechensk 652870
Reception, 141650 141650
Import of international mail, Sevastopol` 29 299029
Acceptance, Zvenigorod 143180
Acceptance, Sankt-Peterburg 328 198328
Acceptance, 392024 392024Прием, 392024 392024
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Gukovo 9 347879
Reception, Kemerovo 24 650024
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ufa 1 450001
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Essentukskaya 357350
Acceptance, Moskva 470 115470
Import of international mail, Krasnoyarsk 122 660122
Reception, Sy`kty`vkar 2 167002
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 530 119530
Import of international mail, Rostov-Na-Donu 113 344113
Acceptance, 143032 143032
Acceptance, Izhevsk 73 426073
Import of international mail, Omsk 105 644105
Acceptance, Sevastopol` 11 299011
Acceptance, Omsk 76 644076
Reception, Tavda 623950
Acceptance, Astraxan` 4 414004
Acceptance, Kokoshkino 108804
Acceptance, Nizhnij Novgorod 158 603158
Acceptance, 630017 630017
Reception, Irkutsk 17 664017
Import of international mail, Moskva 598 115598
Reception, 625051 625051
Acceptance, Moskva 544 109544
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, E`lektrostal` 144000
Acceptance, Moskva 523 105523
Acceptance, Novosibirsk 8 630008
Import of international mail, Moskva 323 129323
Import of international mail, Nizhnij Novgorod 146 603146
Acceptance, 660130 660130
Acceptance, 614030 614030
Import of international mail, Beloyarskij 2 628162
Acceptance, 141410 141410
Import of international mail, Tol`yatti 12 445012
Reception, Arxangel`sk 163000
Import of international mail, Novosibirsk 33 630033
Acceptance, Xabarovsk 15 680015
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Desnogorsk 216400
Acceptance, 400048 400048
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kudy`mkar 619000
Reception, 423224 423224
Novovoronezh 2 396072
Import of international mail, Sankt-Peterburg 256 195256
Acceptance, Surgut 10 628410Прием, Сургут 628410 10
Acceptance, Kudy`mkar 619000
Acceptance, 628418 628418
Import of international mail, Salavat 1 453251
Acceptance, Moskva 36 117036Согласие, Москва 117036 36
Acceptance, Sankt-Peterburg 349 197349
Acceptance, Bronnicy` 1 140171
Acceptance, Slobodskoj 2 613152
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Trudovoe 2 690912
Import of international mail, Cherepovec 10 162610
Reception, 123592 123592
Acceptance, Novokuzneck 79 654079
Acceptance, Kursk 305038
Acceptance, 420097 420097
Acceptance, Moskva 382 109382
Arrival from abroad
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Simferopol` 18 295018
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 224 127224
Acceptance, 603162 603162
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Komsomol`sk-Na-Amure 18 681018
Acceptance, 305005 305005
Acceptance, 356835 356835
Korolev 30 141090Any 30 141090
Import of international mail, Kochubeevskoe 357000
Reception, 394005 394005
Acceptance, 630090 630090
Import of international mail, Moskva 525 117525
Import of international mail, Cheboksary` 28 428028
Reception, Kry`msk 353380
Reception, Sankt-Peterburg 354 194354
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Vizinga 168100
Acceptance, Ulan-Ude` 47 670047
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Pechora 1 169601
Acceptance, 692183 692183
Reception, 305026 305026
Acceptance, Sochi 68 354068
Acceptance, Suleevo 423447
Reception, Tajshet 4 665004
Acceptance, Moskva 525 117525
Acceptance, 682711 682711
Import of international mail, Ximki 8 141408
Return, Storage life is expired, Moskva MMPO 104000
Reception, Omsk 7 644007
Reception, 361700 361700
Import of international mail, Neryungri 7 678967Импорт международной почты, Нерюнгри 678967 7
Import of international mail, Taganrog 30 347930
Import of international mail, Moskva 602 119602
Acceptance, AL 692646
Import of international mail, Izhevsk 68 426068
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Klyuchi 658980
Acceptance, Moskva 456 109456
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Ximki 1 141401
Acceptance, Sankt-Peterburg 427 195427
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Voronezh 77 394077
Reception, Klimovo 243040
Reception, 141342 141342
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Orsk 30 462430
Import of international mail, Ulan-Ude` 33 670033
Acceptance, 119602 119602
Acceptance, Trudarmejskij 653250
Reception, Malaya Purga 427820
Acceptance, Novy`j Rogachik 1 403021
Reception, Vol`sk 4 412904
Reception, Chelyabinsk 100 454100
Import of international mail, Tula 1 300001
Import of international mail, Pavlovo 606100
Acceptance, Stavropol` 40 355040
计划交航,计划航班号KE0828,计划起飞时间12:45Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number KE0828, the scheduled departure time 1 2:4 5
Acceptance, Ivanovo 32 153032
Reception at custom house, Kaluga 10 248010
Reception, 157008 157008
Import of international mail, Novotroick 10 462360
Import of international mail, Moskva 377 109377
Redispatching, Redirect, Moskva 5 105005
Import of international mail, Sankt-Peterburg 374 197374
Reception, Berdsk 9 633009
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Baksan 5 361535Таможенное оформление, Выпущено таможней, Баксан 361535 5
Import of international mail, Moskva 374 121374
Import of international mail, Novosibirsk 132 630132
Acceptance, Tver` 39 170039
Reception, Rubcovsk 22 658222
Reception, Sal`sk 347630
Reception, 665854 665854
计划交航,计划航班号EK307-171,计划起飞时间23:55Plan to cross waypoints, plan flight EK307-1 7 1, the scheduled departure time 2 3:5 5
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Kuz`michi 216593
Import of international mail, Ekaterinburg 76 620076
Reception, Kaluga 33 248033
Acceptance, Moskva 573 115573
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Novosibirsk 39 630039
Mixajlovskoe 108833
Reception, Sochi 24 354024
Import of international mail, Gornopravdinsk 628520
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Balabanovo 249000
Import of international mail, Nal`chik 51 360051
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Vladimir 5 600005Таможенное оформление, Выпущено таможней, Владимир 600005 5
Import of international mail, Moskva 296 119296
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Rostov-Na-Donu 15 344015
计划交航,计划航班号LH8411-LH498,计划起飞时间06:20Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number LH8411-LH498, the planned departure time of 06:20
离开,下一站【连云港】Leave, next stop【Shanghai】
Acceptance, Balagansk 1 666391
计划交航,计划航班号CA907,计划起飞时间Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number CA907, the scheduled departure time
Acceptance, 400105 400105
Acceptance, 153012 153012
Lyubuchany` 142380
Transmission for deliveryПередачи для доставки
离开,下一站【广商大宗】Leave, next stop【wide commercial bulk】
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Samara 74 443074
Reception, 353913 353913
Acceptance, Ufa 5 450005
计划交航,计划航班号KL0898-KL3123,计划起飞时间11:05Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number KL0898-KL3123, the scheduled departure time is 11:05
Reception, 398032 398032
Reception, Cherepovec 14 162614
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Proletarsk 347540
Acceptance, Shelexov 7 666037
Acceptance, 350089 350089
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 683 124683
Acceptance, Moskva 99 121099
Acceptance, Volgograd 65 400065
Acceptance, Axty`rskij 2 353302
Acceptance, 623430 623430
Acceptance, 141104 141104
Acceptance, 141840 141840
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Zarechny`j 5 442965
Acceptance, Smolensk 12 214012
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Samara 16 443016
Acceptance, Ryazan` 44 390044
Acceptance, AL 193569
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Stary`j Oskol 1 309501
Reception, Pavlovsk 659000
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Voronezh 19 394019
Import of international mail, Michurinsk 1 393761
Reception, Volzhskij 27 404127
Reception, Armavir 30 352930
Ul`yanovsk 35 432035
Acceptance, 153511 153511
Import of international mail, Pochtovoe 298420
Acceptance, Moskva 423 123423
Acceptance, Klin 1 141601
Acceptance, Balakovo 17 413857
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Agidel` 452920
Acceptance, Novorossijsk 23 353923
Import of international mail, Novoural`sk 3 624133
Reception, Cheboksary` 34 428034
Acceptance, Bobrov 4 397704
Acceptance, 440000 440000
Acceptance, Aleksandrov 1 601651
计划交航,计划航班号LX197-2250,计划起飞时间06:45Plan to cross waypoints, plan flight LX197-2 2 5 0, scheduled departure time 0 6:4 5
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Omsk 41 644041Обработка, прибыло на территорию РФ, Омск 644041 41
Reception, Lobnya 141730
Acceptance, 644089 644089
Acceptance, Batushevo 431826Прием, Атяшево, 431826
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kostroma 4 156004
Import of international mail, Protvino 142280
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sankt-Peterburg 356 194356
Reception, AL 142770
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Raduzhny`j 600910
Handed over to customs, Orel 25 302025
Reception, AL 321654
Reception, 450901 450901
Import of international mail, Vyaz`ma 1 215111
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Dubrovka 188684
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Tver` 26 170026
Reception at custom house, Bezenchuk 446250
Acceptance, Tagirkent-Kazmalyar 368796
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Bryansk 37 241037
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Zelenogradskij 141253
Import of international mail, Bryansk 29 241029
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Balashixa 7 143907
Acceptance, Arzamas 607220
Acceptance, 453265 453265
Reception, Moskva 423 123423
Acceptance, 625051 625051Прием, 625051 625051
Acceptance, Ul`yanovsk 10 432010
Acceptance, 400082 400082
Reception, 184209 184209
Import of international mail, 184040
Reception, Atagaj 665121
Handed over to customs, Kommunarka 108814
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Pirochi 140479
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Nizhnij Novgorod 73 603073
Import of international mail, Vladivostok 13 690013
Import of international mail, Moskva 413 125413
Acceptance, Verxnij Uslon 422570
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Arxangel`sk 39 163039
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Moskva 122 105122
【俄速通】已发出【The Russian-speed pass】has been issued
Reception, AL 123123
Acceptance, Surgut 12 628412
Acceptance, Moskva 461 117461
Acceptance, 140480 140480
Import of international mail, Cherepovec 4 162604
Reception, Nizhnekamsk 423570
Import of international mail, Angasolka 665917
Acceptance, Balaxna 606400
Acceptance, 410009 410009
Acceptance, Nikolaevsk 3 404033
Prigorodny`j 403518
Reception, Chim 169253
Acceptance, 452260 452260
Acceptance, 456020 456020
Acceptance, Desnogorsk 216400
Reception, AL 692805
Acceptance, 236039 236039
Import of international mail, Moskva 279 117279
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Suxinichi 5 249275
Acceptance, 198504 198504
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Usinsk 1 169711
Reception, 194352 194352
Acceptance, 443011 443011
Acceptance, Tula 44 300044
Acceptance, Nizhnij Novgorod 28 603028
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Yaroslavl` 60 150060
Acceptance, Moskva 349 127349
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Vologda 19 160019
Import of international mail, Tarko-Sale 1 629851
Acceptance, 680051 680051
Acceptance, Volgograd 75 400075
Import of international mail, Ul`yanovka 187010
Import of international mail, Balakovo 25 413865
Redispatching, Redirect, Yaroslavl` 46 150046
Acceptance, 460052 460052
Acceptance, 115408 115408
Reception, Ivanovo 3 153003
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Rudnya 216790
Reception, Ly`tkarino 3 140083
Acceptance, 400005 400005
Acceptance, Voronezh 16 394016
Reception, Sankt-Peterburg 131 192131
Import of international mail, Ul`yanovsk 64 432064
Acceptance, 396070 396070
Acceptance, Velikij Novgorod 2 173002
Import of international mail, Voronezh 30 394030
Acceptance, Tuapse 2 352802
Reception, 410040 410040
Reception, 214039 214039
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Bryansk 35 241035
Import of international mail, Tol`yatti 5 445005
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Bor 6 606446Обработка, прибыло на территорию РФ, Бор 606446 6
Acceptance, Chelyabinsk 79 454079
Novocherkassk 13 346413
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Angarsk 31 665831
Acceptance, Moskva 674 111674
Acceptance, Ekaterinburg 144 620144
Acceptance, 665825 665825
Reception, Moskva 535 117535
Reception, Artem 1 692751
Acceptance, Severodvinsk 164500
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Liski 397900
Reception, Omsk 106 644106
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Inskoj 652644
Reception, 392024 392024Прием, 392024 392024
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 17 119017
Acceptance, 238311 238311
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Vel`sk 165150
Import of international mail, Dolgoprudny`j 7 141707
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Novoe Timoshkino 423071
Acceptance, Lyubercy` 13 140013
Acceptance, 350056 350056
Acceptance, Sankt-Peterburg 229 197229
Import of international mail, Klin 1 141601
Processing, Left the sorting centerОбработка, покинуло сортировочный центр
Reception, Novokujby`shevsk 446200
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Volzhskij 20 404120
Reception, Voronezh 57 394057
Import of international mail, Kommunar 188320
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Vy`ksa 2 607062
Import of international mail, Angarsk 30 665830
Acceptance, Novokuzneck 18 654018
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk 100 454100
Acceptance, 352195 352195
Acceptance, 107564 107564
Acceptance, 142432 142432
Acceptance, 660068 660068
Omsk 41 644041Омск 644041 41
Reception, 432035 432035
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Novokuzneck 7 654007
Acceptance, 385009 385009
Acceptance, 344058 344058
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sankt-Peterburg 240 196240
Processing, Left the sorting center, 0
Reception, 456800 456800
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 480 125480
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 186 117186
Import of international mail, Yaroslavl` 51 150051
Acceptance, 457410 457410
Acceptance, Bajmak 3 453633
Reception, Ufa 450000
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Shhelkovo 141100Таможенное оформление, Выпущено таможней, Щелково 141100
Import of international mail, Gorno-Altajsk 649000
Moskva 164 129164
Acceptance, 650001 650001
Import of international mail, Roslavl` 2 216502
Acceptance, 607232 607232
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Nizhnij Novgorod 6 603006
Reception, AL 145231
Reception, 181410 181410
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Xabarovsk 680000
Départ pays d’origine ROISSY COURRIER INTERNATIONAL PIC (93)Departure country of origin ROISSY COURRIER INTERNATIONAL PIC (93)
Acceptance, 344020 344020
Reception, Sovxoz Im. 50-Letiya Oktyabrya 142435Nursery, Farm Them. 50-Letiya Oktyabrya 142435
Acceptance, Shaxty` 13 346513
Reception, Moskva 542 109542
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ny`tva 1 617001
Acceptance, Moskva 363 125363
Mail postedПочту написал
Import of international mail, Tomilino 140070
Cherepovec 4 162604
Acceptance, Sol`vy`chegodsk 165330
Import of international mail, Moskva 513 117513
Acceptance, Koly`van` 1 633161
离开,下一站【泗洪】Leave, next stop【sihong】
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk 80 454080
Reception, E`ngel`s 21 413121
Reception, 644082 644082
Acceptance, 630056 630056
Import of international mail, Dzerzhinsk 23 606023
Import of international mail, Essentuki 35 357635
Import of international mail, Izhevsk 19 426019
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ostrolenskij 457663
Acceptance, Yaroslavl` 30 150030
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, E`nem 385130
Reception, Cheboksary` 35 428035
Acceptance, Kirsanov 4 393364
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ximki 7 141407
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Tula 22 300022
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, E`ngel`s 413100Обработка, прибыло на территорию РФ, e\’ngel это 413100
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 56 123056
Import of international mail, Sankt-Peterburg 195 190195
Acceptance, Sankt-Peterburg 299 195299
Import of international mail, Omsk 89 644089
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Voejkovo 188685
计划交航,计划航班号KA863-CX233,计划起飞时间08:25Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number KA863-CX233, the scheduled departure time 0 8:2 5
Acceptance, Zmievka 303320
Reception, Orel 1 302001
Acceptance, Kimovsk 3 301723
Handed over to customs, Lyudinovo 5 249405
Acceptance, Kovrov 601900
Acceptance, Besskorbnaya 352200
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Dinskaya Pochtamt 353200
Acceptance, Balashixa 5 143905
Reception, 354068 354068
Reception, 141800 141800
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Novokuzneck 5 654005
Acceptance, Sergiev Posad 4 141304
Reception, Simferopol` 51 295051
Import of international mail, Krasnodar 28 350028
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Glazov 2 427622
Acceptance, Novomy`shastovskaya 353831
Acceptance, Achinsk 662150
Acceptance, Moskva 445 125445
Reception, Novocherkassk 13 346413
Reception, 692331 692331
离开,下一站【哈市航站】Leave, next stop【Hashi terminal】
Reception, 652645 652645
Acceptance, Gornopravdinsk 628520
Acceptance, Krasnodar 66 350066
Moskva 516 115516
Acceptance, Krasnodar 49 350049
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 423 123423
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 466 125466
Acceptance, Novocherkassk 346400
Acceptance, Vladimir 35 600035
Reception, 454138 454138
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Gavrilov Yam 1 152241
Acceptance, 660022 660022
Import of international mail, Moskva 443 109443
Acceptance, Zarinsk 659100
Acceptance, Ekaterinburg 10 620010
Handed over to customs, Vladimir 35 600035
Import of international mail, Tver` 32 170032
Reception at custom house, Ekaterinburg 137 620137
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Lipeck 36 398036
Import of international mail, Perm` 614000
Import of international mail, Moskva 571 119571
Import of international mail, Sochi 354200
Import of international mail, Primorsk 188910
Reception, 191119 191119Прием, 191119 191119
Reception, Novosibirsk 48 630048
离开,下一站【厦门航站】Leave, next stop【Xiamen terminal】
Acceptance, 394030 394030
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Bijsk 5 659305
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ejsk 10 353690
Orenburg 22 460022
Acceptance, 625007 625007
Acceptance, 156519 156519
Acceptance, Ekaterinburg 100 620100
Ramon` 396020
Import of international mail, Reutov 143960
Redispatching, Redirect, Китай
Reception, 308027 308027
Reception at custom house, Perm` 17 614017
Acceptance, Sankt-Peterburg 350 197350
Acceptance, 658346 658346
Acceptance, Moskva 651 109651
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Tomilino 140070
Reception, Novosibirsk 15 630015
Reception, 196247 196247
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Samara 66 443066
Import of international mail, Enisejsk 5 663185
Acceptance, Dubrovka 242750
计划交航,计划航班号CZ347-CZ456,计划起飞时间00:20Plan to cross waypoints, plan flight CZ347-CZ456, the planned take-off time 0 0:2 0
Import of international mail, Voronezh 2 394002
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Uxta 11 169311
Handed over to customs, Arzamas 607220
Acceptance, 422610 422610
Import of international mail, Nizhnij Tagil 52 622052
Acceptance, 152025 152025
Import of international mail, Sochi 202 354202
Import of international mail, Yurga 12 652062
Import of international mail, Kaluga 21 248021
Import of international mail, Chelyabinsk 78 454078
Import of international mail, Sy`kty`vkar 26 167026
Acceptance, Mezhdurechenskij 628200
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Samara 77 443077
Acceptance, Pskov 14 180014
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Elabuga 423600
Reception, Sochi 53 354053
Acceptance, 603142 603142
Acceptance, Ry`binsk 16 152916
Acceptance, 171162 171162
Moskva 8 125008Москва 8 125008
Reception, Klin 6 141606
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Leningradskaya 3 353743
Acceptance, Poxvistnevo 2 446452
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Usinsk 169710
Acceptance, Moskva 20 111020
Acceptance, Kugarchi 453345
Reception, Chaadaevka-Selo 442324
Reception, Xabarovsk 13 680013
Acceptance, Pskov 180025
Acceptance, Novosibirsk 58 630058
Acceptance, Xabarovsk 29 680029
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Slavyansk-Na-Kubani 353560
Acceptance, 607760 607760
Acceptance, Samara 29 443029
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg 76 620076
Import of international mail, Reutov 5 143965
Reception at custom house, Mixajlovskoe 108833
Reception, 601969 601969
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Gornopravdinsk 628520
Acceptance, Balabanovo 249000
Acceptance, Nizhnevartovsk 21 628621
Import of international mail, Ishnya 152120Импорт международной почты, Ишня 152120
Acceptance, Sovxoz Detskosel`skij 196634
Acceptance, Vladimir 31 600031
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Nizhnij Novgorod 24 603024
Acceptance, Gryazovec 162000Acceptance For Gryazovec 162000
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Naro-Fominsk 1 143301
Import of international mail, Sumarokovo 442379
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Samara 30 443030
Import of international mail, Dzerzhinsk 16 606016
Import of international mail, Moskva 392 107392
Import of international mail, Krasnodar 39 350039
Volzhskij 21 404121
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Temnikov 431220
Acceptance, 193168 193168
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 344 129344
Acceptance, Moskva 216 117216
Reception, Serafimovich 1 403441
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Perm` 88 614088
Import of international mail, Fryazino 6 141196
Acceptance, Novorossijsk 25 353925
Import of international mail, Moskva 623 117623
Import of international mail, Ufa 106 450106
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Oboyan` 306230
Reception, Gubaxa 618250
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Monino-Privokzal`noe 141171
Acceptance, 141292 141292
Acceptance, 347366 347366Прием, 347366 347366
Import of international mail, Novokuzneck 11 654011
Import of international mail, Moskva 581 125581
离开,下一站【张家港】Leave, next stop【legend】
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kamen`-Na-Obi 7 658707
Acceptance, Koltushi 188680
Acceptance, 115470 115470
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Tuapse 352800
Reception, Oktyabr`skij 456658
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Kirishi 3 187113
Acceptance, Leninsk-Kuzneckij 15 652515
Import of international mail, Sokol`niki 301680
Import of international mail, Noril`sk 663332
Acceptance, 141650 141650
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sevastopol` 29 299029
Acceptance, Ufa 77 450077
Import of international mail, Borodino 143240
Reception, 111675 111675
Reception, Gukovo 9 347879
Acceptance, 450001 450001
Acceptance, Essentukskaya 357350
Acceptance, Cheboksary` 14 428014
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk 122 660122
Acceptance, Vladikavkaz 17 362017
Acceptance, Moskva 530 119530
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Rostov-Na-Donu 113 344113
Acceptance, 624003 624003
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Omsk 105 644105
Acceptance, 172010 172010
Delivery, Delivery to the addressee, Moskva MMPO 104000
Acceptance, Leningradskaya 3 353743
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Moskva 367 125367
Acceptance, AL 184040
Acceptance, Voronezh 24 394024
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 598 115598
Reception, 192283 192283
Acceptance, Perevoz 607400
Acceptance, 144000 144000
Acceptance, Berdsk 9 633009
Reception, 143083 143083Прием, 143083 143083
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 323 129323
Reception, Bazarny`j Sy`zgan 433700
Acceptance, Kamensk-Ural`skij 5 623405
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Beloyarskij 2 628162
Acceptance, 301260 301260
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Tol`yatti 12 445012
Acceptance, Ob` 3 633103
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Novosibirsk 33 630033
Acceptance, 216400 216400
Acceptance, 163009 163009
Reception, Samara 106 443106
Import of international mail, Tol`yatti 47 445047
Reception at custom house, Novovoronezh 2 396072
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sankt-Peterburg 256 195256
Acceptance, Ximki Pochtamt 141400
Acceptance, Yuzhno-Saxalinsk 1 693001
Acceptance, Arsen`ev 13 692343
Import of international mail, Blagoveshhensk Pochtamt 675000
Acceptance, 194355 194355
Acceptance, Gvardejsk 238210
Acceptance, 690912 690912
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Cherepovec 10 162610
Import of international mail, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskij 2 683002
Acceptance, 445012 445012
Acceptance, Sankt-Peterburg 354 194354
Acceptance, Sakmara 461420
Departure to country of destination
Reception, Simferopol` 18 295018
Reception, 127224 127224
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Komsomol`sk-Na-Amure 18 681018
Acceptance, Ry`binsk 31 152931
Acceptance, Ly`tkarino 3 140083
Import of international mail, Korolev 30 141090
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kochubeevskoe 357000
Reception, Molokovo 171680
Acceptance, Cherepovec 11 162611
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Cheboksary` 28 428028
Reception, Tejkovo 3 155043
Reception, Vizinga 168100
Import of international mail, Moskva 419 115419
Acceptance, Zaozerny`j 663960
Acceptance, Vladivostok 11 690011
Import of international mail, Vsevolozhsk 3 188643Импорт международной почты, Всеволожск 188643 3
Import of international mail, Chelyabinsk 454018
Acceptance, Begichevskij 301805
Acceptance, 664053 664053
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ximki 8 141408
Import of international mail, Kazan` 101 420101
离开,下一站【厦门中心】Leave, next stop【Xiamen center]
Reception, Arxangel`sk 9 163009
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Taganrog 30 347930
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 602 119602
Import of international mail, Balashixa 143900
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Izhevsk 68 426068
Reception, Klyuchi 658980Прием, Ключи 658980
Handed over to customs, Chelyabinsk 84 454084
Ximki 1 141401
Import of international mail, Bilimbaj 623150
Reception, Kurtamy`sh 641430
Reception, Orsk 30 462430
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ulan-Ude` 33 670033
Acceptance, 142116 142116
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Saratov 5 410005
Import of international mail, Aleksandrov 1 601651
离开,下一站【开平】Leave, next stop【JP】
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Tula 1 300001
Acceptance, Kaspijsk 368300
Acceptance, 141602 141602
计划交航,计划航班号CA1055,计划起飞时间11:30Plan to cross waypoints, plan flight CA1055, the planned departure time of 1 1:3 0
Reception, 443056 443056
Import of international mail, Kaluga 10 248010
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Novotroick 10 462360
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 377 109377
Redispatching, Redirect, Moskva 101000
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sankt-Peterburg 374 197374
Reception, Isil`kul` 4 646024
Baksan 5 361535Баксан 361535 5
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 374 121374
Import of international mail, Chkalovsk 606540
Import of international mail, Chernomorskij 1 353266
Acceptance, Ryazan` 27 390027
Import of international mail, Omsk 100 644100
Kuz`michi 216593
Acceptance, 607513 607513
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Voroncovka 353664
Acceptance, Bilimbaj 623150
Acceptance, Moskva 443 109443
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Borisoglebsk 397160
Acceptance, Liski 397900
Acceptance, Your item was accepted at 7:39 pm on December 13, 2016 in CHINA
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Omsk 106 644106
Acceptance, Novosibirsk 39 630039
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Nal`chik 51 360051
Vladimir 5 600005Владимир 5 600005
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 296 119296
Acceptance, Rostov-Na-Donu 15 344015
计划交航,计划航班号LH8415-498,计划起飞时间03:25Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number LH8415-498, scheduled departure time 03:25
Acceptance, 123592 123592Прием, 123592 123592
Reception, 184230 184230
Reception, Bugry` 188660
Acceptance, 302520 302520
Acceptance, Egorly`kskaya 347660
Handed over to customs, Lyubuchany` 142380
Acceptance, Novodvinsk 2 164902
Reception, Samara 74 443074
Reception, Ryazan` 44 390044
Acceptance, 641430 641430
Import of international mail, Moskva 238 127238
计划交航,计划航班号TK27,计划起飞时间23:15Plan to cross waypoints, plan flight TK27, the planned departure time 23:15
Acceptance, Verxneizhemskij 169533
Import of international mail, Moskva 330 119330
Reception, Proletarsk 347540
Import of international mail, Sankt-Peterburg 276 195276
Acceptance, Izhevsk 72 426072
Acceptance, Kamy`shin 4 403874
Reception, Moskva 683 124683
Import of international mail, Kaliningrad 22 236022
Reception, Livny` 1 303851
Reception, Rasskazovo 2 393252
Acceptance, Sankt-Peterburg 356 194356Акцепт, Санкт-Петербург 194356 356
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Kamensk-Shaxtinskij 9 347809
Acceptance, 624260 624260
Acceptance, Zarechny`j 5 442965
Import of international mail, Chuvarlei 429810
Acceptance, Podgorenskij 396560
Samara 16 443016
Acceptance, 354065 354065
Reception, 403522 403522
Reception, 404130 404130
Reception, Stary`j Oskol 1 309501
Reception, 659000 659000
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Zemlyansk 396920
Acceptance, Voronezh 19 394019
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Michurinsk 1 393761
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Surgut Pochtamt 628400
Reception, Magnitogorsk 455000
Handed over to customs, Ul`yanovsk 35 432035
Import of international mail, Moskva 143 107143
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Pochtovoe 298420
Acceptance, 357115 357115
Import of international mail, Suxoj Log 4 624804
Acceptance, Sazan`e 442882
Reception, Tyukalinsk 646330
Reception, Yuzhno-Saxalinsk 1 693001
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Belaya Kalitva 2 347042
Acceptance, Agidel` 452920
Import of international mail, Tula 27 300027
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Novoural`sk 3 624133
Reception, 443076 443076
Import of international mail, Balashixa 3 143903
Acceptance, Dolgoprudny`j 2 141702
Acceptance, Dzerzhinskij 140090
计划交航,计划航班号TRUCK-CX880,计划起飞时间12:00Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number TRUCK-CX880, the scheduled departure time 1 2:0 0
Acceptance, 305031 305031
Reception, 302010 302010
Import of international mail, Sankt-Peterburg 198 197198
Acceptance, Sarov 5 607185
Acceptance, Kostroma 4 156004
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Protvino 142280
Reception, Sankt-Peterburg 356 194356
Import of international mail, Kommunarka 108814
Acceptance, Raduzhny`j 600910
Import of international mail, Orel 25 302025
Acceptance, 630111 630111
Acceptance, Stary`j Oskol 9 309509
Import of international mail, Moskva 167 125167
Reception, 241050 241050
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Vyaz`ma 1 215111
Acceptance, Dubrovka 188684
Acceptance, Tver` 26 170026
Import of international mail, Bezenchuk 446250
Acceptance, 140105 140105
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Nizhnij Novgorod 146 603146
Acceptance, Bryansk 37 241037
Acceptance, 141253 141253
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Bryansk 29 241029
Acceptance, 143907 143907
Import of international mail, Chelyabinsk 454001
Import of international mail, Shhelkovo 12 141112
Reception, 353900 353900
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Rostov-Na-Donu 91 344091
Acceptance, 634063 634063
Import of international mail, Lyubercy` 6 140006
Reception, 119334 119334
Reception, Ozerki 309543
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, 184040
Reception, Voronezh 38 394038
Acceptance, Arxangel`sk 38 163038
Acceptance, Kaduj 162510
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Salavat 1 453251
Acceptance, 140479 140479
Acceptance, 603073 603073
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Vladivostok 13 690013
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 413 125413
Import of international mail, Omsk 81 644081
Acceptance, 163039 163039
Moskva 122 105122
【俄速通】已接收【The Russian-speed pass】has been received
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Arzamas 607220
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Nizhnevartovsk Pochtamt 628600
Acceptance, Kalininskij 346266
Acceptance, 357100 357100
Acceptance, Svobodny`j 12 676462
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Cherepovec 4 162604
Forwarding, Redirect, Yaroslavl` 46 150046
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Angasolka 665917
Import of international mail, Pervoural`sk 2 623102
Import of international mail, Bobrovka 457134
Acceptance, Nizhnij Novgorod 93 603093Приемка, Нижний Новгород 603093 93
Reception, Peresvet 141320Прием, Пересвет 141320
Reception at custom house, Prigorodny`j 403518
Acceptance, Steklyanny`j 188654
Reception, 193318 193318
Acceptance, Velikij Novgorod 14 173014
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 525 117525
Acceptance, 142605 142605
Acceptance, AL 353450
Import of international mail, Perm` 77 614077
Import of international mail, Moskva 523 105523
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 279 117279
Acceptance, Suxinichi 5 249275
Acceptance, 454025 454025
Acceptance, Mcensk 5 303035
Reception, Usinsk 1 169711
Import of international mail, Vidyaevo 184372
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Kasimov 391300
Acceptance, Nyagan` 7 628187
Acceptance, Dolgoprudny`j 141700
Acceptance, 620039 620039
Acceptance, Yaroslavl` 60 150060
Acceptance, Chernogolovka 142432
Reception, Vologda 19 160019
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Neryungri 7 678967Обработка, прибыло на территорию Российской Федерации, Нерюнгри 678967 7
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Tarko-Sale 1 629851
Acceptance, 427415 427415
Acceptance, 119607 119607
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ul`yanovka 187010
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Balakovo 25 413865
Acceptance, 150044 150044
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Vladimir 28 600028
Acceptance, 442530 442530
Acceptance, Gukovo 10 347880
Acceptance, AL 111111
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Kazan` 420010Обработка, покинуло место международного обмена, Казань 420010
离开,下一站【南阳中心】Leave, next stop【Nanyang center]
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Segezha 2 186422
Acceptance, 152833 152833
Acceptance, Cherepovec 4 162604
Import of international mail, Yaroslavl` 52 150052
Reception, 169200 169200
Acceptance, Kemerovo 64 650064
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ul`yanovsk 64 432064
Acceptance, 650065 650065
Acceptance, 129337 129337
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Voronezh 30 394030
Redispatching, Redirect, Ufa 59 450059
Acceptance, Vyaz`ma 215110
Reception, Cherepovec 11 162611
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Shevlyakovo 141642
Bryansk 35 241035
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Tol`yatti 5 445005
Acceptance, Kazan` 137 420137
Reception, 413100 413100Прием, 413100 413100
Reception at custom house, Novocherkassk 13 346413
Reception, 665831 665831
Import of international mail, Voronezh 44 394044
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Novosibirsk 132 630132
计划交航,计划航班号LH8411-LH1488,计划起飞时间06:20Планируется вылет рейсом LH8411-LH1488, планируемое время вылета: 0 6:2 0
Reception, Shhelkovo 7 141107
Import of international mail, Moskva 620 119620
Reception, 129085 129085
Acceptance, Moskva 458 123458
Acceptance, Tobol`sk 8 626158
Acceptance, Slavyansk-Na-Kubani 353560
Import of international mail, Staraya Kupavna 142450
Acceptance, 428000 428000
Reception, 652644 652644
Reception, Zheleznogorsk 307170
Acceptance, Moskva 17 119017
Acceptance, Sankt-Peterburg 406 199406
Acceptance, Vel`sk 165150
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Dolgoprudny`j 7 141707
Reception, Novoe Timoshkino 423071
Reception, 171870 171870
Acceptance, Berezovskij 652420
Acceptance, 187026 187026
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Klin 1 141601
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Moskva 574 117574
Reception, Balashixa 5 143905
Reception, 404120 404120
Import of international mail, Monino 141170
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kommunar 188320
Acceptance, E`lektrostal` 10 144010
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Angarsk 30 665830
Reception, Moskva 322 127322
Acceptance, Chelyabinsk 100 454100
Import of international mail, Michurinsk 393760
Acceptance, 171166 171166
Import of international mail, Pavlovo 7 606107
Acceptance, 352815 352815
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Novodugino 215240
Acceptance, Perm` 111 614111
Novokuzneck 7 654007
Acceptance, Izhevsk 3 426003
Acceptance, 618542 618542
Acceptance, 196240 196240
Import of international mail, Axtubinsk 6 416506
Volgograd 22 400022
Acceptance, Moskva 480 125480
Acceptance, 117186 117186
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Yaroslavl` 51 150051
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Novodvinsk 164900
Acceptance, Surgut 17 628417
Reception, Voronezh 66 394066
Shhelkovo 141100Щелково 141100
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Gorno-Altajsk 649000
Handed over to customs, Moskva 164 129164
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Kazan` 95 420095
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Roslavl` 2 216502
Acceptance, Arzamas 12 607232Прием, Арзамас 607232 12
Reception, Nizhnij Novgorod 6 603006
Reception, Vologda 160000
Import of international mail, Novorzhev 182440
Xabarovsk 680000
Acceptance, Rzhev Pochtamt 172380
Import of international mail, Stupino 142800
Acceptance, Balakovo 25 413865
Reception, Simferopol` 48 295048
Acceptance, Ny`tva 1 617001
Import of international mail, Lugovoj 628220
Acceptance, Studenok 307148
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Tomilino 140070
Handed over to customs, Cherepovec 4 162604
Reception, Komsomol`sk-Na-Amure 24 681024Прием, Комсомольск-на-Амуре 681024 24
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 513 117513
Acceptance, 634062 634062
Acceptance, 425000 425000
Acceptance, 454080 454080
Acceptance, Beloyarskij 624030Прием, Beloyarskij 624030
Reception, Novodvinsk 164900
Acceptance, 249850 249850
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Dzerzhinsk 23 606023
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Essentuki 35 357635
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Izhevsk 19 426019
Reception, 457663 457663
离开,下一站【合肥国际】Leave, next stop【Hefei international】
Acceptance, 385130 385130
Reception, Chelyabinsk 112 454112
Acceptance, Roshhino 456513
Acceptance, Ximki 7 141407
Tula 22 300022
Acceptance, E`ngel`s 413100Прием, Электронная\’ngel это 413100
Reception, Moskva 56 123056
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sankt-Peterburg 195 190195
Acceptance, 453251 453251
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Omsk 89 644089
Voejkovo 188685
计划交航,计划航班号LH729-686,计划起飞时间22:45Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number LH729-6 8 6 planned Take-Off Time 2 2:4 5
Reception, Xanty`-Mansijsk 10 628010
Reception, Vidnoe 1 142701
Acceptance, Putilkovo 143441
Import of international mail, Lyudinovo 5 249405
Acceptance, 215713 215713
Acceptance, 355037 355037
Reception, Dinskaya Pochtamt 353200
Reception, Ulan-Ude` 4 670004
Import of international mail, Sankt-Peterburg 350 197350
Import of international mail, Sosnovka 410508
Acceptance, Sankt-Peterburg 345 197345
Acceptance, Murmansk 39 183039
Reception, Al`met`evsk 7 423457
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Krasnodar 28 350028
Reception, 427622 427622
计划交航,计划航班号CA931,计划起飞时间Plan to cross waypoints, plan flight CA931, the scheduled departure time
Acceptance, Tavda 623950
Acceptance, 462363 462363
Acceptance, Ust`-Byur 655120
Import of international mail, Saratov 8 410008
Acceptance, Essentuki 1 357601
Reception, 164260 164260
Reception, Essentuki 37 357637
Acceptance, 456789 456789
Acceptance, Solnechny`j 660947
Import of international mail, Moskva 516 115516
计划交航,计划航班号TK027-0283,计划起飞时间07:00Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number TK027-0283, and the scheduled departure time 07:00
Reception, 413084 413084
Import of international mail, Kaliningrad 1 236001
Acceptance, Moskva 466 125466
Acceptance, 141009 141009
Acceptance, Gryazi 4 399054
Reception, Novosibirsk 32 630032
Acceptance, Gavrilov Yam 1 152241
Acceptance, Gorbunki 188502
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 443 109443
Acceptance, 410064 410064
Acceptance, Bijsk 18 659318
Import of international mail, Ordy`nskoe 1 633261
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Tver` 32 170032
Import of international mail, Ekaterinburg 137 620137
Reception, 398036 398036
Arrived at office of exchangeПрибыл в учреждение обмена
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Perm` 614000
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 571 119571
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sochi 354200
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Primorsk 188910
Reception, 160033 160033
Import of international mail, Novosibirsk 48 630048
Acceptance, 141580 141580
Tashkent 187 (100187)
Acceptance, Bijsk 5 659305
Acceptance, 353690 353690
Import of international mail, Orenburg 22 460022
Acceptance, 344034 344034
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sankt-Peterburg 211 196211
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sterlitamak 4 453104
Handed over to customs, Ramon` 396020
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Reutov 143960
Import of international mail, Tutaev 152300
Reception, Sevastopol` 3 299003
Reception, 614017 614017
Acceptance, Sosnovskoe 606170
Acceptance, Kaliningrad 1 236001Приемка, Калининград 1 236001
Acceptance, Sevastopol` 1 299001
Tomilino 140070
Reception, Shul`ginka 659558
Reception, Privolzhskoe 413064
Acceptance, Samara 66 443066
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Enisejsk 5 663185
Acceptance, Cherepanovo 2 633522
计划交航,计划航班号OZ350-LH719-LH504,计划起飞时间14:50Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number OZ350-LH719-LH504, the scheduled departure time of 14:50
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Voronezh 2 394002
Acceptance, Uxta 11 169311
Acceptance, 607220 607220
Acceptance, Laishevo 422610
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Nizhnij Tagil 52 622052
Acceptance, Skala 633180
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sochi 202 354202
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Yurga 12 652062
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kaluga 21 248021
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk 78 454078
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sy`kty`vkar 26 167026
Import of international mail, Otradnoe 187330
Acceptance, 443077 443077
Acceptance, Petrozavodsk 30 185030
Acceptance, Sokol`niki 301680
Import of international mail, Brexovo 141544
Import of international mail, Voskresensk 4 140204
Import of international mail, Saratov 64 410064
Acceptance, 433240 433240
Handed over to customs, Moskva 8 125008Передано таможне, Москва 125008 8
Reception, AL 236000
Reception, Leningradskaya 3 353743
Reception, 141613 141613
Acceptance, 169710 169710
Acceptance, 309504 309504
Acceptance, Murmansk 52 183052
Acceptance, 121374 121374
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Chkalovsk 606540
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Chernomorskij 1 353266
Reception, 214020 214020
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Omsk 100 644100
Handed over to customs, Kuz`michi 216593
Acceptance, 620076 620076
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Reutov 5 143965
Import of international mail, Mixajlovskoe 108833
离开,下一站【南康】Leave, next stop【South】
Acceptance, Orenburg 40 460040
Acceptance, AL 692981
常熟市邮政速递物流公司白茆揽投部已收件(揽投员姓名:蒋明俊,联系电话:15206230060)Changshu city, postal Express logistics company baimao embrace the cast portion of the received pieces embrace cast member name: Jiang Ming Jun,contact tel:15206230060)
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ishnya 152120Обработка, прибыло на территорию РФ, 152120 Ишня
Import of international mail, Sergiev Posad 3 141303
Acceptance, Nizhnij Novgorod 61 603061
Acceptance, Nizhnij Novgorod 24 603024
Acceptance, Surgut 18 628418
Import of international mail, Lobnya 141730
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sumarokovo 442379
Acceptance, 443030 443030
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Dzerzhinsk 16 606016
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 392 107392
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Krasnodar 39 350039
Handed over to customs, Volzhskij 21 404121
Acceptance, 431220 431220
Reception, Ufa 9 450009
Acceptance, 129344 129344
Acceptance, Mirny`j Pochtamt 678170
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Serafimovich 1 403441
Handed over to customs, Novocherkassk 13 346413
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Fryazino 6 141196
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Rastunovo 142062
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 623 117623
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ufa 106 450106
Reception, AL 170236
Reception, 664049 664049
Acceptance, Monino-Privokzal`noe 141171
Acceptance, Tver` 12 170012
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Novosibirsk 110 630110
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Novokuzneck 11 654011
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 581 125581
Import of international mail, Chelyabinsk 84 454084
Acceptance, 658707 658707
Acceptance, Vidnoe 1 142701
Import of international mail, Volgograd 10 400010
Acceptance, Tuapse 352800
Reception, 356100 356100
Kirishi 3 187113Entry 3 187113
Acceptance, 455048 455048
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sokol`niki 301680
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Noril`sk 663332
Acceptance, 603000 603000
Acceptance, 299029 299029
Import of international mail, Michurinsk 16 393776
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Borodino 143240
Reception, Tambov 24 392024Прием, Тамбов 392024 24
Reception, Omsk 70 644070
Acceptance, 630082 630082
Acceptance, 109431 109431
Acceptance, Moskva 683 124683
Acceptance, Krasnoyarsk 122 660122
Acceptance, Krasnodar 350911
Import of international mail, Krasnogorsk 2 143402
Acceptance, Shhelkovo 141100Прием, Щелково 141100
Acceptance, Torzhok 2 172002
Acceptance, Omsk 105 644105
Reception, Kazan` 78 420078
Import of international mail, Kamenny`j Brod 446144
Import of international mail, Moskva 75 129075
Moskva 367 125367
Acceptance, 117588 117588
Import of international mail, Chelyabinsk 14 454014
Acceptance, 115598 115598
Acceptance, Benoj-Yurt 366814
Acceptance, 398046 398046
Acceptance, 353500 353500
Import of international mail, Dolgorukovo 238430
Reception, Sergievy` Gorki 601434
Acceptance, Moskva 323 129323
Acceptance, 624443 624443
Import of international mail, Moskva 250 111250
Acceptance, Beloyarskij 2 628162
Dispatching abroad from Ukrainian exchange office
Reception, Tol`yatti 12 445012
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Tver` 32 170032
Reception, 630033 630033
Acceptance, Kaliningrad 8 236008
Import of international mail, Sankt-Peterburg 288 192288
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Vladivostok 88 690088
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Tol`yatti 47 445047
Import of international mail, Novovoronezh 2 396072
Reception, Sankt-Peterburg 256 195256
Acceptance, 186660 186660
Acceptance, Svetly`j Yar 1 404171
Reception, 674673 674673
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Blagoveshhensk Pochtamt 675000
Acceptance, 141800 141800
Import of international mail, Majma 649100
Acceptance, Irkutsk 20 664020Приемка, Иркутск 664020 20
Reception, Cherepovec 10 162610
计划交航,计划航班号TRUCK-CX880,计划起飞时间Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number TRUCK-CX880, the scheduled departure time
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskij 2 683002
Acceptance, Volzhskij 1 404101
Acceptance, Moskva 394 111394
Acceptance, Shentala 446910
Reception, Moskva 674 111674
Unsuccessful item delivery attempt (Inb)Неудачной попытки доставки (Инб)
Komsomol`sk-Na-Amure 18 681018
Acceptance, Vukty`l 169570
Acceptance, Moskva 367 125367
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Korolev 30 141090
Reception, Kochubeevskoe 357000
Acceptance, Nizhnij Tagil 34 622034
Acceptance, Promy`shlennaya 652380
Acceptance, 428028 428028
Acceptance, Murino 188662
Acceptance, Koktebel` 298186
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 419 115419
Acceptance, Murom 4 602254
Acceptance, AL RU
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Vsevolozhsk 3 188643Обработка, прибыло на территорию Российской Федерации, Всеволожск 188643 3
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk 454018
Import of international mail, Vladimir 22 600022
Acceptance, Moskva 372 115372
Acceptance, Ximki 8 141408
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kazan` 101 420101
Reception, 423600 423600
离开,下一站【江阴】Leave, next stop【Shanghai】
Acceptance, 347930 347930
Acceptance, Moskva 602 119602
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Balashixa 143900
Reception, 426068 426068
Reception, Grozny`j Pochtamt 364000
Acceptance, Ufa 450000
Handed over to customs, Ximki 1 141401
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Bilimbaj 623150
Acceptance, 443004 443004
Acceptance, 423224 423224
Reception, Ulan-Ude` 33 670033
Acceptance, AL 6899120
Import of international mail, Kronshtadt 197760
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Aleksandrov 1 601651
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Ovsyanka 676201
Acceptance, Tula 1 300001
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Pavlovo 606100
Acceptance, 354068 354068
计划交航,计划航班号KE0828-0071,计划起飞时间12:45Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number KE0828-0 0 7 1, the scheduled departure time 1 2:4 5
Import of international mail, Chudovo 174210
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kaluga 10 248010
Acceptance, Novotroick 10 462360
Acceptance, Moskva 377 109377
Import of international mail, Sankt-Peterburg 302 198302
Reception, Sankt-Peterburg 374 197374
Acceptance, Isil`kul` 4 646024
Handed over to customs, Baksan 5 361535Передано таможне, Баксан 361535 5
Handed over to customs, Bryansk 35 241035
Import of international mail, Ermakovo 296123
Acceptance, 143909 143909
Import of international mail, Krasnotur`insk 3 624443
Import of international mail, Novocherkassk 13 346413
Acceptance, 630005 630005
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Voronezh 44 394044
Acceptance, Novosibirsk 132 630132
计划交航,计划航班号LH727-2544,计划起飞时间22:45Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number LH727-2 5 4 4, plan Take-Off Time 2 2:4 5
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Poselok Iskatelej 166700
Voroncovka 353664
Import of international mail, Volgodonsk 347360
Borisoglebsk 397160
Import of international mail, Yugorsk 628260
Import of international mail, Roslavl` 216500
Import of international mail, Sergievka 309177
Acceptance, Tarbagataj 671110
Reception, 360051 360051
Handed over to customs, Vladimir 5 600005Передано таможне, Владимир 600005 5
Import of international mail, Irkutsk 43 664043
Acceptance, Novocherkassk 14 346414
计划交航,计划航班号TK073-1043,计划起飞时间23:00Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number TK073-1043, scheduled departure time of 23:00
Acceptance, 450071 450071
Import of international mail, Krasnodar 72 350072
Reception, AL 623923
计划交航,计划航班号LH8401,计划起飞时间Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number LH8401, the scheduled departure time
Acceptance, 450076 450076
Import of international mail, Mokshino 171266
Import of international mail, Lyubuchany` 142380
Reception, Bol`shoj Kamen` 6 692806
Reception, Veresovka 623145
Reception, Dolgoprudny`j 7 141707
Acceptance, Moskva 143 107143
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 238 127238
计划交航,计划航班号CF209-CI032,计划起飞时间08:50Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number CF209-CI032, the scheduled departure time 08:50
Reception, Zelenodol`sk 4 422544
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 330 119330
离开,下一站【国际营运】Leave, next stop [international operations] the
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sankt-Peterburg 276 195276
Import of international mail, Moskva 310 125310
Import of international mail, Poselok Im. Tel`mana 140125
Acceptance, Tyumen` 46 625046
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kaliningrad 22 236022
Import of international mail, Pavlovo 6 606106
Reception, Irkutsk 23 664023
Redispatching, Redirect, Klyuchi 658980
Kamensk-Shaxtinskij 9 347809
Acceptance, Volgodonsk 14 347374
Import of international mail, Volgodonsk 22 347382
Import of international mail, Vladimir 35 600035
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Chuvarlei 429810
Import of international mail, Bobrov 2 397702
Handed over to customs, Samara 16 443016
Acceptance, Il`inskoe-Usovo 143421
Import of international mail, Borisoglebsk 397160
Acceptance, 140204 140204
Import of international mail, Simferopol` 6 295006
Acceptance, 142507 142507
Acceptance, 184372 184372
Acceptance, Smolensk 36 214036
Acceptance, Michurinsk 1 393761
Import of international mail, Surgut Pochtamt 628400
离开,下一站【常州中心】Leave, next stop【Changzhou center]
Import of international mail, Ul`yanovsk 35 432035
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 143 107143
Import of international mail, Sankt-Peterburg 348 197348
Acceptance, 129075 129075
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Suxoj Log 4 624804
Reception, Tyush 617873
Reception, 462430 462430
Import of international mail, Perm` 17 614017
Belaya Kalitva 2 3470422 347042 Belaya Kalitva
Acceptance, Larionovo 188763
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Tula 27 300027
Reception, 624133 624133
Import of international mail, Maminskoe 623487
Acceptance, Yasny`e Zori 308507Acceptance, 308507 Yasny With Zori
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Balashixa 3 143903
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Xabarovsk 7 680007
Acceptance, Ky`shty`m 456870
计划交航,计划航班号LH727-1802,计划起飞时间00:05Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number LH727-1 8 0 2, The planned take-off time 0 0:0 5
Reception, Novodugino 215240
Reception, Kemerovo 23 650023
Import of international mail, Sochi 53 354053
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sankt-Peterburg 198 197198
Acceptance, 628240 628240
Import of international mail, Moskva 560 127560Импорт международной почты, Москва 127560 560
Acceptance, Protvino 142280
Reception, Rostov-Na-Donu 65 344065
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kommunarka 108814
深圳市邮政速递物流公司国际业务分公司已收件(揽投员姓名:周彩英,联系电话:)Shenzhen postal courier logistics company International Business branch has received pieces embrace cast member name: Zhou Cai Ying,Tel:)
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Orel 25 302025
Import of international mail, Novomoskovsk 301650
Acceptance, Kirov 50 610050
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 167 125167
Acceptance, Yaroslavl` 22 150022
Acceptance, Vyaz`ma 1 215111
Acceptance, 192012 192012
Import of international mail, Tula 34 300034
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Bezenchuk 446250
Import of international mail, Yur`ev-Pol`skij 601800
Reception, Nizhnij Novgorod 146 603146
Import of international mail, Orel 1 302001
Acceptance, Korolev 31 141091
Acceptance, 241029 241029
Acceptance, 354340 354340
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk 454001
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Shhelkovo 12 141112
Import of international mail, Kurumoch 2 443545
Rostov-Na-Donu 91 344091
Acceptance, 117574 117574
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Lyubercy` 6 140006
Reception, Vsevolozhsk 188640
Reception, Ekaterinburg 39 620039
Reception, AL 184040
Import of international mail, Sankt-Peterburg 371 197371
Import of international mail, Arxangel`sk 9 163009
Acceptance, 619000 619000
Reception, 453251 453251
Redispatching, Redirect, Pristen` 306200
Import of international mail, Kazan` 87 420087
Reception, Vladivostok 13 690013
Acceptance, 125413 125413
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Omsk 81 644081
Acceptance, 600014 600014
Handed over to customs, Moskva 122 105122
离开,下一站【京大平面】Leave, next stop is【Jing a large flat-screen】
Arzamas 607220607220 Arzamas
Nizhnevartovsk Pochtamt 628600
Import of international mail, Moskva 580 115580
Import of international mail, Kolpino 196650
Acceptance, Moskva 117 109117
Acceptance, 162604 162604
Import of international mail, Yaroslavl` 44 150044
Reception, 665917 665917
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Pervoural`sk 2 623102
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Bobrovka 457134
Import of international mail, Suzemka 242190
Reception, Syamzha 162220
Import of international mail, Prigorodny`j 403518
Acceptance, Orsk 21 462421
Acceptance, Yanaul 452800
Acceptance, Miass 23 456323
Import of international mail, Velikij Novgorod 8 173008
Acceptance, Vy`shnij Volochek 16 171166
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Perm` 77 614077
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 523 105523
Acceptance, 117279 117279
Acceptance, Nikolaevka 346840
Acceptance, Shumixa 2 641102
The item number RK556745896CN arrived on 17.12.2016 to office of international postal exchange of Ukraine KYIV MMPO, the postcode 03928Номер товара RK556745896CN прибыл на 17.12.2016 в офис международного почтового обмена Украины Киев \»ММПО\», Почтовый индекс 03928
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Lezhnevo 155120
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Vidyaevo 184372
Import of international mail, Kasimov 391300
离开,下一站【杭州中心】Leave, next stop【Hangzhou center]
Acceptance, Zheleznogorsk 1 662971
Import of international mail, Moskva 29 109029
离开,下一站【许昌】Leave, next stop【Xuchang】
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Tula 4 300004
Import of international mail, Simferopol` 21 295021
Reception, Neryungri 7 678967Прием, Нерюнгри 678967 7
Import of international mail, Moskva 401 111401
Acceptance, Voskresensk 9 140209
Import of international mail, Saratov 2 410002
Reception, 187010 187010
Reception, Balakovo 25 413865
Reception, 680030 680030
Import of international mail, Vladimir 28 600028
Acceptance, 182330 182330
Reception, Krasnodar 33 350033
Acceptance, Berezovy`j 350031
Import of international mail, Kazan` 420010Импорт международной почты, Казань 420010
Acceptance, 634055 634055
Import of international mail, Segezha 2 186422
Acceptance, Aleksin 4 301364
Acceptance, Volgograd 10 400010
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Yaroslavl` 52 150052
Acceptance, 658980 658980
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Tula 39 300039
Reception, 432064 432064
Acceptance, Sankt-Peterburg 242 192242
Acceptance, 354084 354084
Acceptance, Voronezh 30 394030
Processing, Arrived at the place of deliveryОбработка, прибыло в место вручения
Reception, Moskva 61 107061
Import of international mail, Bol`sheust`ikinskoe 452550Импорт международной почты, бол с большеустьикинское 452550
Shevlyakovo 141642
Acceptance, Cheboksary` 15 428015
Acceptance, Moskva 8 125008Согласие, Москва 125008 8
Acceptance, Lipeck 32 398032
Acceptance, Komsomol`sk-Na-Amure 24 681024Прием, Комсомольск-на-Амуре 681024 24
Reception, Enisejsk 3 663183
Redispatching, Redirect, Sankt-Peterburg 29 192029
Acceptance, Severodvinsk 7 164507
Import of international mail, Beloreck 11 453511
Reception, 143966 143966
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 620 119620
Acceptance, Saratov 56 410056
Acceptance, Kirov 8 610008
Import of international mail, Orexovo-Zuevo 8 142608
Acceptance, Rostov-Na-Donu 113 344113
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Staraya Kupavna 142450
Import of international mail, Stavropol` 44 355044
Reception, Dubna 1 141981
Import of international mail, Sterlitamak 453100
Import of international mail, Moskva 464 125464
Import of international mail, Shilovo 2 391502
Acceptance, Novosibirsk 89 630089
Acceptance, Batajsk 9 346889
Acceptance, 404121 404121
Reception, 346492 346492
Acceptance, Tver` 1 170001
Import of international mail, Sankt-Peterburg 284 192284
Acceptance, 141601 141601
Import of international mail, Moskva 574 117574
Reception, 606107 606107
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Monino 141170
Acceptance, Kommunar 188320
Acceptance, 127106 127106
Acceptance, Angarsk 30 665830
Import of international mail, Tambov 3 392003
Acceptance, Oktyabr`skij UOP 452600
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Michurinsk 393760
Acceptance, 644121 644121
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Pavlovo 7 606107
Acceptance, Sovxozny`j 658129
Reception, 355048 355048
Reception, Moskva 195 125195
Handed over to customs, Novokuzneck 7 654007
Acceptance, Serov 1 624981
Import of international mail, Chisten`koe 297570
Import of international mail, Sankt-Peterburg 24 191024Импорт международной почты Санкт-Петербург 191024 24
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Axtubinsk 6 416506
Import of international mail, Volgograd 22 400022
Processing, Sorting, Moskva 106 127106
Import of international mail, Izhevsk 23 426023
Acceptance, Yaroslavl` 51 150051
Novodvinsk 164900
Import of international mail, Murmansk 35 183035
Moskva 467 121467
Handed over to customs, Shhelkovo 141100Передано таможне, Щелково 141100
Acceptance, Gorno-Altajsk 649000
Import of international mail, Moskva 164 129164
Kazan` 95 420095
Acceptance, 216502 216502
Reception, Moskva 675 111675
Reception, Ejsk 353680
Acceptance, Sankt-Peterburg 168 193168
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Novorzhev 182440
Handed over to customs, Xabarovsk 680000
Acceptance, Tver` 4 170004
Import of international mail, Troickoe-Antropovo 142370
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Stupino 142800
Reception, Izhevsk 35 426035
Reception, 353210 353210
Acceptance, 150060 150060
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Lugovoj 628220
Import of international mail, Goryachij Klyuch 353290
Reception, Tomilino 140070
Acceptance, Xolmsk 694620
Import of international mail, Kaluga 9 248009
Reception, Xorlovo 140235
Import of international mail, Xabarovsk 18 680018
Acceptance, Sankt-Peterburg 217 198217
Import of international mail, Magnitogorsk 34 455034
Acceptance, Omsk 34 644034
Reception, Naberezhny`e Chelny` 20 423820
Acceptance, Kogaly`m 5 628485
Acceptance, 606023 606023
Acceptance, Essentuki 35 357635
Acceptance, 426019 426019
Import of international mail, Arsen`ev 1 692331
Import of international mail, Moskva 573 115573
Acceptance, 117208 117208
Import of international mail, Provideniya 1 689251
Acceptance, Tockoe 2 461132
Import of international mail, Moskva 408 115408
Handed over to customs, Tula 22 300022
Delivery, Delivery to the addressee, Китай
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Ul`yanovsk 72 432072
Acceptance, Sankt-Peterburg 195 190195
Acceptance, Moskva 517 119517
Acceptance, Novosibirsk 46 630046
Handed over to customs, Voejkovo 188685
计划交航,计划航班号LH8411-LH686,计划起飞时间06:20Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number LH8411-LH686, the scheduled departure time 0 6:2 0
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Moskva 123 111123
Import of international mail, Tol`yatti 19 445019Импорт международной почты, Тольятти 445019 19
Import of international mail, Smolensk 13 214013
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Lyudinovo 5 249405
Acceptance, Suxoj Log 624800
Import of international mail, Nizhnevartovsk 11 628611Импорт международной почты, Нижневартовск 628611 11
Import of international mail, Kzy`l-Yar 423940
Reception, Troickoe 659840
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sankt-Peterburg 350 197350
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sosnovka 410508
Import of international mail, Xlevnoe 399260
Gonderi yurt disina sevk edildi (Giden), The item was forwarded to the destination country (Otb)
Reception, 152931 152931
Reception, 350028 350028
Reception, 603139 603139
计划交航,计划航班号CA1055,计划起飞时间Plan to cross waypoints, plan flight CA1055, the scheduled departure time
Acceptance, 398002 398002
Acceptance, 601909 601909
Acceptance, Rostov-Na-Donu 32 344032
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Saratov 8 410008
Reception, Komsomol`sk-Na-Amure 14 681014
Import of international mail, Prokop`evsk 7 653007
Import of international mail, Gelendzhik 353460
Import of international mail, Kirov 2 610002
Acceptance, 683012 683012
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 516 115516
计划交航,计划航班号LH8411-LH1166,计划起飞时间06:20Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number LH8411-LH1166, the planned departure time of 06:20
Acceptance, Biryulinskij Zverosovxoz 422737
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kaliningrad 1 236001
Acceptance, Ul`yanovsk 64 432064
Import of international mail, Kizlyar 2 368832
Acceptance, 140007 140007
Acceptance, Sankt-Peterburg 286 192286
Import of international mail, Krasnodar 75 350075
Import of international mail, Moskva 24 111024
Import of international mail, Novorossijsk 353900
Acceptance, Kemerovo 55 650055
Import of international mail, Chajkovskij 6 617766
Acceptance, Ordy`nskoe 1 633261
Acceptance, Tver` 32 170032
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg 137 620137
Import of international mail, Rostov-Na-Donu 111 344111
Acceptance, AL 236000
Acceptance, Perm` 614000
Acceptance, 119571 119571
Reception, Sochi 354200
Acceptance, Primorsk 188910
Import of international mail, Sankt-Peterburg 119 191119
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Novosibirsk 48 630048
Acceptance, 600028 600028
Acceptance, Vy`sokaya Gora 1 422701
Reception, Klepovka 397524
Acceptance, Nizhnij Novgorod 90 603090
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Orenburg 22 460022
Import of international mail, Trubchevsk 242220
Acceptance, 196211 196211
Acceptance, Sankt-Peterburg 260 198260
Import of international mail, Ramon` 396020
Acceptance, Dobrun` 241521
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Tutaev 152300
Reception, Krasnoarmejsk 412800
Acceptance, Borisoglebsk 397160
Processing, Arrived at the place of delivery, Страна не определена
Acceptance, 394061 394061
Import of international mail, Omsk 53 644053
Reception at custom house, Tomilino 140070
Reception, Neya 157330
Acceptance, 368780 368780
Acceptance, Moskva 534 117534
Acceptance, Enisejsk 5 663185
Acceptance, Saratov 39 410039
计划交航,计划航班号TRUCK-KE0308-901,计划起飞时间23:30Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number TRUCK-KE0308-901, the planned departure time 23:30
Reception, Voronezh 2 394002
Reception, 625512 625512
Import of international mail, Nizhnij Novgorod 70 603070
Acceptance, 462401 462401
Acceptance, 622052 622052
Acceptance, 354202 354202
Acceptance, Yurga 12 652062
Reception, Kaluga 21 248021
Acceptance, Chelyabinsk 78 454078
Acceptance, Sy`kty`vkar 26 167026
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Otradnoe 187330
Acceptance, 659303 659303
Acceptance, 197373 197373
Acceptance, Sterlitamak 24 453124Acceptance, Sterlitamak 453124 24
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Brexovo 141544
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Voskresensk 4 140204
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Saratov 64 410064
Reception, 248010 248010
Acceptance, 614014 614014
Out for Delivery, Your item is out for delivery on December 15, 2016 at 9:20 am in TROY, NY 12182Для доставки, Ваш товар на доставку на 15 декабря 2016 г. в 9:20 утра в Трой, Нью-Йорк 12182
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sankt-Peterburg 302 198302
Acceptance, 630541 630541
Import of international mail, Krasny`j Yar 636320
Acceptance, 125480 125480
Acceptance, 125481 125481
Acceptance, Chkalovsk 606540
Acceptance, Chernomorskij 1 353266
Reception, Kostroma 26 156026
Acceptance, 644100 644100
Import of international mail, Kuz`michi 216593
Acceptance, 689251 689251
Reception, Reutov 5 143965
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Mixajlovskoe 108833
Import of international mail, Shherbaki 632165
Acceptance, Tomsk 34 634034
Kabakovo 453028
Acceptance, Arzamas 8 607228Прием, Арзамас 607228 8
Acceptance, 152120 152120Прием, 152120 152120
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sergiev Posad 3 141303
Acceptance, Mariinsk 652150
Import of international mail, Krasnoyarsk 121 660121
Import of international mail, Moskva 222 125222
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Lobnya 141730
Acceptance, Priural`skoe 169625
Acceptance, Kamensk-Ural`skij 1 623401
Acceptance, 606016 606016
Acceptance, Moskva 392 107392
Acceptance, 350039 350039
Acceptance, Volzhskij 21 404121
Acceptance, 620137 620137
Reception, 634061 634061
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Joshkar-Ola 6 424006
Processing, Left the sorting center, Moskva 101000
Acceptance, Novosibirsk 27 630027
Acceptance, Novocherkassk 13 346413
Acceptance, Fryazino 6 141196
Rastunovo 142062
Acceptance, Moskva 623 117623
Acceptance, Ufa 106 450106
Acceptance, Novokuzneck 34 654034
Reception, Gubkin 4 309184
Import of international mail, Tarly`kovka 413288
Acceptance, Zhavoronki 143020
Acceptance, Novosibirsk 110 630110
Reception, Novokuzneck 11 654011
Acceptance, Moskva 581 125581
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk 84 454084
Acceptance, Kaliningrad 11 236011
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Moskva 513 117513
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Volgograd 10 400010
Import of international mail, Leninsk-Kuzneckij 652500
Acceptance, AL 141600
Handed over to customs, Kirishi 3 187113
Import of international mail, Orel 30 302030
Acceptance, 301680 301680
Reception, Noril`sk 663332
Acceptance, Nizhnekamsk 423570
Import of international mail, Pereslavl`-Zalesskij 152020
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Michurinsk 16 393776
Acceptance, 143240 143240
Reception, AL 123456Прием, Аль 123456
Reception, Raevskaya 353983
Import of international mail, Moskva 133 117133
Handing over personally to an addressee
Acceptance, Ovsyanka 663080
Acceptance, Lyantor 628449
Reception, Vol`sk 2 412902
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Krasnogorsk 2 143402
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Baranovka 658474
Import of international mail, Zuevka 612410
Import of international mail, Anzhero-Sudzhensk 7 652477
Acceptance, Moskva 76 107076
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kamenny`j Brod 446144
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 75 129075
Reception at custom house, Moskva 367 125367
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Moskva 559 109559
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk 14 454014
Acceptance, 393194 393194
Acceptance, Odincovo 9 143009
Acceptance, Kamskie Polyany` 423564
Acceptance, Sankt-Peterburg 281 192281
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Dolgorukovo 238430
离开,下一站【无锡中心】Leave, next stop【Wuxi center]
Reception, Ryazan` 39 390039
Reception, Lobnya 3 141733
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 250 111250
Acceptance, Samur 368795
Acceptance, 105094 105094
Acceptance, AL 123459
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Berdsk 3 633003
Acceptance, 658690 658690
Acceptance, Voronezh 53 394053
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sankt-Peterburg 288 192288
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Vladivostok 88 690088
Reception, Tol`yatti 47 445047
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Novovoronezh 2 396072
Reception, 121108 121108
Acceptance, 430028 430028
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Omsk 10 644010
Reception, Roshhino 456513
Acceptance, Novosibirsk 117 630117
Import of international mail, Saratov 41 410041
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Majma 649100
Import of international mail, Arti 623340
Acceptance, Moskva 313 119313
计划交航,计划航班号JL872-018,计划起飞时间Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number JL872-018, a scheduled departure time
Acceptance, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskij 2 683002
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Sochi 208 354208
Import of international mail, Belaya Glina 353040
Import of international mail, Abakan 1 655001
Acceptance, Rostov-Na-Donu 93 344093
Import of international mail, Moskva 430 125430
Handed over to customs, Komsomol`sk-Na-Amure 18 681018
Import of international mail, Begunicy` 188423
Acceptance, 344010 344010
Reception, Korolev 30 141090
Reception, 392000 392000
Reception, Podgornoe 396620
Import of international mail, Verxnij Mamon 396460
Import of international mail, Orexovo-Zuevo 5 142605
Import of international mail, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskij 31 683031
Import of international mail, Kerch` 6 298306
Reception, Moskva 419 115419
Acceptance, 658041 658041
Acceptance, Barnaul 48 656048
Acceptance, Vsevolozhsk 3 188643Прием, Всеволожск 188643 3
Reception, Chelyabinsk 454018
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Vladimir 22 600022
Import of international mail, Sankt-Peterburg 318 193318
Acceptance, 352120 352120
Reception, Kazan` 101 420101
Reception, Sankt-Peterburg 318 193318
Acceptance, 140000 140000
Acceptance, Novosibirsk 99 630099
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Perm` 614000
Import of international mail, Sevastopol` 38 299038
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Kemerovo 2 650002
Acceptance, Korolev 7 141077
Acceptance, 199406 199406
Acceptance, Ximki 1 141401
Acceptance, 109472 109472
Reception, Lermontov 357340
Acceptance, AL 117161
Acceptance, Nizhnij Novgorod 142 603142
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kronshtadt 197760
Reception, 601651 601651
Ovsyanka 676201
Import of international mail, Nizhnij Novgorod 62 603062
Acceptance, Fryazino 5 141195
Acceptance, 443528 443528
计划交航,计划航班号KE0828-0925,计划起飞时间12:45Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number KE0828-0 9 2 5, the scheduled departure time 1 2:4 5
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Chudovo 174210
Reception, 109028 109028
Acceptance, 676853 676853Прием, 676853 676853
Acceptance, E`lista 9 358009
Import of international mail, Moskva 81 127081
Import of international mail, Ufa 9 450009
Acceptance, 422980 422980
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Bol`sheust`ikinskoe 452550Обработка, прибыло на территорию Российской Федерации, бол с большеустьикинское 452550
Reception at custom house, Shevlyakovo 141642
Import of international mail, Bryansk 35 241035
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ermakovo 296123
Import of international mail, Krasnodar 350901
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Krasnotur`insk 3 624443
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Novocherkassk 13 346413
Acceptance, Novosibirsk 106 630106
Acceptance, 394044 394044
Import of international mail, Dubna 301160
计划交航,计划航班号TK27-283,计划起飞时间23:15Plan to cross waypoints, plan flight TK27-2 8 3, scheduled departure time of 2 3:1 5
Poselok Iskatelej 166700
Reception at custom house, Voroncovka 353664
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Volgodonsk 347360
Reception, Irkutsk 5 664005
Handed over to customs, Borisoglebsk 397160
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Yugorsk 628260
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Roslavl` 216500
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sergievka 309177
Acceptance, Moskva 41 117041
Reception, Sankt-Peterburg 283 192283
Import of international mail, Vladimir 5 600005Импорт международной почты, 600005 Владимир 5
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Irkutsk 43 664043
Import of international mail, Bryansk 50 241050
离开,下一站【深圳中心】Leave, next stop [Shenzhen center]
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Krasnodar 72 350072
Acceptance, 628408 628408
计划交航,计划航班号CZ347-CZ1600,计划起飞时间Plan to cross waypoints, plan flight CZ347-CZ1600, the scheduled departure time
Import of international mail, Sankt-Peterburg 312 193312
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Mokshino 171266
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Lyubuchany` 142380
Dispatching from exchange office to Ukrainian postal facilityДиспетчеризации из обменного пункта Всеукраинский почтовый центр
Import of international mail, Zlatoust 5 456205
Import of international mail, Ekaterinburg 39 620039
Reception, Sinegorsk 693902
Acceptance, Omsk 109 644109
Import of international mail, Moskva 218 117218
计划交航,计划航班号LH8411,计划起飞时间06:20Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number LH8411, the planned departure time of 06:20
离开,下一站【郑州国际】Leave, next stop【Zhengzhou International】
Reception, 197341 197341
Import of international mail, Smolensk 39 214039
Acceptance, 195276 195276
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 310 125310
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Poselok Im. Tel`mana 140125
Reception, Ivanovo 32 153032
Acceptance, 236022 236022
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Pavlovo 6 606106
Import of international mail, Malaya Vishera 174260
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Pushhino 142290
Handed over to customs, Kamensk-Shaxtinskij 9 347809
Acceptance, 140070 140070
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Volgodonsk 22 347382
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Vladimir 35 600035
Acceptance, Chuvarlei 429810
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Bobrov 2 397702
Import of international mail, Samara 16 443016
Acceptance, Saratov 2 410002
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Borisoglebsk 397160
Acceptance, 426053 426053
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Simferopol` 6 295006
Acceptance, 659000 659000
Acceptance, 610035 610035
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Avdon 450580
Import of international mail, Korolev 141070
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Surgut Pochtamt 628400
Acceptance, Reftinskij 624285
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ul`yanovsk 35 432035
Acceptance, 107143 107143
Acceptance, 298420 298420
Acceptance, Moskva 75 129075
Reception, Suxoj Log 4 624804
Reception, Moskva 652 109652
Acceptance, E`lektrostal` 12 144012
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Perm` 17 614017
Handed over to customs, Belaya Kalitva 2 347042
Acceptance, Naberezhny`e Chelny` 423800
Acceptance, 300027 300027
Import of international mail, Stavropol` 32 355032
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Maminskoe 623487
Import of international mail, Novoural`sk 624130
Acceptance, Balashixa 3 143903
Import of international mail, Xabarovsk 7 680007
Acceptance, 167000 167000
计划交航,计划航班号TK073,计划起飞时间23:00Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number TK073, the scheduled departure time 2 3:0 0
离开,下一站【泉州小包】Leave, next stop【Quanzhou small】
Reception, 152934 152934
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sochi 53 354053
Acceptance, Sankt-Peterburg 198 197198
Acceptance, 363026 363026
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 560 127560Обработка, прибыло на территорию РФ, Москва 127560 560
Import of international mail, Shipicy`no 165320
Acceptance, 646867 646867
Reception, E`lektrostal` 7 144007
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Novy`j Gorodok 652645
Acceptance, 302025 302025
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Novomoskovsk 301650
Import of international mail, Novomelovatka 397620
Acceptance, Moskva 167 125167
Acceptance, AL 409846
Acceptance, Liman 416410
Acceptance, Tovarkovo 249855
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Tula 34 300034
Reception, Bezenchuk 446250
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Yur`ev-Pol`skij 601800
Reception, Persianovskij 346493
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Orel 1 302001
Acceptance, 662978 662978
Import of international mail, Armyansk 296012
Acceptance, Chernomorskoe 296400
Acceptance, 454001 454001
Reception, Shhelkovo 12 141112
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kurumoch 2 443545
Handed over to customs, Rostov-Na-Donu 91 344091
Acceptance, Moskva 574 117574
Acceptance, 140006 140006
Processing, Arrived at the place of transit, Чешская Республика
Acceptance, 142115 142115
Reception, 664029 664029
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sankt-Peterburg 371 197371
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Arxangel`sk 9 163009
Acceptance, Ul`yanovsk 42 432042
Reception, Kazan` 420000
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Pristen` 306200
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kazan` 87 420087
Reception, 302011 302011
Acceptance, Moskva 364 125364
Acceptance, 644081 644081
Import of international mail, Mindyak 453744
Import of international mail, Moskva 122 105122
Reception, 143902 143902
Reception at custom house, Arzamas 607220
Reception at custom house, Nizhnevartovsk Pochtamt 628600
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 580 115580
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kolpino 196650
Acceptance, Susuman 4 686314
Reception, 394064 394064
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Yaroslavl` 44 150044
Reception, 400029 400029
Acceptance, 623102 623102
Import of international mail, Tyumen` 8 625008
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Suzemka 242190
Acceptance, 390035 390035
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Prigorodny`j 403518
Acceptance, 185003 185003
Acceptance, 680001 680001
Import of international mail, Ekaterinburg 89 620089
Acceptance, 143441 143441
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Velikij Novgorod 8 173008
Acceptance, Naro-Fominsk 143300
Reception, Perm` 77 614077
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Korolev 5 141075
Acceptance, 140407 140407
Acceptance, Kuzneck 442530
Acceptance, Novoaltajsk 658080
Acceptance, Sol`-Ileck 4 461504
Lezhnevo 155120
Reception, 184372 184372
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kasimov 391300
Acceptance, Gelendzhik 15 353475
Acceptance, 143903 143903
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 29 109029
Acceptance, Moskva 238 127238
Tula 4 300004
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Simferopol` 21 295021
Import of international mail, Novocherkassk 11 346411
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 401 111401
Acceptance, 141112 141112
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Saratov 2 410002
Import of international mail, Lipeck 16 398016
Reception, Mal`cevo 303835
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Moskva 569 115569Таможенное оформление, Выпущено таможней, Москва 115569 569
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Vladimir 28 600028
Acceptance, Sochi 84 354084
Reception, Egorly`kskaya 347660
Acceptance, 398017 398017
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kazan` 420010Обработка, прибыло на территорию РФ, Казань 420010
Reception, Voronezh 68 394068
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Segezha 2 186422
Acceptance, Nal`chik 51 360051
Import of international mail, Chelyabinsk 20 454020
Acceptance, Yaroslavl` 52 150052
Import of international mail, Sankt-Peterburg 46 197046
Tula 39 300039
Import of international mail, Vladimir 600000
Acceptance, 187330 187330
Acceptance, Moskva 609 121609
Reception, AL 115345
Acceptance, 241035 241035
Acceptance, 215111 215111
Import of international mail, Kaluga 25 248025
离开,下一站【义乌】Leave, next stop【Yiwu】
Acceptance, Volgograd 33 400033
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Novy`j Urengoj 7 629307
Acceptance, Temryuk 353500
Reception, 142115 142115
Acceptance, Tixvin 3 187553
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Beloreck 11 453511
Import of international mail, Moskva 195 125195Импорт международной почты, Москва 125195 195
Reception, 119620 119620
Acceptance, Cugol 687436
Acceptance, 152931 152931
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Orexovo-Zuevo 8 142608
Reception, 187602 187602
Acceptance, 352040 352040
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sterlitamak 453100
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 464 125464
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Shilovo 2 391502
Import of international mail, Sankt-Peterburg 110 197110
Reception, 171987 171987
Reception at custom house, Volzhskij 21 404121
Import of international mail, Simferopol` 295000
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sankt-Peterburg 284 192284
Acceptance, 169253 169253
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 574 117574
Acceptance, Klyuchi 658980Приемка, Ключи 658980
Reception, Moskva 523 105523
Acceptance, Monino 141170
Import of international mail, Kursk 3 305003
Import of international mail, Rostov-Na-Donu 93 344093
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Tambov 3 392003
Reception, Semenov 7 606657Стойки, Семенове 7 606657
Acceptance, Michurinsk 393760
Acceptance, Moskva 564 107564
Import of international mail, Podol`sk 21 142121
Acceptance, Moskva 582 115582
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Novokuzneck 7 654007
Acceptance, Voronezh 65 394065
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Chisten`koe 297570
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sankt-Peterburg 24 191024Обработка, прибыло на территорию РФ, Санкт-Петербург 191024 24
Acceptance, Axtubinsk 6 416506
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Volgograd 22 400022
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Izhevsk 23 426023
Import of international mail, Nasy`r-Kort 386140
Handed over to customs, Novodvinsk 164900
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Murmansk 35 183035
Import of international mail, Moskva 467 121467
Acceptance, 141100 141100Прием, 141100 141100
Reception, 649000 649000
Handed over to customs, Kazan` 95 420095
Acceptance, Moskva 211 115211
Import of international mail, Moskva 675 111675
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Moskva 487 115487
Acceptance, Moskva 467 121467
Acceptance, Novorzhev 182440
Import of international mail, Xabarovsk 680000
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Troickoe-Antropovo 142370
Reception, Krasnodar 350911
Reception, 180002 180002
Acceptance, Moskva 165 121165
Acceptance, Lugovoj 628220
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Goryachij Klyuch 353290
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Novosibirsk 87 630087
Reception, Volzhsk 425000
Acceptance, Vasyurinskaya 353225
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Xabarovsk 18 680018
Import of international mail, Saransk 6 430006
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Magnitogorsk 34 455034
Reception, Orenburg 52 460052
Acceptance, Novodvinsk 164900
Import of international mail, Tol`yatti 21 445021Импорт международной почты, Тольятти 445021 21
Import of international mail, Georgievka 446416
Handed over to customs, Bijsk 5 659305
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Arsen`ev 1 692331
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 573 115573
Acceptance, Makar`ev 1 157461Прием, Макар Юрьев 1 157461
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Provideniya 1 689251
Import of international mail, Pangody` 629757
Import of international mail, Tula 22 300022
Ul`yanovsk 72 432072
Reception, 654066 654066
Acceptance, Smolensk 5 214005
Acceptance, E`lektrogorsk 142530
Import of international mail, Voejkovo 188685
计划交航,计划航班号LH781-8340,计划起飞时间12:50Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number LH781-8 3 4 0, the scheduled departure time 1 2:5 0
Import of international mail, Moskva 123 111123
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Smolensk 13 214013
Acceptance, 249405 249405
Acceptance, 396072 396072
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Nizhnevartovsk 11 628611Обработка, прибыло на территорию РФ, Нижневартовск 628611 11
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kzy`l-Yar 423940
Reception, 624130 624130
Reception, Sankt-Peterburg 350 197350
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Xlevnoe 399260
Gonderi musteriden alinmistir, Receive item from customer (Otb)
Acceptance, Radishhev 665698
Acceptance, Klimovsk 1 142181
Reception, Meget 665854
已出口开拆,备注(退回)Have the outlet to open,note(return)
Acceptance, Moskva 373 125373
Acceptance, Zavodskoj 347825Acceptance, Zavodskoi District 347825
Acceptance, Ekaterinburg 90 620090
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Prokop`evsk 7 653007
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Gelendzhik 353460
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kirov 2 610002
Acceptance, 355012 355012
Reception, Moskva 516 115516
Import of international mail, Raduzhny`j 2 628462
Acceptance, 353123 353123
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kizlyar 2 368832
Acceptance, Novokuzneck 11 654011
Import of international mail, Kilemary` 425270
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Krasnodar 75 350075
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 24 111024
Import of international mail, Tal`menka 3 658033
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Chajkovskij 6 617766
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ordy`nskoe 1 633261
Import of international mail, Kirovo-Chepeck 7 613047
Import of international mail, Krasnokamsk 617060
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Rostov-Na-Donu 111 344111
Acceptance, 300044 300044
Acceptance, 125284 125284
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sankt-Peterburg 119 191119
Reception, 630048 630048
Acceptance, Sarov 9 607189
Handed over to customs, Sankt-Peterburg 128 196128
Reception, Berdsk 10 633010
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Trubchevsk 242220
Import of international mail, Bel`mesevo 656901
Acceptance, 124683 124683
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ramon` 396020
Processing, Arrived at the sorting centerОбработка, прибыло в сортировочный центр
Acceptance, Tutaev 152300
Reception, 191024 191024
Import of international mail, Rodniki 140143
Acceptance, 195427 195427
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Omsk 53 644053
Reception, 353000 353000
Reception, Shherbaki 632165
Reception, 298318 298318
Acceptance, Moskva 51 127051
Acceptance, 662850 662850
Acceptance, Sochi 354000
Reception, 300012 300012Прием, 300012 300012
Reception, 603070 603070
Acceptance, 152300 152300
Acceptance, 646530 646530
Import of international mail, Shuya 155900
Reception, Omsk 53 644053
Import of international mail, Lermontov 357340
Reception, Volgograd 82 400082
Acceptance, Rossosh` 396650
Reception at custom house, Ovsyanka 676201
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Nizhnij Novgorod 62 603062
Import of international mail, Isil`kul` 4 646024
The item number RO097208111CN arrived on 16.12.2016 to office of international postal exchange of Ukraine KYIV MMPO, the postcode 03928
计划交航,计划航班号LH733,计划起飞时间23:35Plan to cross waypoints, plan flight LH733, the scheduled departure time 2 3:3 5
Acceptance, Chudovo 174210
Reception, Nikolaevka 346840
Acceptance, Brexovo 141544
The postal item was delivered to its destination on 05/12/2016 via the Rama postal unit in Rama
Sorting CompleteПолное Сортировки
Acceptance, 198302 198302
Import of international mail, Balashixa 47 143987
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Krasny`j Yar 636320
Acceptance, 308024 308024
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Moskva 469 109469
Import of international mail, Sankt-Peterburg 5 190005
Acceptance, 295047 295047
Reception, Feodosiya 298100
Import of international mail, Boguchar 396790
Reception, Novosibirsk 1 630001
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kuz`michi 216593
Acceptance, 140304 140304
Acceptance, 142450 142450
Acceptance, Reutov 5 143965
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Stavropol` 44 355044
Reception, Mixajlovskoe 108833
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Shherbaki 632165
Acceptance, Novokuzneck 27 654027
Import of international mail, Kabakovo 453028
Import of international mail, Ry`binsk 3 152903
离开,下一站【惠州中心】Leave, next stop【Huizhou center]
Reception, 141303 141303
Reception, Bor 6 606446Прием, Бор 606446 6
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Xarp 629420
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk 121 660121
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 222 125222
Acceptance, Lobnya 141730
Acceptance, 461901 461901Прием, 461901 461901
Reception, Novy`j Urengoj 7 629307
Acceptance, Volgograd 26 400026
Acceptance, 127474 127474
Acceptance, Nizhnij Novgorod 163 603163
Acceptance, 394087 394087
Reception, 188338 188338
Reception, 665520 665520
Import of international mail, Tambov 32 392032
Joshkar-Ola 6 424006Joshkar-Ola 424006 6
Redispatching, Redirect, Krasnaya Paxra 108828
Acceptance, Yakutsk 7 677007
Reception, 414041 414041
Acceptance, 416550 416550
Acceptance, Irkutsk 1 664001
Acceptance, Kolpino 7 196657Прием, 196657 Колпино 7
Handed over to customs, Rastunovo 142062
Acceptance, Alapaevsk 7 624607
Acceptance, 603139 603139
Acceptance, Shepsi 352815Acceptance, All 352815
Acceptance, 634014 634014
Processing, Left the place of reception, Moskva MMPO 104000
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Tarly`kovka 413288
Import of international mail, Kirpichnoe 352821
Import of international mail, Moskva 673 111673
Reception, Xabarovsk 14 680014
Reception, 125581 125581
Acceptance, Chelyabinsk 84 454084
Reception, 301260 301260
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 164 129164
Moskva 513 117513
Acceptance, 400010 400010
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Leninsk-Kuzneckij 652500
Acceptance, 644060 644060
Import of international mail, Kirishi 3 187113
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Orel 30 302030
Acceptance, Oktyabr`skoe 457170
Acceptance, Stupino 142800
Acceptance, Noril`sk 663332
Reception, Erofej Pavlovich 676000
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Pereslavl`-Zalesskij 152020
Acceptance, Balaxninskij 666921
Acceptance, 412423 412423
Import of international mail, Sankt-Peterburg 232 193232
Import of international mail, Moskva 364 125364
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kaluga 9 248009
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 133 117133
Acceptance, Sverdlovo 669517
Import of international mail, Irbit 623850
Acceptance, 445021 445021Прием, 445021 445021
Reception, 630132 630132
Acceptance, Krasnogorsk 2 143402
Import of international mail, Baranovka 658474
Acceptance, AL 685562
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Zuevka 612410
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Anzhero-Sudzhensk 7 652477
Acceptance, 426075 426075
Reception, Kamenny`j Brod 446144
Reception, Moskva 75 129075
Import of international mail, Moskva 367 125367
Moskva 559 109559
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 408 115408
Shherbinka 108850
Acceptance, Chelyabinsk 14 454014
Acceptance, 187113 187113
Reception, Xorinsk 671410
Acceptance, 160033 160033
Acceptance, 141014 141014
Acceptance, Dolgorukovo 238430
离开,下一站【上海国际】Leave, next stop【Shanghai】
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Tol`yatti 19 445019Обработка, прибыло на территорию РФ, Тольятти 445019 19
Reception, Ufa 104 450104Прием, Уфа 450104 104
Acceptance, Moskva 250 111250
Acceptance, 190005 190005
离开,下一站【台州中心】Leave, next stop【Taizhou center]
Acceptance, Tol`yatti 12 445012
Berdsk 3 633003
Acceptance, Tol`yatti 5 445005
Acceptance, Yaroslavl` 43 150043
Import of international mail, Barnaul 39 656039
Acceptance, Sankt-Peterburg 288 192288
Vladivostok 88 690088
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Belaya Kalitva 5 347045
Reception, Novovoronezh 2 396072
Reception, Abakan 11 655011
Acceptance, Motmos 607031
Acceptance, Bijsk 16 659316
Reception, Saratov 8 410008
Omsk 10 644010
Reception, 656904 656904
Reception, Tarbagataj 671110
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Saratov 41 410041
Acceptance, Majma 649100
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Arti 623340
计划交航,计划航班号LH729,计划起飞时间13:15Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number LH729, the scheduled departure time of 13:15
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Moskva 592 123592Обработка, покинуло место международного обмена, 123592 Москва 592
Reception, 414057 414057
计划交航,计划航班号TK073,计划起飞时间Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number TK073, the scheduled departure time
Acceptance, 111250 111250
Import of international mail, Sochi 208 354208
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Belaya Glina 353040
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Abakan 1 655001
离开,下一站【天津中心】Leave, next stop [the Tianjin center]
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 430 125430
Acceptance, 214004 214004
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Novorossijsk 353900
Import of international mail, Komsomol`sk-Na-Amure 18 681018
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Begunicy` 188423
计划交航,计划航班号CZ347-CZ1600,计划起飞时间00:20Plan to cross waypoints, plan flight CZ347-CZ1600, the scheduled departure time of 00:20
Reception, 117639 117639
Reception, Serpuxov 142200
Acceptance, 603138 603138
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Verxnij Mamon 396460
Acceptance, Usinsk 1 169711
Reception, Izhevsk 54 426054
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Orexovo-Zuevo 5 142605
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskij 31 683031
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kerch` 6 298306
离开,下一站【余杭】Leave, next stop【yuhang】
Acceptance, 634034 634034
Acceptance, 650003 650003
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Moskva 421 119421
Reception, 350020 350020
Reception, 460022 460022
Reception, 670024 670024
Import of international mail, Ul`yanovsk 30 432030
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sankt-Peterburg 318 193318
Acceptance, 109387 109387Прием, 109387 109387
Import of international mail, Kazan` 100 420100
Reception, Podol`sk 16 142116
Reception, Mozdok 5 363755
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Shebekino 6 309296
Acceptance, Tomsk 57 634057
Perm` 614000
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sevastopol` 38 299038
Import of international mail, Kemerovo 2 650002
Reception, 243361 243361
Acceptance, Sredneural`sk 624070
Acceptance, Raduzhny`j 2 628462
Import of international mail, Tyumen` 35 625035
计划交航,计划航班号LH8067,计划起飞时间14:30Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number LH8067, the planned departure time 14:30
Acceptance, Ogarevka 301204
Acceptance, Nizhnevartovsk Pochtamt 628600
Import of international mail, Makar`ev 1 157461
Reception, Nechaevskij 633422
Acceptance, Golicy`no 143040
Acceptance, Kronshtadt 197760
Acceptance, 143912 143912
Acceptance, Kazan` 420010Приемка, Казань 420010
Import of international mail, Sarapul 1 427961
Reception, 186422 186422
Acceptance, 684005 684005
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk 20 454020
Acceptance, Snezhinsk 456770
Reception, Sasy`koli 416013
Reception at custom house, Tula 39 300039
Reception, 665836 665836
Acceptance, Irkutsk 17 664017
Acceptance, 601220 601220
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 81 127081
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ufa 9 450009
Acceptance, Nizhnij Novgorod 40 603040
Acceptance, Bol`sheust`ikinskoe 452550Прием, бол с большеустьикинское 452550
Import of international mail, Shevlyakovo 141642
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Bryansk 35 241035
Acceptance, Ermakovo 296123
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Krasnodar 350901
Reception, 624443 624443
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Majkop 8 385008
Reception, 140404 140404
Acceptance, Xabarovsk 1 680001
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Dubna 301160
计划交航,计划航班号SHIP-CX463-207,计划起飞时间07:00Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number SHIP-CX463-2 0 7, plan to take time off 0 7:0 0
Handed over to customs, Poselok Iskatelej 166700
Import of international mail, Voroncovka 353664
Acceptance, Volgodonsk 347360
Acceptance, Tyunevo 626030
Import of international mail, Odincovo 3 143003
Acceptance, 628260 628260
Acceptance, Roslavl` 216500
Reception, Sergievka 309177
Reception, Novosibirsk 98 630098
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Vladimir 5 600005Обработка, прибыло на территорию РФ, 600005 Владимир 5
Acceptance, 664043 664043
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Bryansk 50 241050
Acceptance, Krasnoarmejsk 2 141292
Reception, 350072 350072
Reception, Samara 100 443100Прием, Самара 443100 100
计划交航,计划航班号KE2852-0955,计划起飞时间Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number KE2852-0955, the scheduled departure time
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sankt-Peterburg 312 193312
Acceptance, AL 170071
Acceptance, 142380 142380
Income to Ukrainian exchange officeДоход на украинский пункт обмена валют
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Zlatoust 5 456205
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg 39 620039
Import of international mail, Pushkino 7 141207
Import of international mail, Velikij Novgorod 25 173025
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 218 117218
计划交航,计划航班号CZ327,计划起飞时间21:00Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number CZ327, scheduled departure time 21:00
Reception, Metallostroj 196641
Reception, 430030 430030
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Smolensk 39 214039
Acceptance, Tol`yatti 19 445019Приемка, Тольятти 445019 19
Acceptance, 125310 125310
Acceptance, Poselok Im. Tel`mana 140125
Reception, 107370 107370
Acceptance, Fabrichny`e Vy`selki 433881
Acceptance, 606106 606106
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Malaya Vishera 174260
Pushhino 142290
Import of international mail, Kamensk-Shaxtinskij 9 347809
Import of international mail, Karasuk 4 632864
Reception, 347382 347382
Acceptance, 600035 600035
Reception, Voronezh 6 394006
Acceptance, Bobrov 2 397702
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Samara 16 443016
Acceptance, 359180 359180
Acceptance, 397160 397160
Reception, Simferopol` 6 295006
Reception, 150049 150049
Acceptance, 172007 172007
Avdon 450580
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Korolev 141070
Acceptance, 628400 628400
Acceptance, Kislovodsk 36 357736Прием, Кисловодск 357736 36
Acceptance, 432035 432035
Acceptance, Moskva 224 127224
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sankt-Peterburg 348 197348
Import of international mail, Orel 14 302014
Reception, 153510 153510
Reception, Verxnyaya Py`shma 624090
Import of international mail, Novosibirsk 99 630099
Acceptance, Perm` 17 614017
Import of international mail, Belaya Kalitva 2 347042
Acceptance, 119021 119021
Import of international mail, Samara 93 443093
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Stavropol` 32 355032
Reception, 623463 623463
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Novoural`sk 624130
Import of international mail, Rostov-Na-Donu 91 344091
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Xabarovsk 7 680007
Redispatching, Redirect, Rostov-Na-Donu 38 344038
计划交航,计划航班号SHIP-CX463-233,计划起飞时间07:00Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number SHIP-CX463-2 3 3, plans to take time off 0 7:0 0
Reception, Batajsk 346880
Import of international mail, Minusinsk 8 662608
Import of international mail, Sanatorij Barvixa 143083Импорт международной почты, Санаторий Barvixa 143083
Acceptance, Voskresensk 4 140204
Acceptance, Berdsk 3 633003
Acceptance, Moskva 560 127560Согласие, Москва 127560 560
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Shipicy`no 165320
Reception, Novosibirsk 106 630106
离开,下一站【福州中心】Leave, next stop【Fuzhou center]
Novy`j Gorodok 652645
Import of international mail, Romanovo 658640
Import of international mail, Saratov 71 410071
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Novomelovatka 397620
Acceptance, Nizhnij Novgorod 116 603116
Acceptance, Moskva 432 115432
Acceptance, Tyukalinsk 646330
Acceptance, Sankt-Peterburg 374 197374
Acceptance, 300034 300034
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Reutov 5 143965Таможенное оформление, Выпущено таможней, Реутов 143965 5
Reception, Yur`ev-Pol`skij 601800
Acceptance, Orenburg 60 460060Приемка, Оренбург 60 460060
Acceptance, Mixajlovsk 623080
Import of international mail, Rostov-Na-Donu 92 344092
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Armyansk 296012
Acceptance, Krasnodar 72 350072
Reception, 182250 182250
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Parfen`evo 157270
Reception, 443545 443545
Acceptance, 620012 620012
Acceptance, 187024 187024
Acceptance, Novosibirsk 55 630055
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Чешская Республика
Acceptance, Mixajlovka 2 403342
Reception, 644041 644041Прием, 644041 644041
Reception, Sankt-Peterburg 371 197371
Acceptance, Arxangel`sk 9 163009
Import of international mail, Volgograd 137 400137
Reception, Kamensk-Shaxtinskij 10 347810
Pristen` 306200Have` 306200
Reception, Kazan` 87 420087
Import of international mail, E`lektrostal` 6 144006
Acceptance, Baltijsk 238520
Acceptance, Pionerskij 238590
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Mindyak 453744
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 122 105122
Reception, 440028 440028
Import of international mail, Arzamas 607220
Import of international mail, Nizhnevartovsk Pochtamt 628600
Acceptance, 115580 115580
Acceptance, Kolpino 196650
Acceptance, Kudrovo 188691
Reception, Tol`yatti 5 445005
Reception, 150044 150044
The consignment was sent to the Czech RepublicГруз был отправлен в Чехию
Acceptance, Rostov-Na-Donu 91 344091
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Tyumen` 8 625008
Acceptance, Suzemka 242190
Processing, Left the place of international exchangeОбработка, покинуло место международного обмена.
Reception, Prigorodny`j 403518
Acceptance, 422545 422545
Acceptance, Tol`yatti 24 445024
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg 89 620089
Import of international mail, Voronezh 5 394005
Acceptance, 173008 173008
Acceptance, Moskva 538 111538
Acceptance, Samara 58 443058
Korolev 5 141075Any 5 141075
Acceptance, Cheboksary` 31 428031
Acceptance, Kry`msk 353380Прием, Кры\’msk 353380
Import of international mail, Shushenskoe 662710
Acceptance, 391502 391502
Reception at custom house, Lezhnevo 155120
Acceptance, 652470 652470
Acceptance, 391300 391300
Acceptance, Tol`yatti 41 445041
Acceptance, 160004 160004
Acceptance, Moskva 29 109029
Reception, Rossosh` 396650Прием, Россошь 396650
Reception at custom house, Tula 4 300004
Acceptance, 295021 295021
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Novocherkassk 11 346411
Acceptance, Moskva 401 111401
Acceptance, Rostov-Na-Donu 19 344019
Acceptance, 410002 410002
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Lipeck 16 398016
Import of international mail, Voronezh 74 394074
Moskva 569 115569115569 Москва 569
Acceptance, Vladimir 28 600028
Acceptance, 394070 394070
Reception, Volzhskij 32 404132
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Borovsk 249010
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Nizhnij Novgorod 70 603070
Acceptance, Klimovo 243040
Acceptance, Maloe Verevo 188354
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Shuya 155900
Import of international mail, Sankt-Peterburg 355 194355
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Lermontov 357340
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Vladimir 600000
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Sankt-Peterburg 332 198332
Acceptance, 350921 350921
Reception, Izhevsk 68 426068
Acceptance, Bryuxoveckaya 3 352753
Acceptance, Krasnodar 12 350012
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kaluga 25 248025
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Stavropol` 29 355029
Reception, 368832 368832
Import of international mail, Novy`j Urengoj 7 629307
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Moskva 502 125502
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Novy`j Gorodok 652645
离开上海市 发往特拉维夫(经转)Leave Shanghai sent to Tel Aviv by the transfer)
Acceptance, Beloreck 11 453511
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 195 125195Обработка, прибыло на территорию РФ, 125195 Москва 195
Acceptance, 614039 614039
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Tyumen` 7 625007
Import of international mail, Pskov 2 180002
Acceptance, 142608 142608
Acceptance, AL 283125
Acceptance, 307171 307171
Reception, Sterlitamak 453100Reception, 453100 Sterlitamak
Acceptance, Moskva 464 125464
Acceptance, Shilovo 2 391502
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sankt-Peterburg 110 197110
Import of international mail, Moskva 362 125362
Reception, Volzhskij 21 404121
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Simferopol` 295000
Import of international mail, Beloozerskij 1 140251
Import of international mail, Sy`kty`vkar 167000
Reception, Moskva 574 117574
Reception, Timashevsk 352700
Reception, Ty`nda 10 676290
Import of international mail, Uzlovaya 301600
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kursk 3 305003
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Rostov-Na-Donu 93 344093
Reception, Tambov 3 392003
Import of international mail, Gorodec 8 606508
Reception, AL 692776
Acceptance, Cheboksary` 17 428017
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Podol`sk 21 142121
Reception, Gelendzhik 15 353475
Acceptance, 654007 654007
Acceptance, Nefteyugansk 5 628305
Acceptance, AL 141511
Acceptance, 191024 191024Прием, 191024 191024
Import of international mail, Voronezh 43 394043
Reception, Volgograd 22 400022
Acceptance, Izhevsk 23 426023
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Nasy`r-Kort 386140
Import of international mail, Novodvinsk 164900
Acceptance, 183035 183035
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 467 121467
Import of international mail, Velikij Novgorod 14 173014
Reception, Kolomna 7 140407
Import of international mail, Kazan` 95 420095
Acceptance, Novomixajlovskij 352855
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 675 111675
Moskva 487 115487
Acceptance, 169900 169900
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Ulan-Ude` 47 670047
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Xabarovsk 680000
Acceptance, 142190 142190
Import of international mail, Shhelkovo 141100Импорт международной почты, Щелково 141100
Reception, 143080 143080
Acceptance, Novovoronezh 2 396072
Acceptance, 600022 600022
Acceptance, Goryachij Klyuch 353290
Import of international mail, Novosibirsk 87 630087
Import of international mail, Gorshechnoe 306800
Import of international mail, Chernogolovka 142432
Acceptance, Xabarovsk 18 680018
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Saransk 6 430006
Acceptance, 455034 455034
Import of international mail, Stavropol` 11 355011
Acceptance, 169200 169200
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Tol`yatti 21 445021Обработка, прибыло на территорию РФ, Тольятти 445021 21
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Georgievka 446416
Import of international mail, Ekaterinburg 75 620075
Acceptance, 692331 692331
Reception, Moskva 573 115573
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Moskva 253 127253
Reception, 689251 689251
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Pangody` 629757
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Tula 22 300022
Handed over to customs, Ul`yanovsk 72 432072
Acceptance, 654066 654066
Acceptance, 352290 352290
Delivery, Delivery to the addressee, 0
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Voejkovo 188685
计划交航,计划航班号CZ347-CZ456,计划起飞时间02:20Plan to cross waypoints, plan flight CZ347-CZ456, the scheduled departure time 0 2:2 0
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 123 111123
Reception, 214013 214013
Acceptance, 354200 354200
Import of international mail, Moskva 566 127566
Acceptance, Nizhnevartovsk 11 628611Приемка, Нижневартовск 628611 11
Reception, Kzy`l-Yar 423940
Acceptance, Troickoe 659840Прием, Троицкое 659840
Reception, 164523 164523
Acceptance, Bryansk 22 241022
离开,下一站【青岛中心】Leave, next stop【Qingdao center]
Acceptance, Sarov 6 607186
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Sankt-Peterburg 46 197046
Reception, Mixajlovka 2 403342
计划交航,计划航班号TRUCK-KE604-0529,计划起飞时间00:30Посылка вылетела из аэропорта. Номер рейса-KE604-0 5 2 9, время вылета 0 0:3 0.
Acceptance, Lipeck 6 398006
Import of international mail, Pavlovsk 2 396422
Reception, Elizovo 4 684004
Acceptance, Prokop`evsk 7 653007
Reception, Domodedovo 142000
Acceptance, 610002 610002
Acceptance, 462426 462426
Import of international mail, Cheboksary` 428000
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Raduzhny`j 2 628462
Acceptance, 170042 170042
Acceptance, Kizlyar 2 368832
Acceptance, 111399 111399
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kilemary` 425270
Reception, 350075 350075
Reception, Moskva 24 111024
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Tal`menka 3 658033
Acceptance, AL 142906
Import of international mail, Kirgiz-Miyaki 452080
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kirovo-Chepeck 7 613047
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Krasnokamsk 617060
Reception, Rostov-Na-Donu 111 344111
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Baklashi 666021
Acceptance, 652062 652062
离开,下一站【长沙东站】Leave, next stop【Changsha East Station]
Acceptance, AL 456166
Reception, Ekaterinburg 131 620131
Acceptance, 305022 305022Прием, 305022 305022
Acceptance, 196128 196128
Reception, AL 25456
Reception, Gricovskij 301318
Acceptance, Strezhevoj 2 636782
Import of international mail, Dzerzhinskij 1 140091
Acceptance, Ramon` 396020
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Omsk 70 644070
Reception, 163061 163061
Acceptance, Revda 623280
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Rodniki 140143
Acceptance, Nizhnij Novgorod 139 603139
Acceptance, 397151 397151
Reception, Naro-Fominsk 143300
Acceptance, AL 0Акцепт, ООО 0
Import of international mail, Kazan` 81 420081
Acceptance, Angarsk 25 665825
Import of international mail, Perm` 30 614030
Acceptance, 141196 141196
Import of international mail, Gatchina 8 188308
计划交航,计划航班号LH8415-808,计划起飞时间03:25Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number LH8415-808, the scheduled departure time 03:25
Acceptance of packet from clientПрием пакетов от клиента
Import of international mail, Bryansk 22 241022
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Makar`ev 1 157461
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, My`tishhi 9 141009
Import of international mail, Orenburg 26 460026
Import of international mail, Liski 7 397907
Acceptance, Sankt-Peterburg 216 198216
Acceptance, 127224 127224Прием, 127224 127224
Acceptance, 450099 450099
Import of international mail, Ovsyanka 676201
Acceptance, Nizhnij Novgorod 62 603062
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Isil`kul` 4 646024
Import of international mail, Krasnodar 1 350001
计划交航,计划航班号CZ307-CZ1369,计划起飞时间05:00Plan to cross waypoints, plan flight CZ307-CZ1369, the planned take-off time 0 5:0 0
Reception, My`ski 5 652845
Acceptance, Severskaya 353240
Reception, Korolev 31 141091
Acceptance, 127543 127543
Acceptance, 603043 603043
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Balashixa 47 143987
Reception, 636320 636320
Reception, Ekaterinburg 23 620023
Moskva 469 109469
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sankt-Peterburg 5 190005
Import of international mail, Samara 91 443091
Acceptance, Petrozavodsk 34 185034
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Boguchar 396790
Acceptance, Sochi 54 354054
Acceptance, 216593 216593
Acceptance, 601125 601125
Acceptance, 346341 346341
Acceptance, Pavlovsk 396420
Import of international mail, Ivanovo 153000
Acceptance, 361535 361535
Import of international mail, Temryuk 353500
Acceptance, 404130 404130
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kabakovo 453028
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ry`binsk 3 152903
Reception, Ry`l`sk 307370
Reception, Kalezh 354235
Reception, Uvel`skij 457000
Import of international mail, Xarp 629420
Acceptance, 660121 660121
Acceptance, Moskva 222 125222
Reception, Sochi 207 354207
Import of international mail, Domodedovo 142000
Reception, 125565 125565
Acceptance, Barnaul 57 656057
Import of international mail, Moskva 403 117403
Import of international mail, Kamensk-Ural`skij 26 623426
Acceptance, 125252 125252
Reception, Samagaltaj 668360
Import of international mail, Spirovo 171170
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Tambov 32 392032
Handed over to customs, Joshkar-Ola 6 424006
Import of international mail, Moskva 101000
Acceptance, 305018 305018
Import of international mail, Bezheck 3 171983
Reception, Novosineglazovskij 454904
Reception, Naberezhny`e Chelny` 6 423806
Reception, Chelyabinsk 84 454084
Import of international mail, Rastunovo 142062
Import of international mail, Saratov 10 410010
Import of international mail, Severodvinsk 12 164512
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Glazunovka 303340
Reception, 142138 142138
Forwarding, Redirect, Китай
Acceptance, 413288 413288
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kirpichnoe 352821
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 673 111673
Acceptance, Moskva 639 117639
Acceptance, Zlatoust 8 456208
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Magnitogorsk 455000
Reception, 169607 169607
Acceptance, Moskva 164 129164
Handed over to customs, Moskva 513 117513
Acceptance, 115419 115419
Acceptance, 652500 652500
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Moskva 195 125195Таможенное оформление, Выпущено таможней, Москва 125195 195
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kirishi 3 187113
Acceptance, 302030 302030
Acceptance, 603044 603044
Import of international mail, Tambov 9 392009
Acceptance, Korolev 30 141090
Import of international mail, Tver` 1 170001
Reception, 618250 618250
Acceptance, Pereslavl`-Zalesskij 152020
Acceptance, 626170 626170
Import of international mail, Chelyabinsk 71 454071
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sankt-Peterburg 232 193232
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 364 125364
Acceptance, 248009 248009
Acceptance, Moskva 133 117133
Acceptance, 443086 443086
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Irbit 623850
Acceptance, Dzerzhinsk 19 606019
Import of international mail, 141600
Reception at custom house, Moskva 530 119530
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Baranovka 658474
Import of international mail, Nikolaevka 658878
Acceptance, Zuevka 612410
Acceptance, Anzhero-Sudzhensk 7 652477
Acceptance, 644076 644076
Import of international mail, Pushkin 3 196603
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 367 125367
Handed over to customs, Moskva 559 109559
Acceptance, Moskva 408 115408
Import of international mail, Shherbinka 108850
Acceptance, Izhevsk 426000
Import of international mail, Barnaul 19 656019
Import of international mail, Moskva 304 115304
Acceptance, 443029 443029
Acceptance, 350031 350031
Import of international mail, Nizhnij Novgorod 159 603159
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Brusovo 171870
Reception, 127282 127282
Reception, Tol`yatti 19 445019Прием, Тольятти 445019 19
Acceptance, 346512 346512
Acceptance, 125373 125373
Acceptance, Sankt-Peterburg 276 195276
Import of international mail, Volxov 6 187406
Acceptance, 430032 430032
Reception at custom house, Berdsk 3 633003
Acceptance, Verx-Suetka 658690
Acceptance, 680041 680041
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Barnaul 39 656039
Import of international mail, Ufa 81 450081
Reception at custom house, Vladivostok 88 690088
Import of international mail, Belaya Kalitva 5 347045
Acceptance, 125581 125581
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Krasnogorsk 3 143403
Acceptance, Asbest Pochtamt 624260Acceptance, Asbestos Pochtamt 624260
Acceptance, Atyashevo 431800
Acceptance, Ajxal 678190
Handed over to customs, Omsk 10 644010
Import of international mail, Bely`j Yar 636500
Acceptance, Xabarovsk 22 680022
Acceptance, 410041 410041
Acceptance, Kommunarka 108814
Import of international mail, Irkutsk 20 664020
计划交航,计划航班号LH8411-LH808,计划起飞时间06:20Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number LH8411-LH808, the planned departure time of 06:20
Import of international mail, Moskva 592 123592Импорт международной почты, 123592 Москва 592
Acceptance, 445045 445045
计划交航,计划航班号LH8415-808,计划起飞时间Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number LH8415-808, the scheduled departure time
Acceptance, Majkop 8 385008
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sochi 208 354208
Acceptance, Belaya Glina 353040
Acceptance, Abakan 1 655001
Reception, Rostov-Na-Donu 93 344093
Acceptance, Moskva 430 125430
Import of international mail, Suxoj Log 624800
Acceptance, 353900 353900
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Komsomol`sk-Na-Amure 18 681018
Acceptance, Begunicy` 188423
计划交航,计划航班号LH8411-LH278,计划起飞时间06:20Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number LH8411-LH278, the planned departure time of 06:20
Import of international mail, Dimitrovgrad 15 433515
Import of international mail, Urshel`skij 601554
Acceptance, Tula 45 300045
Acceptance, Verxnij Mamon 396460
Import of international mail, Moskva 42 117042
Reception, 171252 171252
Import of international mail, Cugol 687436
Acceptance, 683031 683031
Reception, Kerch` 6 298306
Acceptance, 141707 141707
Acceptance, 644041 644041Прием, 644041 644041
Acceptance, Yarega 169347
Import of international mail, Moskva 421 119421
Reception, Sankt-Peterburg 312 193312
Reception, Kislovka 634508
Acceptance, 162940 162940
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ul`yanovsk 30 432030
Acceptance, 193318 193318
Acceptance, Orenburg 36 460036
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kazan` 100 420100
Reception, Smolensk 4 214004
Acceptance, 143900 143900
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Shebekino 6 309296
Import of international mail, Rostov-Na-Donu 90 344090
Handed over to customs, Perm` 614000
Acceptance, Sevastopol` 38 299038
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kemerovo 2 650002
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Voronezh 10 394010
Import of international mail, Nal`chik 22 360022
Acceptance, Verxnepashino 663148
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Tyumen` 35 625035
Acceptance, Volxov 2 187402
Acceptance, 109548 109548
Reception, Lipeck 16 398016
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Voronezh 74 394074
Reception at custom house, Moskva 569 115569Прием на таможню, 115569 Москва 569
Import of international mail, Nikel` 1 184421
Import of international mail, Tol`yatti 7 445007
Reception, Sankt-Peterburg 298 195298
Borovsk 249010
Acceptance, 347879 347879
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sarapul 1 427961
Reception, Gamaleevka 461930
Acceptance, 115172 115172
Acceptance, Chelyabinsk 20 454020
Acceptance, Chegdomy`n 682030
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sankt-Peterburg 46 197046
Import of international mail, Tula 39 300039
Reception, Tol`yatti 46 445046
Import of international mail, Toguchin 4 633454
Import of international mail, Moskva 639 117639
Acceptance, 127081 127081
Acceptance, Ufa 9 450009
Reception, 115419 115419
Acceptance, Gatchina 1 188301
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Shevlyakovo 141642
Acceptance, Tol`yatti 42 445042
Acceptance, Aktany`sh 423740
Acceptance, 350029 350029
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Krasnotur`insk 3 624443
Import of international mail, Majkop 8 385008
Reception, Gur`evsk 2 652782
深圳市邮政速递物流公司龙华中心营业部已收件(揽投员姓名:莫盘,联系电话:13925214471)Shenzhen postal courier logistics company, Longhua center of the business portion of the received pieces embrace cast member name: Mo disk,contact phone:13925214471)
Acceptance, Dubna 301160
计划交航,计划航班号KE0828-0957,计划起飞时间12:45Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number KE0828-0 9 5 7, the scheduled departure time 1 2:4 5
Acceptance, Poselok Iskatelej 166700
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Voroncovka 353664
Acceptance, Orel 1 302001
Import of international mail, Samara 4 443004
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Odincovo 3 143003
Acceptance, Moskva 497 107497
Acceptance, 216620 216620
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Moskva 462 109462
Reception, Vladivostok 14 690014Прием, Владивосток 690014 14
Reception, Kostroma 25 156025
Acceptance, 600005 600005Прием, 600005 600005
Acceptance, 423230 423230
Acceptance, 241050 241050
Reception, 628109 628109
Reception, 673450 673450
Reception, Kazan` 420010Прием, Казань 420010
计划交航,计划航班号B7125-BR28,计划起飞时间Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number B7125-BR28, the scheduled departure time
Acceptance, Sankt-Peterburg 312 193312
Acceptance, Krasnoznamensk 143090
Handed over to customs, Sankt-Peterburg 352 194352
Acceptance, Voronezh 2 394002
Acceptance, Zlatoust 5 456205
Reception, Kandalaksha 2 184042Reception, 2 184042 Kandalaksha
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Pushkino 7 141207
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Velikij Novgorod 25 173025
Acceptance, 117218 117218
计划交航,计划航班号CZ389,计划起飞时间08:30Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number CZ389, the scheduled departure time 08:30
Reception, Rostov-Na-Donu 91 344091
Reception, Saransk 30 430030
Acceptance, Omsk 41 644041Приемка, Омск 644041 41
Acceptance, Sechenovo 607580
Import of international mail, Xolmskaya 353307
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Spas-Demensk 249610
Acceptance, Bijsk 21 659321
Nyagan` 1 628181
Acceptance, Sankt-Peterburg 352 194352
Acceptance, Malaya Vishera 174260
Handed over to customs, Pushhino 142290
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kamensk-Shaxtinskij 9 347809
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Karasuk 4 632864
Acceptance, 347382 347382
Reception, 454030 454030
Acceptance, Ivanteevka 1 141281
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Novosibirsk 90 630090
Acceptance, 443016 443016
Acceptance, 143002 143002
Reception, Bijsk 21 659321
Acceptance, Megion 1 628681
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Kovdor 2 184142
Reception, Aktyubinskij 423304
Acceptance, Kaluga 1 248001
Handed over to customs, Avdon 450580
Acceptance, Korolev 141070
Acceptance, Moskva 410 127410
Reception, Moskva 224 127224
Import of international mail, Vladivostok 21 690021
Acceptance, Polevskoj 2 623382
Import of international mail, Bely`e Berega 241902
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Orel 14 302014
Reception, 660100 660100Прием, 660100 660100
Acceptance, 142203 142203
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Novosibirsk 99 630099
Import of international mail, Volgograd 29 400029
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Belaya Kalitva 2 347042
Acceptance, Persianovskij 346493
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Samara 93 443093
Reception, Stavropol` 32 355032
Acceptance, 443076 443076
Acceptance, 624130 624130
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Rostov-Na-Donu 91 344091
Acceptance, 680007 680007
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Rostov-Na-Donu 68 344068
计划交航,计划航班号TK073,计划起飞时间23:10Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number TK073, the scheduled departure time 2 3:1 0
Import of international mail, Vologda 33 160033
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Minusinsk 8 662608
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sanatorij Barvixa 143083Обработка, прибыло на территорию РФ, Санаторий Barvixa 143083
Acceptance, 394031 394031
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Kry`msk 353380Таможенное оформление, Выпущено таможней, Кры\’msk 353380
Acceptance, Samara 125 443125
Reception, Shipicy`no 165320
Acceptance, 630132 630132
Reception, Sankt-Peterburg 110 197110
Handed over to customs, Novy`j Gorodok 652645
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Romanovo 658640
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Saratov 71 410071
Reception, 397620 397620
Acceptance, Semenov 7 606657Прием, Семенов 7 606657
Reception, 141147 141147
Acceptance, 236019 236019
Acceptance, 468325 468325
Acceptance, Neya 157330
Reutov 5 143965
Reception, Penza 61 440061
Reception, Sankt-Peterburg 355 194355
Acceptance, Shherbaki 632165
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Rostov-Na-Donu 92 344092
Acceptance, Armyansk 296012
Acceptance, 350072 350072
Reception, Moskva 534 117534
Parfen`evo 157270
Reception, 150062 150062
Acceptance, Gukovo 9 347879
Import of international mail, Kursk 40 305040
Acceptance, 404105 404105
Acceptance, 366310 366310
Reception, Stavropol` 44 355044
Acceptance, Pavino 157650
Acceptance, Oktyabr`skij 2 452602
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Volgograd 137 400137
Acceptance, 603146 603146
Handed over to customs, Pristen` 306200
Reception at custom house, Brusovo 171870
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, E`lektrostal` 6 144006
Departure from inward OE Adpis : 80900
Import of international mail, Penza 44 440044
Acceptance, Mindyak 453744
Acceptance, 105122 105122
Acceptance, Sankt-Peterburg 279 195279
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Arzamas 607220
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Nizhnevartovsk Pochtamt 628600
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Koly`chevo 142821
Acceptance, 630039 630039
Item sent to country of destination/Αποστολή αντικειμένου στη χώρα προορισμούItem sent to country of destination/Dispatch object in the country of destination
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Sankt-Peterburg 128 196128
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Moskva 675 111675
Acceptance, 394074 394074
Acceptance, Tyumen` 8 625008
Acceptance, Kovrov 3 601903
Import of international mail, Sankt-Peterburg 260 198260
Import of international mail, Novodugino 215240
Reception, Omsk 77 644077
Reception, 115142 115142
Acceptance, Ekaterinburg 89 620089
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Voronezh 5 394005
Reception, 197373 197373
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Petrovka 297012
Reception, Saratov 48 410048
Handed over to customs, Korolev 5 141075
Import of international mail, Moskva 338 129338
Acceptance, Pachelma 442100
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Shushenskoe 662710
Acceptance, 394086 394086
Import of international mail, Lezhnevo 155120
Reception, 652449 652449
Reception, Belgorod 308000
Acceptance, 300012 300012Прием, 300012 300012
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Yaroslavl` 30 150030
Acceptance, Chelyabinsk 128 454128
Package sentПакет отправлен
Import of international mail, Tula 4 300004
Acceptance, Moskva 398 111398
Acceptance, 346411 346411
Acceptance, 163001 163001
Acceptance, Ufa 75 450075
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kazan` 81 420081
Import of international mail, Nizhnij Novgorod 603000Импорт международной почты, Нижний Новгород 603000
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Perm` 30 614030
Import of international mail, Sochi 354340
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Gatchina 8 188308
Acceptance, 603070 603070
Acceptance, 346780 346780
Import of international mail, Serov 1 624981
Reception, Shuya 155900
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sankt-Peterburg 355 194355
Acceptance, Lermontov 357340
Acceptance, AL 601326
Sankt-Peterburg 332 198332
Acceptance, Kumertau 3 453303
Acceptance, Zheleznodorozhny`j 456656
Acceptance, 412307 412307
Import of international mail, Central`noj Usad`by` Sovxoza «Vostok» 352925
Acceptance, 248025 248025
Import of international mail, Stavropol` 29 355029
Reception, Vyatskie Polyany` 5 612965Прием, Вятские Поляны` 5 612965
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Novy`j Urengoj 7 629307
Moskva 502 125502
Acceptance, Novy`j Gorodok 652645
到达上海邮政速递物流处理中心(经转)To reach Shanghai postal Express logistics processing center via the transfer)
Acceptance, Novolabinskaya 352302
Acceptance, Moskva 195 125195
Import of international mail, Kislovodsk 36 357736
Tyumen` 7 625007
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Pskov 2 180002
Import of international mail, Balakovo Pochtamt 413840
Acceptance, Izobil`ny`j 356140
Reception, 410064 410064
Reception, Zheleznogorsk 1 662971
Acceptance, Sankt-Peterburg 298 195298
Import of international mail, Ryazan` 5 390005
Acceptance, 197110 197110
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 362 125362
Reception, Zelenogradskij 141253
Acceptance, 295000 295000
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Beloozerskij 1 140251
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sy`kty`vkar 167000
Acceptance, Vyatskie Polyany` 5 612965Прием, Вятские Поляны` 5 612965
Reception, Krasnotur`insk 1 624441
Import of international mail, Ozerny`j 171090
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Uzlovaya 301600
Acceptance, Kursk 3 305003
Import of international mail, Sankt-Peterburg 206 198206
Reception, 614503 614503
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Gorodec 8 606508
Reception, 236016 236016
Acceptance, 665821 665821
Acceptance, Podol`sk 21 142121
Reception, 630097 630097
Acceptance, 109202 109202
Import of international mail, Moskva 481 125481
Import of international mail, Trubnikov Bor 187070
Import of international mail, Spassk-Dal`nij 13 692243
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Voronezh 43 394043
Acceptance, 302043 302043
Acceptance, Novocherkassk 4 346404
Acceptance, 386140 386140
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Novodvinsk 164900
Import of international mail, Domodedovo 1 142001
Reception, Moskva 467 121467
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Velikij Novgorod 14 173014
Acceptance, Yaroslavl` 62 150062
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kazan` 95 420095
Acceptance, Pervoural`sk 11 623111
Import of international mail, Zaokskij 301000
Handed over to customs, Moskva 487 115487
Reception at custom house, Ishnya 152120
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Ulan-Ude` 47 670047
Acceptance, Xabarovsk 680000
Acceptance, 298607 298607
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Shhelkovo 141100Обработка, прибыло на территорию РФ, Щелково 141100
Reception, Moskva 122 105122
Acceptance, Selyatino 143345
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Solnechny`j 1 682711
Acceptance, 183014 183014
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Novosibirsk 87 630087
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Gorshechnoe 306800
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Chernogolovka 142432
Acceptance, Kuril`sk 694530
Acceptance, 430006 430006
Acceptance, Bor 606440
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Stavropol` 11 355011
Import of international mail, Velikie Luki 1 182101
Reception, 445021 445021Прием, 445021 445021
Acceptance, 446416 446416
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg 75 620075
Reception, Nyagan` 1 628181
Acceptance, 398042 398042
Import of international mail, Moskva 253 127253
Acceptance, Tol`yatti 51 445051
Acceptance, Pangody` 629757
Acceptance, Tula 22 300022
Import of international mail, Ul`yanovsk 72 432072
Reception, Alapaevsk 4 624604
Import of international mail, Pavlovskij Posad 142500
Processing, Arrived at the place of delivery, 0
Acceptance, Voejkovo 188685
计划交航,计划航班号SHIP-CI5322-LA8528,计划起飞时间08:50Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number SHIP-CI5322-LA8528, the scheduled departure time 0 8:5 0
Reception, 111123 111123
Reception, Kostino 610913
Acceptance, 353265 353265
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 566 127566
Acceptance, 169711 169711
Reception, 633454 633454
Import of international mail, Adlerskij Pochtamt 354399
Reception, Yaroslavl` 40 150040
Acceptance, 399260 399260
Import of international mail, Nizhnij Novgorod 138 603138
Reception, 353990 353990
Sankt-Peterburg 46 197046
Reception, Vladivostok 2 690002
计划交航,计划航班号CZ355,计划起飞时间14:15Запланирован вылет рейсом CZ355, плановое время вылета 1 4:1 5
Acceptance, Tutaev 3 152303
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Pavlovsk 2 396422
Import of international mail, Troickoe 359180
Reception, 603142 603142
Import of international mail, Dudinka 5 647005
Acceptance, Kirov 2 610002
Acceptance, Novobessergenevka 346842
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Cheboksary` 428000
Reception, Raduzhny`j 2 628462
Acceptance, Saratov 5 410005
Acceptance, Novolisino 187024Прием, Новолисино 187024
Acceptance, Cherepovec 14 162614
Reception, Kilemary` 425270
Reception, Moskva 597 115597
Import of international mail, Snezhinsk 456770
Acceptance, Tal`menka 3 658033
Acceptance, 105118 105118
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kirgiz-Miyaki 452080
Acceptance, Zhukovskij 140180
Reception, Krasnokamsk 617060
Reception, Slyudyanka 3 665903
Baklashi 666021
Import of international mail, Akkermanovka 462371
Acceptance, 184040 184040
Reception, Kukmor 422110
Reception, Revda 184580
Acceptance, 142200 142200
Acceptance, Moskva 303 117303
Reception, Nepecino 140473Прием, Nepecino 140473
Import of international mail, Kaluga 12 248012
Acceptance, 456082 456082
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Dzerzhinskij 1 140091
Import of international mail, Cherneckoe 142327
Reception, 239016 239016
Reception, 427961 427961
Acceptance, Rodniki 140143
Acceptance, Dyurtyuli 3 452323
Import of international mail, Nar`yan-Mar 166000
Import of international mail, Ekaterinburg 48 620048
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Rostov-Na-Donu 90 344090
Acceptance, 614000 614000
Acceptance, 665457 665457
Acceptance, Kemerovo 2 650002
Voronezh 10 394010
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Nal`chik 22 360022
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Berezniki 22 618422
Import of international mail, E`lektrostal` 3 144003
已出口开拆,备注(误发)Have the outlet to open,note(false)
Acceptance, Ivanovo 13 153013
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Bryansk 22 241022
Import of international mail, Shebekino 309290
My`tishhi 9 141009
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Orenburg 26 460026
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Liski 7 397907
Import of international mail, Stepanshhino 140222
Reception, 350032 350032
Reception, 450006 450006
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ovsyanka 676201
Moskva 674 111674
Import of international mail, Moskva 183 125183
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Krasnodar 1 350001
计划交航,计划航班号CA931,计划起飞时间14:10Plan to cross waypoints, plan flight CA931, the planned departure time 1 4:1 0
Import of international mail, Sevastopol` 46 299046
Reception, Bratsk 2 665702
Acceptance, 369003 369003
Acceptance, Chexov 6 142306
Acceptance, Izhevsk 68 426068
Reception, Orel 20 302020
Reception, Novosibirsk 87 630087
Reception, Sy`zran` 22 446022Прием, сы\’zran` 22 446022
Handed over to customs, Moskva 469 109469
Acceptance, AL 192092
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Samara 91 443091
Acceptance, Omsk 53 644053
Acceptance, 396790 396790
Import of international mail, Reutov 9 143969
Acceptance, Novomoskovsk 301650
Acceptance, 167023 167023
Acceptance, Magadan 685000
Reception, 299029 299029
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ivanovo 153000
Import of international mail, Baksan 5 361535Импорт международной почты, Баксан 361535 5
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Temryuk 353500
Acceptance, 658220 658220Прием, 658220 658220
Acceptance, 453028 453028
Acceptance, Ry`binsk 3 152903
Reception, Zheleznodorozhny`j 456656
Reception, Abakan 17 655017
Reception, Yanaul 452800
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Xarp 629420
Import of international mail, Kormilovka 646970
Handed over to customs, Moskva 367 125367
Acceptance, 445042 445042
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Domodedovo 142000
Import of international mail, Liski 10 397910
Import of international mail, Saransk 24 430024
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 403 117403
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kamensk-Ural`skij 26 623426
Acceptance, Naberezhny`e Chelny` 25 423825
Acceptance, Kazan` 132 420132Принятие, Казань 420132 132
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Spirovo 171170
Acceptance, 392032 392032
Import of international mail, Joshkar-Ola 6 424006
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 101000
Acceptance, Voronezh 61 394061
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Bezheck 3 171983
Processing Left the place of international exchangeПокинуло место международного обмена.
Acceptance, Moskva 122 105122
Acceptance, Taganrog 4 347904
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Rastunovo 142062
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Saratov 10 410010
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Severodvinsk 12 164512
Import of international mail, Glazunovka 303340
Acceptance, 614034 614034
Import of international mail, Moskva 106 127106
Acceptance, Tomari 694820
Acceptance, Kirpichnoe 352821
Import of international mail, Budennovsk 9 356809
离开,下一站【苏州中心】Leave, next stop【Suzhou center]
Import of international mail, Tomsk 33 634033
Magnitogorsk 455000
Acceptance, 170023 170023
Acceptance, 610033 610033
Acceptance, 117513 117513
Acceptance, Joshkar-Ola 424000
Import of international mail, Tambov 392000
Moskva 195 125195Москва 195 125195
Acceptance, Kirishi 3 187113
Import of international mail, Saratov 48 410048
Ryazan` 15 390015
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Tambov 9 392009
离开,下一站【合肥中心】Leave, next stop【Hefei center]
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Tver` 1 170001
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Sankt-Peterburg 352 194352
Acceptance, Rostov-Na-Donu 344000
Acceptance, Zasechnoe 4 440514
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk 71 454071
Reception, Sankt-Peterburg 232 193232
Acceptance, 125364 125364
Reception, 143441 143441
Acceptance, 216291 216291
Handed over to customs, Moskva 195 125195
Acceptance, Irbit 623850
Import of international mail, Kachkanar 624350
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, 141600
Reception, Moskva 530 119530
Acceptance, Baranovka 658474
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Nikolaevka 658878
Import of international mail, Batajsk 346885
Import of international mail, Prokop`evsk 47 653047
China — Item sent to Latvia (EDIreceived)Китай — товар отправили в Латвию (EDIreceived)
Reception, Barnaul 65 656065
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Pushkin 3 196603
Reception, 125367 125367
Import of international mail, Moskva 559 109559
Import of international mail, Sosnovskoe 606170
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Shherbinka 108850
Import of international mail, Nizhnij Novgorod 74 603074
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Barnaul 19 656019
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 304 115304
Import of international mail, Korolev 1 141071
Import of international mail, Tula 28 300028
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Nizhnij Novgorod 159 603159
Brusovo 171870
离开,下一站【福安】Leave, next stop【him】
Reception, Venev 1 301321Прием, Венев 301321 1
Acceptance, 393800 393800
Import of international mail, Lipeck 58 398058
Acceptance, Moskva 351 121351
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Volxov 6 187406
Acceptance, Sankt-Peterburg 97 198097
Import of international mail, Berdsk 3 633003
Import of international mail, Topki 652300
到达中国邮政速递物流股份有限公司北京市航空邮件处理中心处理中心(经转)To reach the China Post Express logistics Co., Ltd, China air mail processing center processing center the transfer)
Acceptance, Barnaul 39 656039
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ufa 81 450081
Import of international mail, Vladivostok 88 690088
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Belaya Kalitva 5 347045
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Moskva 535 117535
Import of international mail, Krasnogorsk 3 143403
Processing, Arrived at the place of delivery, Moskva 122 105122
Import of international mail, Shhekino 301240
Acceptance, Moskva 462 109462
Import of international mail, Omsk 10 644010
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Bely`j Yar 636500
Reception, Kedrovka 650903
Import of international mail, Ulan-Ude` 45 670045
Import of international mail, Vologda 10 160010
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Irkutsk 20 664020
退回,备注(安检不合格)Returned,note(security fail)
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 592 123592Обработка, прибыло на территорию РФ, 123592 Москва 592
Acceptance, 634033 634033
已出口开拆,备注(16,21)Have the outlet to open,note(16,21)
Acceptance, 184511 184511
Acceptance, Sochi 208 354208
常熟市邮政速递物流公司虹桥揽投部已收件(揽投员姓名:朱怡明,联系电话:15206235577)Changshu city, postal Express logistics company Hongqiao embrace the cast portion of the received pieces embrace cast member name: Zhu Yi Ming,Tel:15206235577)
Acceptance, 398055 398055
Redispatching, Redirect, Moskva 253 127253
Acceptance, 236004 236004
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Suxoj Log 624800
Import of international mail, Zheleznogorsk 307170
Acceptance, Komsomol`sk-Na-Amure 18 681018
Import of international mail, Omsk 73 644073
计划交航,计划航班号CZ331,计划起飞时间21:30Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number CZ331, scheduled departure time 21:30
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Dimitrovgrad 15 433515
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Urshel`skij 601554
Import of international mail, Novorossijsk 6 353906
Acceptance, Moskva 540 127540
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 42 117042
Delivery, Delivery to the addressee
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Cugol 687436
Reception, Yaroslavl` 60 150060
Acceptance, Ternej 692150
Import of international mail, Evpatoriya 7 297407
Import of international mail, Cheremnoe 659020
Acceptance, Kogaly`m 1 628481
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 421 119421
Reception, Krasnodar 59 350059
Acceptance, Omsk 82 644082
Acceptance, Tambov 3 392003
Acceptance, Ul`yanovsk 30 432030
Import of international mail, Kirov 35 610035Импорт международной почты, Киров 610035 35
Acceptance, 353688 353688
Acceptance, Kazan` 100 420100
Reception, 171720 171720Прием, 171720 171720
Reception, Sy`kty`vkar 5 167005
Shebekino 6 309296
Acceptance, Samara 11 443011
Import of international mail, Yaroslavl` 30 150030
Import of international mail, Armavir 24 352924
Item postingПункт размещения
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Tula 4 300004
Acceptance, Moskva 572 127572
Import of international mail, Saratov 9 410009
Acceptance, 173025 173025
Acceptance, Omsk 33 644033
Import of international mail, Rossosh` 396650
Reception, 394074 394074
Import of international mail, Moskva 569 115569Импорт международной почты, 115569 Москва 569
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Nikel` 1 184421
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Tol`yatti 7 445007
Reception, Rostov-Na-Donu 32 344032
离开,下一站【厦门】Leave, next stop【Xiamen】
Import of international mail, Ejsk 11 353691
Import of international mail, Kemerovo 68 650068
Acceptance, 111673 111673
Acceptance, Penza 26 440026
Reception, Sankt-Peterburg 46 197046
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Tula 39 300039
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Toguchin 4 633454
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 639 117639
Import of international mail, Novosibirsk 45 630045
Acceptance, Kiselevsk 23 652723
Import of international mail, Murmansk 635 184635
Reception, 410044 410044
Reception, Shevlyakovo 141642
Import of international mail, Miloslavskoe 391770Импорт международной почты, Милославское 391770
Import of international mail, Ocher 617140
Krasnotur`insk 3 624443
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Majkop 8 385008
Acceptance, Magnitogorsk 38 455038
Import of international mail, Verxnyaya Xava 396110
Import of international mail, Kaspijsk 5 368305
计划交航,计划航班号TK021-792,计划起飞时间06:45Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number TK021-7 9 2, scheduled departure time 0 6:4 5
Import of international mail, Borisoglebsk 11 397171
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Samara 4 443004
Acceptance, Odincovo 3 143003
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Kovrov 601900
Acceptance, 396560 396560
Moskva 462 109462
Acceptance, Sochi 354200
Import of international mail, Kostomuksha 186930
Acceptance, Kazan` 14 420014
Acceptance, Sterlitamak 15 453115Acceptance, 453115 15 Sterlitamak
Import of international mail, Reutov 2 143962
Acceptance, 659411 659411
Reception, 648360 648360
计划交航,计划航班号KA863-CX261,计划起飞时间Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number KA863-CX261, the scheduled departure time
Import of international mail, Petrozavodsk 2 185002
Acceptance, 194352 194352
Acceptance, 460550 460550
Reception, 423578 423578
Acceptance, AL 127709
Reception, 141207 141207
Acceptance, Velikij Novgorod 25 173025
计划交航,计划航班号LH8411-LH1336,计划起飞时间06:20Plan to cross waypoints, the planned flight number LH8411-LH1336, the planned departure time of 06:20
Reception, Lokomotivny`j 457390
Acceptance, Pelevina 623886
Acceptance, 188300 188300
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Xolmskaya 353307
Spas-Demensk 249610
Processing, Left the place of international exchange, Nevinnomy`ssk 8 357108
Import of international mail, Nyagan` 1 628181
Reception, Neftekumsk 2 356882
Import of international mail, Pushhino 142290
Acceptance, Kamensk-Shaxtinskij 9 347809
Acceptance, Kol`covo 630559
Reception, Novosibirsk 58 630058
Import of international mail, Novaya Lyada 392515
Import of international mail, Moskva 281 129281
Import of international mail, Novosibirsk 133 630133
Acceptance, Ishim 627750
Import of international mail, Otradny`j 2 446302
Reception, 119021 119021
Import of international mail, Kovdor 2 184142
Reception, Vladivostok 41 690041Прием, Владивосток 690041 41
Acceptance, Shhelkovo 2 141102
Import of international mail, Pskov 21 180021
Reception, 347045 347045
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Vladivostok 21 690021
Import of international mail, Nikol`skoe 156519
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Bely`e Berega 241902
Acceptance, Orel 14 302014
Reception, 171983 171983
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Volgograd 29 400029
Acceptance, Belaya Kalitva 2 347042
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Xarlovo 658346
Acceptance, Samara 93 443093
Reception, Obsharovka 445550
Reception, Volgograd 110 400110
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Novoural`sk 624130
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Sankt-Peterburg 373 197373
Rostov-Na-Donu 68 344068
计划交航,计划航班号CZ347,计划起飞时间00:20Plan to cross waypoints, plan flight CZ347, the planned take-off time 0 0:2 0
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Vologda 33 160033
Reception, Minusinsk 8 662608
Acceptance, 143083 143083Прием, 143083 143083
Acceptance, Magnitogorsk 47 455047
Import of international mail, Orenburg 35 460035
Reception, Yurga 12 652062
Acceptance, Sy`zran` 22 446022Прием, сы\’zran` 22 446022
Acceptance, 636320 636320
Acceptance, Romanovo 658640
Acceptance, 410071 410071
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Pskov 14 180014
Acceptance, 187310 187310
Acceptance, Slancy` 188560
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Ry`binsk 16 152916
Acceptance, E`l`ban 682610
Handed over to customs, Reutov 5 143965
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Klin 6 141606
Import of international mail, Sy`lva 614503
Acceptance, Rostov-Na-Donu 92 344092
Import of international mail, Novosibirsk 32 630032
Acceptance, 115372 115372
Acceptance, 628464 628464
Reception at custom house, Parfen`evo 157270
Acceptance, 394020 394020
Acceptance, Russkaya Paevka 431438
Acceptance, Krasnodar 5 350005
Reception, Kanash 7 429337
Reception, 236022 236022
Acceptance, 306530 306530
Import of international mail, My`tishhi 21 141021
Acceptance, 400137 400137
Reception, 603146 603146
Import of international mail, Ryazan` 29 390029
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Penza 44 440044
Acceptance, 630078 630078
Acceptance, Suzun 3 633623Acceptance, Drain 3 633623
Reception, 160023 160023
Reception, 607220 607220
Koly`chevo 142821
Acceptance, 241004 241004
Receive item from sender/ Κατάθεση αντικειμένου από τον αποστολέαReceive item from sender/ Deposit object from the sender
Sankt-Peterburg 128 196128
Moskva 675 111675
Reception, Protvino 142280
Acceptance, Omsk 121 644121
Acceptance, 652718 652718
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Novodugino 215240
Import of international mail, Omsk 109 644109
Acceptance, 690012 690012
Acceptance, Michurinsk 4 393764
Acceptance, Voronezh 5 394005
Reception, Moskva 572 127572
Import of international mail, Korolev 5 141075
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 338 129338
Acceptance, Novocherkassk 6 346406
Acceptance, 662710 662710
Import of international mail, Tula 12 300012
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Lezhnevo 155120
Reception, 109507 109507
Получено адресатом
Успешно вручено
Прибыло в место вручения
Неудачная попытка вручения
Покинуло сортировочный центр
Покинуло место международного обмена
Передано в доставку по России
Покинуло транзитный пункт международного обмена
Прием на таможню
Прошло регистрацию
Передано в таможню
Импорт международной почты
Прибыло в пункт обмена
Прибыло на территорию России
Прибыло в сортировочный центр
Прибыло в место международного обмена
Отправлено в страну назначения
Ожидает отправки из Китая
Экспорт международной почты
Отправление упаковано
Экспорт. Проверка содержимого на безопасность
Экспорт. Проверка на таможне
Отправление принято
Принято в отделении связи
Электронная регистрация отправления
Передано авиакомпании
Принято перевозчиком
Ожидание получения посылки от отправителя
Вручено адресату
Прибыла в Россию
Принято к перевозке
Processed Through Facility. Your item has been processed through our facility in ISC NEW YORK NY(USPS) at 6:07 pm on August 15, 2017.
Arrive at processing center, from China 广州
Sent from Guangzhou,China to New York, John F. Kennedy International Airport
Sent from Guangzhou,China to 广州速递公司
Accepted at the post office
Has been closed
Received by line-haul
Outbound in sorting center
Inbound in sorting center
Accepted by carrier
Electronic information has been received
Shipment confirmation
Departure from airport to destination country
Left for destination country,next stop, 厦门中心
Has been received
Shipment cancelled
Waiting for pick up
Shipment operation completed at facility Erlianhaote
Shipment arrived at facility Shenzhen
Shipment information received
Прием отправления для отправки
Попытка вручения
Выпущено таможенной службой
Направлено в таможню
Прибыло в сортировочный центр из Китаяанчжоу
Отправлено из Гуанчжоу в Сан-Паулу, Бразилия
Arrive at local delivery office
Прибыло в страну назначения
Прибыло в сортировочный центр из Шэньчжэнь, Китай
Отправлено из Шэньчжэнь в Москву
Отправлено из Шэньчжэнь в Гонконгское отделение Экспресс Почты Shenzhen Post Express
Выпущено с таможни
Прибыло в сортировочный центр из Китаяэнчжоу
Отправлено из Чжэнчжоу в Москву
Airline departed from original country
Отправлено в страну назначения,следующий пункт 武汉中心
Has been opened
Unsuccessful delivery
Delivery attempt failed
Arrive at destination country
Hand over to airline
Left for destination country
Forwarded. de Unidade de Logistica Integrada em CURITIBA / PR para Unidade Operacional em Liberado sem imposto. Entrega em 40 dias / BR
Forwarded,de Unidade de Logística Integrada em CURITIBA / PR para Unidade Operacional em Liberado sem imposto. Entrega em 40 dias / BR
Received by the Brazil Post. Object subject to inspection and delay on delivery
Arrived at Exchange Office
Received by the Brazil Post,Object subject to inspection and delay on delivery
Forwarded. de Pais em CHINA / CN para Pacs em BRASIL / BR
Forwarded,de País em CHINA / CN para País em BRASIL / BR
Has been sealed
Delivery status not updated. The delivery status for this item has not been updated as of August 28, 2017, 11:24 pm.
Out for Delivery
Departed USPS Regional Facility
Arrived at USPS Regional Destination Facility
Arrive at delivery office
In Transit to Destination
Arrived at USPS Regional Facility
Экспорт из страны отправления
Отправлено в страну назначения,следующий пункт 东莞中心
Открыто для досмотра
Delivered, In/At Mailbox. Your item was delivered in or at the mailbox at 11:21 am on September 13, 2017 in LAS VEGAS, NV 89110.
Arrival at Delivery Office
Arrival at Sorting Center
The item number RF854908793CN is being collected, on 08.09.2017 10:20, the post code 21502700.
Отправка міжнародного відправлення з вихідної установи обміну
Прибыло в сортировочный центр из Сучжоу
Отправлено из Сучжоу в Москву
Отправлено из Уси в Сучжоу
Delivered, In/At Mailbox. Your item was delivered in or at the mailbox at 3:14 pm on September 14, 2017 in HENDERSONVILLE, NC 28792.
Departed USPS Regional Destination Facility
Dispatched from Sorting Center
Despatch from Sorting Center
Delivered, Front Desk/Reception. Your item was delivered to the front desk or reception area at 4:35 pm on August 28, 2017 in HENDERSONVILLE, NC 28792.
Arrived at Hub
Arrive at processing center, from China Changsha
已Sent from Changsha,to New York, John F. Kennedy International Airport
Delivered, Front Desk/Reception. Your item was delivered to the front desk or reception area at 3:53 pm on August 23, 2017 in HENDERSONVILLE, NC 28792.
Arrive at processing center, from Shanghai
Sent from Shanghai to New York, John F. Kennedy International Airport
Sent from Hefei to Shanghai
Sent from Chuzhou to Hefei
到达 Chuzhou 处理中心
Delivered, Front Desk/Reception. Your item was delivered to the front desk or reception area at 12:42 pm on August 26, 2017 in HENDERSONVILLE, NC 28792.
Arrive at processing center, from China Suzhou
Sent from Suzhou to New York, John F. Kennedy International Airport
Sent from Changzhou to Suzhou
Arrive at processing center, from China Hangzhou
Sent from Hangzhou to New York, John F. Kennedy International Airport
到达 Jinhua金东转运中心 处理中心
Delivered, In/At Mailbox. Your item was delivered in or at the mailbox at 2:28 pm on August 28, 2017 in KISSIMMEE, FL 34746.
Successfully delivered
Delivery in progress
Item delivered
Arrived from overseas (Country code:CN), in transit to next processing centre for delivery
Ожидает адресата в месте вручения
Отправление принято/Collection
Waiting for pickup
Delivery Delivery to the addressee
Processing Прибыло в место вручения
Left [Haerbin Airport Terminal] sent to airport
Arrive [Haerbin Airport Terminal]
Haerbin International, Export seal
Haerbin International, Export open
Отправление прибыло в транзитный центр
На пути в Харбин
China Post, Получена электронная информация
Отправление покинуло транзитный центр
Отправление зарегистрировано в транзитном центре
Получена информация об отправлении
Item being handed over to the local courier, tracking ended.
Mutual development
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG04200689
Item in transit
Delivered, In/At Mailbox. Your item was delivered in or at the mailbox at 1:26 pm on September 5, 2017 in WEST LONG BRANCH, NJ 07764.
已Sent from 赣州中心局,to 赣州市
到达 赣州市 处理中心
Sent from 赣州市 to Guangzhou,China
Delivered, Front Desk/Reception. Your item was delivered to the front desk or reception area at 2:54 pm on August 30, 2017 in HENDERSONVILLE, NC 28792.
Arrive at processing center, from China Zhengzhou
Sent from Zhengzhou to Chicago
Arrive at processing center, from China CNNGBD
到达 宁波市 处理中心
Arrive at processing center, from Beijing, China
Sent from Beijing, China to New York, John F. Kennedy International Airport
Delivered, Front Desk/Reception. Your item was delivered to the front desk or reception area at 3:10 pm on August 25, 2017 in HENDERSONVILLE, NC 28792.
Sent from Zhengzhou to San Francisco
Sent from Wenzhou to Chicago
Delivered, Front Desk/Reception. Your item was delivered to the front desk or reception area at 3:57 pm on August 29, 2017 in HENDERSONVILLE, NC 28792.
Delivered, Front Desk/Reception. Your item was delivered to the front desk or reception area at 4:54 pm on September 5, 2017 in HENDERSONVILLE, NC 28792.
Delivered, Front Desk/Reception. Your item was delivered to the front desk or reception area at 3:30 pm on September 1, 2017 in LILLINGTON, NC 27546.
Arrive at processing center, from China 厦门
Delivered, Front Desk/Reception. Your item was delivered to the front desk or reception area at 3:03 pm on August 31, 2017 in HENDERSONVILLE, NC 28792.
Sent from Suzhou to Shanghai
已Sent from Suzhou,to New York, John F. Kennedy International Airport
Delivered, PO Box. Your item has been delivered and is available at a PO Box at 12:50 pm on September 6, 2017 in GLEN ROSE, TX 76043.
已Sent from Changsha,to Changsha International转运中心
Delivered, Front Desk/Reception. Your item was delivered to the front desk or reception area at 3:20 pm on September 8, 2017 in HENDERSONVILLE, NC 28792.
Arrived at destination country. Flight No.: RU120
Departure from Airport to destination country. Flight No.: RU120
Departed from customs of original country
Departed from Carrier
Departed from the first mile sorting center
Arrived at the first mile sorting center
Wishpost order generated
Экспорт из страны отправления,计划航班号OZ350-OZ793,计划起飞时间14:50
Отправлено в страну назначения中国邮政集团公司南京市邮政函件局
Arrived at Russian for last mile delivery
Depart from China
Передано почтальону
Processing,Forwarded to the postman
Released from Customs
Прием отправления от отправителя
Отправлено в страну назначения,следующий пункт 南阳中心
Arrived at Russian Fesderation for last mile delivery
Отправка отменена
Send item to domestic location (Inb),Air,3_MISHREF
Receive item at office of exchange (Inb),Air,KUWAIT MAIL SORTING CENTER
Leaving center, next station center
Center customs scan
Center received
Отправлено в страну назначения,следующий пункт 重庆中心
Arrived at the local distribution center
Processing,Arrival at inward office of exchange
Departed from local distribution center
Processing,Departure from inward office of exchange
Forwarded for delivery within Russian Federation
Processing,Departure from transit office of exchange
Left the place of international exchange
Released from RF customs
Handed over to the customs
Customs clearance,Released by custom house
Handed over to customs
Arrived to Russian Federation
Processing,Arrived at the territory of Russian Federation
Awaiting release from China
Arrived at the Post office
Прибыло в сортировочный центр из Китаяньчжоу
Отправлено из Вэньчжоу в Москву
Отправлено из Вэньчжоу速递 в 温州国际邮件, Пункт Обмена
Прибыло в Вэньчжоу Сортировочный центр
Attempted delivery
Ready for pickup at delivery place
Processing,Arrival at delivery office
Left for destination country,next stop, Shenzhen Center
Отправлено из Гуанчжоу в Москву
Прибыло в Фошань Сортировочный центр
Left for destination country北京航站交航
Left for destination country,next stop, 青岛西站
Отправлено в страну назначения,следующий пункт 金东中心
Arrive at the sorting center
Delivered, Left with Individual. Your item was delivered to an individual at the address at 11:51 am on September 23, 2017 in GLASTONBURY, CT 06033.
Отправление передано почтовой службе в стране назначения, завершение трекинга
Обмен завершен Номер рейса: OZ994-OZ773
Покинуло сортировочный центр. Номер мешка: PKG03740349
Транзит в следующий пункт
The consignment was delivered.
The consignment is being prepared for delivery.
The consignment entered the logistics hub.
Departure from inward OE.
Consignment posting number (reference code) assigned in the Czech Republic: BA972252635VV.
The consignment was accepted by post office of exchange.
The consignment was posted.
Отправлено из исходящего учреждения обмена
Sent from the outward office of exchange
Принято почтовое отправление для отправки
Отправление принято к пересылке
Left for destination country广州航站交航
Left for destination country,next stop, Guangzhou Processing Center
Left for destination country,next stop, 东莞中心
Item delivered to: L LINDY MCKENZIE
Other. 00002
At Office. First Notification to recipient
At Office,First Notification to recipient
In transit
Incomming International
Отправлено в страну назначения,следующий пункт 宁波中心
Departed USPS Regional Facility. Your item departed our USPS facility in CHICAGO IL NETWORK DISTRIBUTION CENTER on October 9, 2017 at 5:57 pm. The item is currently in transit to the destination.
Processed Through Facility. We have received notice that the originating post is preparing to dispatch this mail piece.
Arrived at USPS Regional Facility. Your item arrived at our USPS facility in ELK GROVE VILLAGE IL DISTRIBUTION CENTER on October 10, 2017 at 2:07 am. The item is currently in transit to the destination.
Processed Through Facility. Your item has been processed through our facility in ISC CHICAGO IL (USPS) at 2:47 pm on October 9, 2017.
Отправлено в страну назначения,следующий пункт 南京国际
Processed Through Facility. Your item has been processed through a facility in HANGZHOU EMS, CHINA at 4:12 pm on October 2, 2017.
Sent from Hangzhou to Chicago
In consegna
In lavorazione presso il Centro Operativo Postale
In lavorazione presso il Centro Scambi Internazionale
Transfer to customs
Partito dal Centro Scambi Internazionale
Presa in carico all’estero
Shipment Depart From Hub Scan.
Shipment Ready For Transit.
Shipment Picked Up By Courier
The electrolic infomation has been received .
Segnalati problemi nella lavorazione
Отправлено в страну назначения北京航站交航
Отправлено в страну назначения,следующий пункт 北京望京
Sent from Guangzhou, China to 广州速递公司
Sent from Guangzhou, China to Chicago
Order information received by carrier
Item dispatched.
Departed USPS Regional Facility. Your item departed our USPS facility in CHICAGO IL NETWORK DISTRIBUTION CENTER on October 10, 2017 at 3:50 am. The item is currently in transit to the destination.
Arrived at 处理中心,来自 CNCNNGBD
Sent from Ningbo, Zhejiang to Chicago
Arrived at Ningbo, Zhejiang 处理中心
Import clearance success
Delivered, Front Door/Porch. Your item was delivered at the front door or porch at 1:11 pm on September 30, 2017 in GLASTONBURY, CT 06033.
Arrived at 投递局
Arrived at 处理中心,来自China Nanjing
Sent from Nanjing to Chicago
Arrived at Nanjing邮区中心局邮件处理中心处理中心
Sent from Yangzhou, Jiangsu to Nanjing
Arrived at 扬州转运中心 处理中心
International item has left originating country and is en route to Canada
International item mailed in originating country
International item has left originating country and is en route to Canada
International item mailed in originating country
Item processed
Item has been presented to Canada Border Services Agency for customs review.
Item has arrived in Canada and was sent for further processing.
Arrived at 处理中心,来自China
Hand over to customs
Sent from Guangzhou, China to 多伦多市
Прибыло в сортировочный центр из Китаякина
Отправлено из Пекина в Москву
Принято, Vsevolozhsk 5 188645
Покинуло сортировочный центр. Номер мешка: PKG04281231
Left the warehouse
Arrived at the warehouse
Отправлено в страну назначения,следующий пункт Сортировочный центр в Сямынь
Отправлено в страну назначения,следующий пункт 速递国际
Покинуло сортировочный центр. Номер мешка: PKG04315182
Покинуло сортировочный центр. Номер мешка: PKG04311895
Отправлено из России
Прибыло на границу России
Прибыло в транзитный пункт международного обмена
Покинуло место возврата/досылки
Срок хранения истек. Выслано обратно отправителю
Processing,Departed from the place of return or redelivery
Return,Storage life is expired
Отправлено в страну назначения广州航站交航
Отправлено в страну назначения,следующий пункт Сортировочный центр в Гуанчжоу
Отправлено в страну назначения上海浦东交航
Отправлено в страну назначения,следующий пункт 深圳中心
Отправлено в страну назначения,следующий пункт 苏州中心
Left for destination country,next stop, 无锡中心
Отправлено в страну назначения,следующий пункт 杭州中心
Прибыло в сортировочный центр из Шанхай
Отправлено из Шанхай в Аэропорт Шанхая, Терминал Пудун
Отправлено из Шанхай в Москву
The shipment has been sent from origin country.
The shipment has been collected.
The shipment has arrived at Extra Porsgrunn. Last day for retrieval: 23.10.2017
The shipment has arrived at Extra Porsgrunn. Last day for retrieval: 23.10.2017
Send item abroad (EDI-received)
The item was forwarded to the destination country (Otb)
Torba Kapandı
Yurtdışı Kabul Geliş Kaydı Yapıldı
Прибыло в Сучжоу, Транзитный центр Сортировочный центр
Отправлено из Наньтун, Транзитный центр ,в Сучжоу转运中心
Отправлено из Наньтун, Транзитный центр ,в 南通市
Прибыло в Наньтун Сортировочный центр
Left for destination country,next stop, 南海
Sent from Shanghai to 墨尔本
Sent from Shanghai to Shanghai Pudong Terminal
Sent from Shanghai邮政速递物流 to 上海沪太路汽车转运站
Прибыло в Уси长三角 cортировочный центр
Left for destination country上海浦东交航
Left for destination country,next stop, 义乌
Отправка отправления
Прием отправления у отправителя
Отправление получено от отправителя
Отправление упаковано в мешок для перевозки
Результат таможенного контроля: выпуск разрешен
Таможенный сбор: 0.000 Таможенная пошлина: 0.000 Наложенный платеж: 0.000 Почтовый сбор: 0.000 За уточнение данных: 0.000
Принято для таможенного контроля
Получение отправления в учреждении обмена
Прохождение по таможенной зоне
Отправка отправления в местное учреждение
Передано из (200400) в (211400) Полоцк РУПС
Поступило в участок обработки почты (211400) Полоцк РУПС
Прибыло в сортировочный центр из Китая
Delivered, Front Door/Porch. Your item was delivered at the front door or porch at 11:53 am on July 29, 2017 in SAINT PETERSBURG, FL 33711.
Arrived at 处理中心,来自China Suzhou
已Sent from Suzhou,to 迈阿密